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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 828

Sienna's hands trembled and tears welled up in her eyes. With a shaky voice, she asked, "A-Am I really pregnant? What if this test strip is wrong?"

Camille nodded and said, "It's unlikely to be wrong, but there's still a chance. If you're unsure, a blood test at the hospital can confirm it."

With a smile, Gloria suggested, "Ma'am, I can go with you."

"No, I'll go alone," Sienna replied. She clutched the test strip, her emotions in turmoil. She lowered her voice and added, "Let's not tell my husband just yet."


After breakfast, Sienna caught a taxi alone to the hospital for urine and blood tests. The results confirmed she was four weeks pregnant.

A wave of excitement surged through her. She couldn't wait to share the joyous news with Daniel.

But her enthusiasm dimmed as she recalled Daniel's hesitations about starting a family so soon. He hadn't seemed eager about the idea of having a baby.

Sienna left the hospital and waited by the roadside for a taxi. Gazing at her medical report, she felt a mix of happiness and concern swirling within her.

Suddenly, a sleek luxury car pulled up before her. She stepped back as several men in sharp suits emerged. Their stern, intimidating expressions made them seem like predators closing in.

In a panic, Sienna quickly pulled out her phone. She pressed and held the volume button on it.

Before long, one of the men pulled out a handkerchief. Fear spiked through Sienna as she pleaded, "Please, there's no need to knock me out. I'll come quietly."

The man poised to knock her out was visibly surprised. He stood stunned.

Despite her panic, Sienna maintained a composed façade and walked toward the luxury car, sliding into the backseat.

The men exchanged quick glances before following her inside.

Once seated, Sienna set her bag down and asked cautiously, "Who are you? Where are you taking me?"

The men remained silent. One of them produced a black cloth, blindfolded Sienna, and warned, "Stay quiet."

Sienna hummed and nodded in acknowledgment.


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