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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 982

Imogen and her parents exchanged glances before their faces lit up with genuine smiles of appreciation.

"Thank you. I absolutely love it," Carol said sincerely.

"We're a bit worried about the cost. You really didn't need to," Gregory added, acknowledging Jasper's generosity.

"I'm genuinely thrilled with mine as well," Imogen chimed in with a gentle smile, seeking to reassure Jasper.

After all, everyone understood his family's financial hardships. With his father battling cancer and his mother's passing, making a living in Phoenicia was a challenge.

Imogen couldn't shake the memory of how Jasper had emptied his wallet and given her all the cash he had during their last encounter. Even if his gifts turned out to be counterfeit, they still represented his sincere sentiments.

Handing her ruby jewelry to Carol, Imogen suggested, "You two go ahead and catch up. I'll prepare dinner."

Jasper quickly stood up, eager to offer his help. However, his words got stuck in his throat, rendering him momentarily speechless.

After all, he was clueless about cooking. He knew he'd be completely out of place as soon as he entered the kitchen.

Carol swiftly grasped Jasper's arm, insisting that he remain seated. "Ash, you stay here and talk with Dad. Imogen and I will take care of the cooking."

Feeling embarrassed, Jasper complied and returned to his seat, pouring Gregory more coffee and striking up a conversation with him.

Gregory proceeded to barrage Jasper with a series of inquiries about his job at the car dealership, delving into details such as income, working hours, and future aspirations.

Fortunately, Jasper had prepared himself well and adeptly handled every question thrown his way. Despite this, a pang of guilt accompanied his responses.

Internally, he wrestled with the truth that he had assumed another man's identity and misled Imogen into marrying him. He felt the weight of his wrongdoing.

Had he not committed this deception, perhaps the real Asher would be the one sitting there, sipping coffee with Gregory. Imogen's husband would be a different man altogether.

After chatting for a while, Gregory once again observed Jasper closely before commenting, "Ash, have you ever considered how peculiar fate can be?"

"What do you mean?"

"You truly do bear a remarkable resemblance to a young general from our country in his prime—tall, remarkably handsome, and with a noble and righteous demeanor. Your mannerisms especially are uncanny," Gregory mused.

Jasper offered Gregory a sheepish smile. "With billions of people worldwide, it's not uncommon to encounter doppelgängers."


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