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The Young Luna novel Chapter 47


Chapter 47



Seth smiled, a twist and mischievous smile of a man with a plan. He glanced over at me once more and our eyes met. Before Seth looked back at his brother – almost identical in looks – barely two years younger than him. The man he had just announced would die.

Dale was silent for a few seconds before he smiled back at his brother. "I know you better than most, Seth, and I know that you are not going to kill me".

"I don't think I ever said I was going to kill you, brother" Seth replied, "I simply said that for me to take over the Pack that Dale Zev needed to die".

Suddenly, Sofia was next to me – her hands under her pregnant stomach as she breathed out heavily from where she'd obviously run all the way to us, after hearing about the confrontation.

"Easy" I said, putting my hand on her arm to steady her. She was blowing out hard and in her condition, that was not a good thing. A few people glance in our direction – at their previous Luna and their current Luna – before their attention was pulled away from us and back towards the Alpha brothers.

"So, what? You're going to have someone else kill me?" Dale demanded.

"You really think that I would do that? That is a weak man's move".

"But you're saying that I have to die yet--"

"Oh for god's sake" I yelled, interrupting the bickering brothers. Everyone turned to me. "Dammit Dale, he's not going to kill you. You just need to disappear so that everyone can think that you're dead. We had fake ID's made for you and Sofia. The name Dale Zev needs to die but you don't".

There was a moment of stunned silence over the Pack, before Seth frowned at me. "I was getting to that".

"Yeah in the most over dramatic way possible" I rolled my eyes at him. Seth sighed heavily before turning to his brother.

"We have our problems, Dale, but you know that I would never hurt you. And I would never leave your child fatherless". Seth looked at his brother for a few seconds before turning to address the Pack. "You all must understand. The Council will not allow for me to become Alpha once more when Dale is alive. And they will not take my word about my brother's death".

"You needed witnesses" Dale realised, nodding softly in understanding.

"Correct" Seth confirmed. "I need to return as the Alpha of the Equniox Pack because this is my home and you all are my family. Yesterday I took control of the Black Bloods Pack and today I return to take control of my Pack. But, I cannot do that with my brother alive but I will not allow for my brother to die".

"He's not going to kill him, right?" Sofia whimpered, gripping onto my hand as her eyes water.

"No, of course not" I replied, "he's just being dramatic as always".

"So, I need the help of my Pack" Seth said, speaking to the people he used to rule. "I need all of you to say that you witnessed the death of Dale Zev". His blue eyes assessed the Pack members before his eyes set on mine – knowing that I needed to set the tone.

"I witnessed it" I announced loudly, making Sofia jump next to me from the volume and suddenness of my voice. My words rang through the air, cutting the tension like a sharp bladed knife. There was a moment before another 'I witnessed it' rang from the crowd, then another and another and another...until the entire Pack swore that they had witnessed Seth kill his brother.

It all seemed to go quickly after that. Seth was made Alpha once more – and Dale didn't even contest – before he swept us back into the Alpha house. Our house. Sofia and Dale sat on one of the couches, their hands joined tightly, as Seth sat on the single seat and I perched on the arm.



"So where are we going to go?" Dale asked, frowning deeply.

"Black Bloods. With the new Yellowstone Wolves joining, the Pack won't notice when I slip you onto that list. We'll claim that after your death, Sofia moved to Black Bloods and then you two can go from there".

"So you'll put me down as a Yellowstone Wolf?"

"Yemi Holbach to be exact" I replied, throwing the rucksack to my brother-in-law. Dale opened the bag and pulled out a fake passport and driving license for Yemi Holbach but with his picture. Yemi – the Yellowstone Wolf who had attacked me all though months ago – had wanted to stay in Yellowstone, like we expected, so it didn't take much to swap Dale in as him.

Chapter 47 1

Chapter 47 2


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