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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 132


Chapter 132: Always A Choice

* .069% 11:30 

I stood before my brother, feeling the weight of my guilt crushing me. Every fibre of my being screamed at me to come clean, to spill the truth that had been gnawing at my soul since the demonic freak had appeared today. But fear had been holding me 


Fear of losing Kane, fear of Lottie’s rejection, fear of what they might do if they learned the truth

Memories flooded my mind, memories of that catastrophic encounter with the Demon. I remembered the way he toyed with my mind, the way he whispered promises of relief from the misery that consumed me. Misery, I now know he had put me through.

remember the deal he offered, the sinister bargain that hung in the air, like a dark cloud

You don’t have to suffer, Knox,Astaroth had whispered, his 

voice like silk and smoke. I can make it all go away. But you have to give me something in return.And in that moment, I would have given him anything he wanted to end my suffering and the inner torment that was consuming me from having killed my father. Or at least thinking I had





A Choice

I hesitated, even while my heart pounded in my chest. I searched his eyes for any hint of deceit, but all I saw was hunger, a hunger that seemed to devour everything in its path. I should have listened to my instincts and ripped him limb from limb there and then, instead of letting him get the better of me

What do you want?I asked in a moment of weakness, my voice barely a whisper

Something small! You will barely notice it’s gone.Astaroth smiled, a smile that sent shivers down my spine. But something small; that I would hardly miss, seemed like a risk worth taking if it eased my pain

Shaking my head to rid myself of the memories that plagued me, I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and met Kane’s hard gaze, seeing the anger swirling just behind his eyes my heart sank

Knox, what’s wrong?His voice cut through the silence, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow and the worry lines etched upon his face, but, the sharpness of his tone was not lost on me. I swallowed hard, trying to find the words to convey the turmoil that churned within me

II made a deal,I confessed, the admission tasting bitter on my tongue. His eyes widened in disbelief

What kind of deal?My brother’s expression darkened with 




Emergency calls only 

Chapter 132: Always A Choice

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Not the good kind.I sighed, as the memories flooded back to me, vivid and haunting. I watched myself in my mind’s eye as I nodded slowly at Astaroth in the great hall, just as Kane and Lottie entered. Agreeing with his deal. Pursing my lips tightly, I braced myself before telling my brother the truth

He told mehe would ease my pain.I whispered nervously

Why? What was in it for him!” Kane snapped furiously, and I understood where his brain was going. Demons never did anything without an ulterior motive

I don’t know, he just said it was small.I started to say, Kane interrupted me


What was small?He fumed, although I knew he was trying to hide his rage from me. Dropping my eyes from Kanes stern features, I sighed heavily

I thought I had killed Pops. I believed I had destroyed everything. The demon was inside my head, playing tricks with my mind. I thought this was all my fault. The pain was allconsuming.I whispered, but given how my father approached me, his hand resting on my shoulder, he had heard the pain that had attached itself to every syllable

It’s ok son.his voice rang through the room, and I knew if I looked up I would see understanding in his eyes, and maybe in Liam and Adams. But not Kanes



Emergency calls only 

Chapter 132: Always A Choice

* 069% 11:30 

Something Small? Small like Charlotte? Our mate! Or..the sound of crashing wood grabbed my attention. My eyes lifted to see Kane smashing the only remaining chair in the room against a wall. Like our fucking pups Knox!He seethed his footsteps hard on the floor as he rushed at me, his hands landing on my chest and shoving me backwards

Pups?I heard Sebastian ask from behind me

Yes, pups. Lottie is pregnant. Get with the program, your lordship!I roared, turning to glare at Sebestian, my arms in the air in frustration. Sebestrains jaw locked, but he said nothing, his eyes simply shifting to Adam’s curiosity clear on his face

Knox?Kane barked, stepping into me to get my attention and force me to look at him and give him the answers he needed, something I wasn’t ready to do yet because I wasn’t sure what to say- Nothing seemed to cover the guilt that was eating at me

I don’t know, Kane. He was vague.” 

You would know all about that!Kane snapped in reply. my lips tightening to fight back the sarcastic remark brewing on my lips, 


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