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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Rememberable Homecoming 

Perhaps I was being rather cruel; some would say I had set Conny up simply to watch her fall. But if the shoe was on the other foot and Conny had the power to do this to Charlotte, I had no doubt she would have enjoyed watching her take the bait only to humiliate her. So, I had absolutely no issue with teaching Conny here

lesson or two

So what will my reward be?She whispered breathlessly. I grinned sadistically, my free hand lifting with lightning speed to wrap in her long chestnut hair, yanking it back over the edge of her chair, seeing the muscles in her n*eck strain from the forcé I had used. I leaned forward so my breath ran hot along her n*eck and up to 



Not so rough!She wailed, her fake nails digging into my flesh, the pain only making me want to hurt her more

I will reward you by not cutting your spiteful tongue from your mouth and sparing your worthless tife!I explained through mindlink, a grin popping up on my l*ps as her eyes darted to the side to look at me. Those at our table looked over curiously at the interaction between us. Leaning down, I hovered my l*ps close to hers, hoping to pass this little display off as a lover’s tiff

I ever hear Charlotte’s name has been on your tongue again, though, make no 


14:06 Wed, 13 Mar 

Chapter 17: Rememberable Homecoming 


mistake, I will be pulling it out of your whore mouth and ramming it up your cunt! Am I clear?I continued privately through our link. Her head bobbed aggressively as the stench of fear oozed off her and satisfied me a little, but I would be damned if I didn’t drive my point home

Charlotte will be Luna to this pack one dayI continued to say with a grin that let her know I gave no fucks what she thought of that. So I suggest you start treating her with the respect she deserves…” 

But..She spluttered aloud; it seemed the pain shooting through her n*eck left her unable to differentiate between what was in her head and what was not

If you can’t do that, you will need to find a new pack!I demanded through mind link, not wanting others to hear. Her eyes widened in shock, but she nodded, regret and hatred washing over her features, reminding me that she was as ugly on 

the outside as she was on the inside

Leave!” I spat, loosening my grip on her hair and kicking her chair out for her. I didn’t wait for her to leave before giving her my back, unable to look at her for

moment longer

My eyes settled on my brother’s approving gaze; his l*ps curled as he nursed at glass of champagne, apparently giving the tequila a rest for a moment. Charlotte was distracted, chatting to Lilly, who was making the rounds. I heard the familiar tapping of Conny’s heels and knew she was scurrying off like the rat she was



14:06 Wed, 13 Mar 

Chapter 17: Rememberable Homecoming 


Bye, Conny, lovely to see you again!Knox mocked with a wave and smug look. Well, that’s not very ladylike, is it!He added after a second, blowing her a k*ss. Despite my better judgement, I turned just in time to see her fl*p Knox off. Arching a brow at her in a warning

F*** what did you say to her! I can smell her fear from here!A laugh escaped my brother’s l*ps as we watched terror spread across her face before she turned and stormed from the hall

Pour me one!I muttered to Knox as I turned back around and tapped the rim of a shot glass. A smile split his face as he nodded to the table where he was already pushing a shot glass in front of me

I trust Conny knows her place!Knox asked with a smirk as he held his glass up in a toast. Clinking it, I nodded

She does!I stated calmly, She won’t be any more trouble!I confirmed 

draining the foultasting liquid

Good! Because I am not above killing a woman!Knox grunted as he turned to check on Charlotte, my jaw tightening. Seeing how his face softened the second his eyes found her, his whole aura changed, and he seemed almost.. content merely to be in her presence

She is hardly a woman!I laughed as my eyes found Charlotte; she was glancing at us as she chatted with Lilly. She was beautiful, graceful and demure in 



Chapter 17: Rememberable Homecoming 

public, and how she held herself as she mingled with my father’s friends made my heart swell with pride; she was just what I wanted. A queen in the streets but my whore in the sheets! My mind was made up; she was not to marry, she was not to leave the pack like Lilly or worse, be tied to a cheating ponce; she was to be my Queen, my Luna, my mate! I might not be able to sense Rollo, my wolf, but I knew there was something here between us

What happened with Conny?Lilly asked as she and Charlotte came to the 


Sit!I commanded, patting the seat between Knox and I for Charlotte to sit. I watched her roll her eyes and head over, no questions askedjust doing as she was told! As agreed! A smirk toyed at my l*ps, seeing her wince as her ass touched the chair; the way her cheeks flushed had my cock twitching, letting me know that she was still sore

Lilly plonked herself down on Knox’s lap as he readjusted her hair in the tender way he usually pandered to her. 

She was rude!He explained as he tucked a stray her back in place for Lilly. So Kane put her in her place.He shrugged

Why was she rude?Lilly asked, narrowing her eyes on me, those blue hues demanding information she would not be getting from me. An awkward silence passed between us, neither of us willing to back down



Wed, 13 Mar 

er 17: Rememberable Homecoming 

B 15

When isn’t she rude?Knox laughed only to be rewarded by an elbow to the from Lilly

She is my friend!” 


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