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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28: My Brothers


Lottie POV 

KNOX TOO!” Connie gibed, rolling her eyes at me. Damn, here I was thinking you were a prude, but actually, here you were, allowing the twins to spiteroast you!She laughed, a blush spreading across my cheeks as memories of the three of us danced through my mind, reminding me of how right she actually was

Wow, people are not what they seem!She laughed, crossing her arms over her chest, her boobs spilling over the top of her dress, but it was the jealousy clear on her face stealing the attention. A part of me felt bad for her; she had always wanted Kane or Knox for herself; everyone knew that! Yet another part of me wanted to scratch her eyes out simply because she had touched what was mine

Mine!Sage mimicked my word, and I felt her ruffle her fur at the word, a sense of satisfaction washing over her

I like the way that sounds.She purred like a pleased kitten, making me snort. I hadn’t had time to think about what that meant for me. Did I want the twins? Was 

the S*x good? F*** yes! Did they make me feel invincible? Also yes! But I mean, they made my life tough for so many years before they left, and now they are back; things weren’t exactly any easier

She will come round.. Eventually. She loves you!Sage offered. Looking over at Lilly, I sighed; she had been silent since Kane had left, and I knew her well enough to know she had plenty she wanted to say

Lill’s.I whispered, chewing my l*p as I stepped closer, but she stepped away and closer to Connie while shaking her head slowly

You were my best friend.She uttered, shaking her head, too. And they are my brothers.” 

I am STILL your best friend!I swallowed the lump in my throat, picking up on the tension between us before Lilly screamed at me



14:11 Wed, 13 Mar Li 

Chapter 28: My Brothers


You were saying!I snapped at Sage, who laughed at Lilly’s dramatics


I said eventually!She reminded me. Grumbling at her, I shut my unhelpful wolf from my head

You don’t fuck your best friends, brothersChar!Connie grinned at me like she was the damn virgin Mary. All innocence and fake concern. F*** how did I ever think she was a nice person

Pot, kettle, black! Don’t you think, Connie?I growled, narrowing my eyes on the darkhaired girl who seemed to be taking too much pleasure from my pain. How many times have you thrown yourself at them? Or anyone, for that matter?I yapped, regretting the bitterness in my tone the second the words left my l*ps. Knowing I was giving Connie the ammo she needed

She is NOT my best friend though, CharLilly sighed, pulling her hair to her side to fiddle with it, a sign she was upset

HeyConnie whined pathetically, Lilly and I both rolling our eyes at the same time. She was always so f**king needy, which I imagine was half the reason the boys got bored of her

What, Connie? You ain’t! Char has always been my best friendThe one I trusted the most! The one I could tell anything to! Because she would keep my 


Because she had plenty of experience in keeping secrets!Connie snarled, crossing her arms to hide the hurt that was rippling through her

What is that meant to mean?I snapped, throwing my dress on one of the chairs in frustration; this was clearly nowhere near over. Connie evidently had stuff she needed to get off her chest

From what I hear, Kane and you hooked up in the kitchen after Lilly’s vows.Conner grinned, her eyes shining with triumph; I knew she was daring me to deny it and dig my own grave. Pursing my l*ps, I fiddled with the strings on Knox’s hoody


Chapter 28: My Brothers

Instantly, I found myself wishing he was here with me, that they both were

We didn’t hook up!I shrugged, knowing I wasn’t lying; we didn’t k*ss, and I didn’t let him fuck me.. at least not till later. He was just. I don’t know what he was doingtrying to prove a point, I guess. A point Lily did not need to hear about

Kane told me three days ago at Lilly’s ceremony that you were his mate! So you have known for days. Why haven’t you told Lilly before?Connie asked smugly

She is a b*tch!Sage laughed! She is sooo jealous!” 

If Lilly meant that much to you, you would have told her..Connie added with a smirk that left me under no illusion whatever friendship I thought we had- was over

Because..I started to say but fell silent; what could I say? Yeah, I let your brother spank me in the kitchen.. then spent the last three days in an orgasm fueled coma thanks to the twins? So I couldn’t tell you. I am sorry, bestie!” 

Yeah, something tells me that isn’t going to help!Sage laughed again

YOU THINK! Damn, you are on form today!I groaned at Sage, who chuckled before settling back down


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