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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43: She Isn’t Here


She isn’t here!I snarled, checking her ensuite for the third time. We had checked in here twice already, and the kitchen and the Luna suite. We had even triplechecked Lilly’s room, given that that was where she had run off to last time

There had been no trace of her; in here was the only room we could smell her in, making me think we had just missed her. Mom said when she had left her, she seemed fine, excited even. That Charlotte had been joking with my father, and she had no reason to think she was about to bolt

I don’t understand!I grunted, trying to sense her through our bond; I had even used the pack link to try and communicate with her, and so far. Nothing! No one had seen her either

Will you put your f**king phone down!I roared at Knox, wondering who he was texting! I had taken Charlotte’s phone the night of Lilly’s mating ceremony, and it still sat on my bedside table. I arrogantly thought she wouldn’t need it anymore

“I am checking the cameras.Knox barked, his eyes never leaving his screen. Sighing, I nodded, realising that was a smart move. Something I should have thought of. Coming to stand beside him, I watched our girl leave the room and head down the hallway to the stairs


Chapter 43: She Isn’t Here

She looks beautiful!Knox whispered needily


She is beautiful! The dress just shows that off!I corrected him as I watched her ass sway as she walked in her heels. I had plans to spank that ass till even the softest of fabrics made her wince. That should teach her to make me panic like this

We just need to find her first!I whispered to my stillmissing wolf. Watching the footage, I saw her leave the stairs onto the secondfloor level and frowned, unsure why she would be going there. I was about to ask when I felt her bond snap back into place. The only trace of it ever being gone was the anger I felt rippling through my b*dy

What the fuck!I gasped, Knox’s eyes meeting mine, both of us feeling the same emotions washing through the bond


Where are you!I snarled through the bond, unable to hide my anger. If she was hurt in any way, I would kill every member of this f**king pack just because I could

What’s wrong?She replied quickly, her voice shaky


Chapter 43: She Isn’t Here

Are you ok?I heard Knox ask cautiously


WHERE. ARE. YOU?I repeated myself, cutting Knox off. I could feel her through the bond; she was purposely being stubborn, holding back information. because she was scared. Knox pointed to the screen, and I watched her enter a room. A room I didn’t recognise as being allocated to anyone of importance

I will be back up in a minute. I am just sorting something.She snapped before. cutting the link off. My jaw clenched so hard I feared my teeth would shatter. This wasn’t how I wanted the start of our relationship to go! With her hiding things from us. I watched the camera footage beside Knox, whose b*dy shook with rampant jealousy. Something I rarely saw him show

A female dashed from the room, dressed for tonight’s ball, her dark hair framing a face that was covered by her hands. I didn’t recognise her, but it made no sense. why she would be leaving the room if Charlotte had just gone in. Knox forwarded the CCTV footage to now, and at no point did we see her leave that room. 

Fuck this!he snarled, pushing to his feet

Let’s go.I added. She had her chance to tell us what the hell was going on! She hadn’t! And neither had whoever was in that room when we asked if anyone had seen her. I don’t remember leaving the room, I don’t remember taking the stairs. or walking the corridor, but somehow, I stood in front of the door. My b*dy froze as the familiar scent washed over me. Her scent


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Chapter 43: She Isn’t Here

She is still in there!I nodded to Knox, who smirked at me slowly as he pulled his foot back and kicked the door. Wood splintered and flew across the room, knocking what looked like a TV from the wall

Honey, I’m home!He bellowed into the room

WHAT THE FUCK!A voice I knew all too well growled, stepping from the door I assumed was an ensuite

You best be f**king kidding me!I laughed, my feet frozen to the spot, seeing a seminaked Mike step out to greet us. The room stunk of arousal and cum. Someone had had sex in here.. and if it was the two of them, I knew there would be no controlling Knox. Stepping in front of my brother, feeling him vibrate with rage, I levelled my eyes on the smug bastard, waiting for some kind of explanation

You took your time!He laughed, nodding to the bathroom. She is in there!He winked. Not trusting myself to move in case Knox flew for him and made good. on his promise to disembowel Mike, I kept my eyes on the pair of them, at least until I was sure Charlotte was ok; I didn’t want her caught in the middle of Knox’s fury

Care to explain why she is in here at all?Knox asked. It’s something I would like to know too. Mike said nothing, his smile widening as he looked over at the bed suggestively

He is trying to bait you,Knox announced through mindlink


Chapter 43: She Isn’t Here

I can’t smell her arousal. If she had fucked him, like he is suggesting: we would smell it!He added, and I smirked over my shoulder at him, wondering when he had become the rational brother

Goddess, give me strength!I heard Charlotte grumble from the ensuite and knew that it was directed at Knox and I. A smile played on my lips, instantly hearing her sweet yet sassy voice. I am here!” 

With two large steps, I had her in my arms, looking into those sapphire eyes. that had me falling head over heels. Cupping her cheeks in my hands, I tilted her head, needing to feel the closeness of her lips, but she pulled away from me, hurt pulling at the corner of my eyes. Arching a brow, I looked over at Mike, hearing him chuckle


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