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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 5

Lottie POV

“Get your lazy ass up!” Lilly demanded, her shrill voice making me groan; flopping onto my stomach, I pulled her pillow over my head, hoping to silence her.

“No!” I grumbled, images of Knox and I last night still floating around my head, making my thighs ache, and p**sy clench deliciously. I could deny it as much as I like, but no male has ever had me feeling as alive as Knox! It pissed me off beyond belief that the male that had managed to ignite such a fire in my core was so bloody undesirable!

“Char! Come on!” Lilly groaned, pulling the sheet off me; the cold air assaulting my b*dy had my n*pples hardening further against the soft fabric of Lilly’s Pj’s. “It’s my big day! I need my best friend at my side!” She complained, but the edge to her tone told me she was not about to give up any time soon.

“Fine! I am up!” I grumbled, throwing the pillow in the direction Lilly’s voice came from while pulling myself up. Smelling strong coffee, I smiled sleepily over at Lilly, the last remnants of my dream and her s*xy brother slowly fading from my mind as I took the coffee she handed me.

“Are you ok? You’re very flush! You’re not getting sick, are you?” She puffed, taking a step back as if I had the plague.

“I dunno, sleeping with your best friend’s brother is kinda sick!” Sage grinned, teasing me.

“I didn’t sleep with Knox!” I huffed, sipping my coffee and ignoring my melodramatic best friend and pain-in-the-ass wolf.

“I can’t get sick today, Char!” Lilly moaned, watching me as she handed me a mirror to show me how red-faced I was, dropping it on the bed, not needing to look to know I was blushing.

“It’s just from a bad dream!” I assured her, hoping to drink the rest of my coffee in peace.

“Well, you aren’t lying! You were terribly… bad… in those dreams! Very bad indeed! I mean the way you spread your legs and let him nuzzle that handsome face between them!” Sage whispered seductively in my mind.

“Charlotte! Are you ok? You’re shaking?” Lilly inhaled, taking the coffee cup from my hands before I dropped it. Her hand pressed to my forehead sympathetically. “Charlotte?”

“Do you think he will be as skilled with his tongue as you imagine him to be?” Sage continued, making me blush further. “Lord knows he was good with his..”

“Enough!” I screamed at my wolf, cutting our link off so I could focus and calm my trembling hands and racing heart. The concern on Lilly’s face startled me back to reality.

“I am ok! Honestly!”I muttered, shaking my head at the images Sage had interjected into my mind on a loop.

“You haven’t caught one of those human bugs, have you?” Lilly’s face was pulled into a mask of distress.

“I should tell her! In the 18 years we have been friends, I have never lied to her! I don’t feel right doing so now!” I stated guiltily to Sage, only to remember I had cut her off- and for good reason too!

I knew exactly what she would say on the matter, too: Dick, dick and more dick!

It seemed since we left Knox’s room, it was all she could think of! And a certain male’s dick in particular.

Sucking down my breath, seeing Lilly’s frantic eyes searching my face needily. Today was her big day! She had been dreaming of this day for as long as I had known her, finding her mate, making it official and making her family and pack proud.

It was what Lilly had been bred for!

I, on the other hand, needed more! I needed the rawest form of love, trust and security, all of which was something Knox could not offer me! The thought cemented what I already knew; It was a one-off! Despite how glorious his dick felt rubbing up against me. Sighing, I softened my features, ignoring the aching between my thighs.


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