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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Keeping Secrets

Lottie POV 

Watching Sage interact with our mates, it was clear I wasn’t the only one keeping secrets. I had so many questions, but two were playing on my tongue: where had their wolves been? Why hadn’t they told me

Did they not trust me

That could hardly be surprising; I hadn’t trusted them, either. I watched through the purple tinge of Sage’s eyes. Kane relented and gave in to Sage; as much as I hated that they were about to see all I had done, I knew Sage made sense; we were all keeping secrets, and those secrets would only damage us. We had to start acting like a team, a unit! And that started by allowing Sage to do this, not that I had 

much choice

Closing my eyes, I sucked down a breath as images of their Luna and I getting ready washed through the connection Sage had formed. Even I could sense the pride we had felt at being gifted her dress, the overwhelming love we felt for their mother and how close I was to sharing my truths with her flowed down the line.. 

Eventually, the vision morphed into one of me pacing the room while working through my options. Sage was leaving nothing out; I guess she was hoping if they saw my thought process, they would understand why I did what I did. But ultimately, I knew Kane wouldn’t be as forgiving As Knox

I felt the boys tense as they watched me mind link Mike and head to his room. My only saving grace was how much I had missed the boys as I walked to Mike’s room, how my heart was racing at the thought of risking my union with them, how all I wanted to do was turn around and go find them, but I forced myself forward, reminding myself that I was doing this for them

I am sorry.” I whispered as the visions continued, showing them me entering Mike’s room and the events that followed: 



15:13 Fri, 15 Mar 

Chapter 53: Keeping Secrets

Own you! HE thinks he can own you!Kane roared furiously. Not even I own you, you are not f**king property! You are a mate! Someone to be treasured!I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, hating that Sage was putting them through this! But she continued, making sure to include the anger I felt at how he disrespected Kane and Knox, the fear I felt watching the blackmail form in his mind

Charlotte!Kane rasped proudly as I tried to bargain the information from Mike, mentioning that I would be Luna, His Luna! He could feel how much joy I got from knowing I would be at their side

Mike’s reply had Knox sighing. I knew he knew more than he was letting on, but I could sense through our link that he was starting to understand why I did what I didTo protect them. I just hoped Kane felt the same

Traitors?Knox whimpered at the mention of Mike’s debt as it filtered through 

their minds

I closed my eyes on the vision and heard my voice ask what he wanted, hoping that would block out the memories, but Sage, ever determined to push through, kept the images on the back of my lids

You.. I want you on your knees finishing what you interrupted!” 

Nothing.. I heard nothing from either of my mates as Sage continued her slideshow, showing me drinking the potion, dropping to my knees, and the betrayal that followed, not just to my mates but my wolf. I could feel anger unrivalled by anything I had ever felt before washing through my mate bond

I wanted to say something, apologise, but what words were there: I am sorry I sucked a dick that wasn’t either of yours! I am sorry I was so weak! Foolish?Nothing felt right, so I stayed silent while Sage showed them everything until she pulled away from Kane, her eyes levelling on his as those eyes I loved opened the 



Chapter 53: Keeping Secrets

beautiful icy blue replaced with a deadly black that I knew to be Rolos, the hurt in them had fear licking up my spine

I believe whatever Mike used to silence me was used on you both when you arrived back here!Sage announced with resolve

That isn’t what is important right now!Kane replied coldly. Give Charlotte control, Sage!He commanded harshly

It is important!She hissed, narrowing her purple hues at our control freak mate, who I could sense was fighting to remain calm

I WANT TO TALK TO MY MATE!Kane bellowed through the room, and that anger I felt from earlier bubbled to a catastrophic level

I am your mate, too!Sage tried to reason with him, but even I could sense that was useless! She may be his mate, but she hadn’t sucked Mike’s dick! I did! In fact, she counselled me against it, and I ignored her! His anger was aimed at me! And rightly so

I am not going to hurt her!He ground out through clenched teeth. Something I did believe

You’re angry!She announced, shaking her head. I felt her root my feet to the ground in case he lunged at her, something I knew he would not! He may be angry, but he loved me, and Rolo loved Sage

GIVE HER FUCKING CONTROL!He screamed before turning to run his hand through his hair. I felt the crippling heartbreak eat at him as he bent over, dry heaving. Knox’s hand slid up his back in an attempt to comfort his brother. I can feel her pain, Sage! I need her!” 

We all can! But this is bigger than her mistakes!Sage barked, crossing my arms across my chest stubbornly

Sage!Havoc warned, his eyes locked on my face. The yellows of his hues said more than his words ever could


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