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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Sink Or Swim

Lottie POV 

It was like time slowed, and everything happened in slow motion. I had no words to describe the wide range of emotions tearing me apart. I could feel the devastating fury rippling through Knox and knew before he turned to look at me that he was not entirely in control. Havoc was beneath the surface. And people were panicking

Growing up in the pack house with Lilly, I had seen Rolo, Kane’s wolf, so many times I could recall every detail about him: the colour of his fur, the way it shimmered when the light touched it, the sound of his howl as his paws padded on the floor when he chased Lilly and I. 

Havoc, though: I had only seen a handful of times and never close up. remember questioning Lilly as children and her telling me that Knox’s wolf was naughty and not allowed out to play. Memories flashed through my mind, and I vaguely remember once overhearing Alpha and my father discussing how Havoc had ripped a rogue apart like a chew toy

I had, like everyone, heard the rumours that Havoc was unpredictable, merciless and unfearing of anyone or anything, but in all honesty, I paid it no mind, believing it was a rumour the twins or Alpha had spread to instal fear in the pack and those who may wish to challenge them. After all, what better way to keep people away than to insinuate that your son was a beast that had no morals or issue when it came to taking a life

However, as I held my hand on Mike’s shoulder and his blood pooled between my fingers like a river of crimson, I realised with startling clarity that Havoc was dangerous; my mate was dangerous

CharlotteCome here!I heard my father snap, the first real show of emotions I had heard from that man in my whole life. Turning over my shoulder to look at the man who had borne me, I shook my head and went to speak. But Knox cut me off


Chapter 71: Sink Or Swim

Nah, she doesn’t wanna leave her lover!He snarled nastily. Spinning my head towards the source of my anger, my eyes settled on Knox; seeing the jealousy that swam in his ocean hues, I growled at him in disgust before looking back at Mike

Apply pressure!I snapped at the face of the man I once loved

Don’t leave me.He blurted out, panic oozing from his pores

Don’t worry, I won’t let you die!I smiled, tearing at his tshirt and shoving it roughly onto his wound with a grin, hearing him yelp in pain. I leaned in close to his ear and whispered. Not yet, anyway!” 

Smirking at the face of the man I felt deserved to die, I saw him pale and not just from the blood loss and rolled my eyes. Lifting my eyes, I nodded to Luna Laura, who had silently circled and approached Mike and me, hand held out for me to join her. Sliding Mike across the floor with a bit of borrowed strength from Sage, I bobbed my head for her to take him

Fuck him!She snapped down in disgust at Mike, who was blubbering like a child, holding her hand out to me. YOU.. are important!Arching a brow at my Luna, trying desperately to hide the amusement at hearing her curse at me

EVERYONE is important!I corrected her, seeing those judgemental eyes watch the interaction like one would watch a Netflix documentary

Angel.. faceKnox sang from behind me as hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a solid body, all tense muscle and furious pentup rage. The hall erupted into gasps as Knox spun me around, his face buried in my neck

KnoxYou LOVE her.. put her down.Kane warned, and I couldn’t help but sigh; this was ridiculous

Hand Lottie over to me, brother, and we will sort this mess out before it goes too far..Kane added, and for the first time, I saw genuine fear eat at his features, the sort one only showed when facing true danger. Was I really at risk that much? I sure didn’t feel like it

PUT. ME. DOWN.I snarled my hands, gripping Knox’s hair and lifting his head 




Chapter 71. Sink Or Swim

from my neck. Sucking in a gasp seeing the blue hues I adored gone, replaced with the furious glow of Havoc. Holding my hand out to Kane to warn him to stop seeing the mania whirl behind Havoc Iris

My Kitty!He growled, his tongue licking up the side of my neck in what I would usually find an embarrassing show of PDA in front of everyone here, but the fact he was licking and not biting me had to be a good sign

Get everyone out!I heard Alpha growl, and everyone jumped into action, the hall erupting into chaos. I looked at the beautiful decorations hanging from the ceilings, the lights sparkling with romantic charm, everyone dressed in beautiful gowns and smart suits, the floors as shiny as I had ever seen them, and somehow even the champagne seemed to glow differently. Everything was perfect- Minus my mate, who was currently hulking out

I felt Kane’s touch on my elbow and a sharp tug, that if I hadn’t been a werewolf, would have pulled my damn arm from its socket

MINE!I heard Havoc snarl venomously, and for the second time in minutes, the world slowed right down as I found myself flung through the air and into the familiar form of Kane, his hands snaking around me protectively as he shoved me. under his body, using his back as a shield to protect me


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