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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Not Just Yours

Lottie POV 

Ugh!I mumbled, my hand lifting to my head with a wince. It felt like a nest of hornets had taken up residence inside my skulland they were pissed! Opening my eyes and immediately regretting it, witnessing the bedlam around me, with earthshattering clarity, I remembered all that shit from earlier was not a dream but my very reality

Closing my eyes again as pain tore through my shoulder, instantly knowing something was broken; as much as I wanted to sit and whine about it and wallow in the pain, I pushed myself onto my knees, knowing I had to find Kane and Knox- or Havoc and fix this mess

My eyes fell on the frightened faces of some of the women in my pack, women I had grown up with and respected, all cowering behind Luna as he tried to find safe passage from the hall; following her panicked eyes, I saw what had frozen her to the 


Havoc was currently hovering over Kane, his paw on his throat as Kane’s eyes closed, and he gave into slumber.. but I would be damned if it was eternal! I would not be losing a mate this night! Memories of Kane being hurt by Havoc exploded in my head, and I couldn’t stop the anger from boiling in my stomach at this absolute cluster fuck of a night

Sage?I asked, wanting to check my wolf was still present because I couldn’t hear much but the sound of my bubbling rage

I am here!She seethed. Happy I wasn’t alone. Despite the pain tearing through my arm, I pushed to my feet and advanced on my mates. Havoc’s eyes darted up from Kane as if sensing me: they landed on me with an insanely hazardous fixation glistening in those golden hues that had my stomach flipping nervously

I thought his eyes were red!I asked Sage cautiously as we approached, my 


Chapter 74. Not Just Yours 

eyes flicking between Kane and Havoc

I don’t know; I did too. I really don’t know much about Havoc, Char!She explained, confusion and a little apprehension washing through our bond

Kitty?Havoc moaned as his large form approached, circling me like a mother lion would her cub, all protection and tenderness while he rubbed his fluffy black coat up against me, transferring his scent onto me in what I knew all too well to be a territorial move. Well, fuck him! I loved Knox and knew he wouldn’t have done this on purpose! But HavocFrankly, he could go fuck himself

Scowling at him as he rubbed his nose under my chin to lift my head, trying desperately to get my attention; he was huge, at least twice the size of the wolves I had seen in the pack. His coat was not soft and silky like the others but bristly and battered

Properly because it is covered in everyone’s blood!Sage growled 

sarcastically, clearly pissed too. And for once, I was pleased she was with me, not making googly eyes at the boys and their wolves. Apparently, even Sage had a line- and ambushing those she cared for was it

Slipping out under Havoc’s large body, I rushed away from him, ignoring the deadly growl that left his lips and the feeling of hurt that wafted down the mate bond

Mine!he roared, and I scoffed but kept silent; I had nothing to say to him. I just wanted to get to Kane, who was still unconscious

Lottie, run!I heard Luna scream, the panic in her voice alerting me to the sound of paws pounding on the floor behind me as I reached Kane. Throwing myself down and over Kane in a pathetic attempt to save him from Havoc, Kane’s body easily stood out beneath my tiny frame. Looking down at the beautiful face of Kane my heart sank, realising his breathing was so slow it was almost nonexistent, and the blood streaming from his side where my hand was currently pressed to him from how I had fallen was not a good sign

Unable to swallow the utter devastation a moment longer, as the bond we shared weakened, I pressed my lips to Kane’s and turned over my shoulder, ignoring 


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Chapter 74 Not Just Yours


the soulsplitting pain from the movement, leaving me in no doubt something was indeed broken. But in the grand scheme of things, what did it matter: bones could be fixed, death could not! My hand still firmly pressed on Kane’s side, wanting to apply pressure, hoping for some kind of miracle as my eyes filled with the tears of all the unspoken ways I wanted to show him I loved him

Please, Kane!I mindlinked my mate, desperately needing to hear his stern. and unapologetically raw voice, PleaseBe ok!I begged a little too hopelessly for my liking

RIGHT!I screamed when nothing came from Kane; turning, I braced myself for whatever was coming my way, my eyes falling on the enraged face of Havoc as he barreled across the ballroom and slid to a stop in front of me, his snout pressed so closely against my face I could feel his hot breath fanning my lashes

He smelt of blood and destruction

You gonna hurt me, Havoc?I demanded angrily, my eyes searching over his jaw as his large canines snapped at me, blood mixing with saliva, causing bile to rise in my stomach, knowing it was the blood of the man whose life force pooled between my fingers that trickled from his mouth

Mine!He roared again, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at his caveman behaviour

Whatever the fuck next, Havoc, you gonna club me over the head and drag me back to your cave too!I demanded


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