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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Astaroth 

Mike POV 

Chapter 81: Astaroth 


Want me to kill him too?The hooded figure asked Anthony, without looking over at me, simply nodding his head in my general direction. Given the blase edge to this stranger’s tone and the boredom written across his features, I got the distinct feeling he was serious

How much extra?Anthony asked, his tone so severe I felt my jaw fall open; I wanted to look at my Beta and ask what the fuck, but the truth was I was too scared to look away from the demonic freak in case he acted on those unnatural impulses and slit my throat or some shit! Not like anyone would find me in this dark 


I dunno.. a gold medal?He grinned so slyly that I almost knew he was enjoying my discomfort. His sarcasm and reference were not lost on Anthony or me; at least, I assumed so, given the chuckle that left my Betas lips. A pit formed in my stomach that made me squirm a little. Is this how I made Lottie feel

Noted, I will let you know!Anthony snorted

Fucking try it! I dare ya!I seethed at Anthony, trying desperately to hide the fear I felt seeping into my bones as the demonic force approached and blocked my path. Not that my threat had any impact on my soontobe fatherinlaw; his attention wasn’t truly on me or the demon in front of us; he couldn’t seem to pull his 


13:09 Mon, 18 Mar G G

Chapter 81: Astaroth 


gaze from the double doors. Which told me it wasn’t their first encounter; if it were, he would be as anxious as mesurely

Scratch that; I will do it for free.” The hooded male snorted, finally turning to look at me, his eyes flashing the deep red that again reminded me of the pits of hell; something eerie exuded from his very being; corruption and chaos would be my guess. The feeling was so strong that I felt myself stepping away in case that shit infected me too

Me?I laughed, trying to hold my own still. I am his partner!” 

Ah, so are you who is paying me then?He laughed, his eyes moving over me 

with interest

No!I grunted. That would be him!I explained, nodding to Anthony, who was still watching the door, something unreadable on his face that had me more anxious 

than this freak did

But you are partners.He smiled slowly, his clear dislike of me making my 

blood run cold


He isn’t my partner; he is my daughter’s ex.Anthony waved me off without



13:09 Mon, 18 Mar G

Chapter 81 Astaroth 

Fiance!I corrected Anthony angrily; if Kane was dead and Knox was an outcast, that left Lottie available again, and all fucking mine

That would be the blonde!The demon grinned, licking his lips. She’s hot! A nervous little thing! I bet she would make a good addition to my..” 

She is spoken for Astaroth!Anthony announced his attention finally on the fucking lunatic beside us

They always are!He shrugged, holding his hand out to Anthony. Amusement is playing on his lips. I watched the two of them interact and realised that under any other circumstances, I wouldn’t give him a second glance, noting that there was nothing memorable about him; his clothes didn’t scream money, his hair didn’t scream luxury, and his ora was ratherforgettable

If I stood out, I wouldn’t be the best at what I do!He laughed, turning to look at me, his eyes glimmering with the same amusement he wore on his lips

You read my thoughts?I asked, narrowing my eyes on the creep

Yes, a perk of my trade! Although, some, like you, I can read more easily.He grinned a tooth smile that had my toes curling with rage

Really, why?I asked, knowing I would regret asking the second a deep 



Chapter 51. Astaroth 

chuckle left his throat

Because they are usually the weaklings in the group!He winked nastily

Now is someone going to pay me or..He closed his eyes as the doors opened from behind us, and Lilly rushed out screaming for help, saying that her mate was hurthurt.. not dead! Wideeyed and confused, I watched as Sebestain’s men rushed after her, darting into the hall in a panic

I thought you took care of it?I asked, scoffing at the scene before me

I did.He smiled at me, sending a cold chill down my back

Clearly!I barked, despite my better judgement

at me to shut my 

mouth. Turning to the door, he smirked, seeing Lottie storm out of it, that beautiful dress that had everyone rendered speechless earlier coated in blood and not all of it hers. I watched her push through the crowd, looking for someone

So.. are you paying me, Attewood, or am I asking your daughter for the ayment?The demon I knew to be called Astaroth asked, without remorse, as he turned to look over his shoulder at Lottie, who was visibly getting angrier with each passing second

Are you sure she is spoken for?He asked plainly


Mon, 18 Mar 

Chapter 81: Astaroth 

YES!I snarled, stepping closer possessively. Just because you cleared the debt, don’t change shit! She is my prize! I get her! Do you hear me, demon filth? | will find a way to destroy you if you so much as touch her.” 

You’re so cute when you’re angry!He laughed, tapping my nose with his long, pale finger. Unbunch your panties, unlike you, I don’t take before it is offered.” 

You’re a demon like I will believe that!I started with a snarl as I watched his 

eyes follow my soontobe wife

I don’t care what you believe.He laughed, clearly bored again

Just take your fee and leave!Anthony sighed as the sounds of murmurs and gossip filtered through the room


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