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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93: You Can’t Prove It

Lottie POV 

Deciding to ignore my Father, no matter how much it killed me, I turned my attention to the Alphas before me and watched them process the information. I wasn’t sure what way this was all going to go; I had basically given them the rope to hang me and my pack with if they wanted to

Your pack?Sage asked with a proud bite to her voice that had me shifting uncomfortably

You know what I mean!I barked, ignoring her

I doI am just glad YOU know now!She remarked smugly, making me groan and focus back on the Alphas, realising I was missing one; Chase was standing between Mike’s legs, eyeing him like he was a nice juicy pork chop, while Liam was staring at me with an unsettling look hiding behind his eyes

Where is Adam?I asked as an almighty scream ripped through the room, spinning. I turned to see my Father on his knees before Adam, his cuffed hands pulled up painfully in the air, the metal chain held tightly in Adam’s large hand. It took me a moment to process why my Father was screaming

But then I saw it: his finger bent at an unnatural angle

How many times did he call Lottie a whore again?He asked Chase, who held six fingers up

SixReally?Adam asked as he snapped another finger to the chorus of my 

Father’s cries

I thought it was less than that!Adam announced, but in the next breath, broke a third, then fourth, digit

Well, it was twice. but..” 



Chapter 93: You Can’t Prove It

Fucking stop!My Father screamed to my delight as a fifth digit snapped the sound of bone crunching loudly bounced around the room

There are three of us that have heard it, so two, times three..Chase continued while watching Mike drift in and out of consciousness

Equals six.Liam nodded at Chase as Adam resnapped the first digit at such an angle I knew even his wolf would struggle to repair it

He needs a wanking hand! Or I may as well kill him now!Adam scoffed, dropping my Father’s hands behind his back and kicking him into the corner

THAT is some pretty fucked up maths!I noted without emotion that my Father deserved whatever these men gave him, and if he thought I would help him, he was wrong

So the drink is why Alpha Leigh was injured so fatally,” Adam asked, running a hand through his long, thick hair

You think Mike is responsible for Alpha’s death?My Father barked out a laugh, shaking his head through soft, snotty pants. You need to look closer to home for those answers, sweetheart!My Father mocked me from the corner he was now nestled in. Clenching my fists at my side, I looked back at those concerned faces in front of me

Yes, but Alpha Sebastian is also injured; he is fighting for his life,” I replied to the Alphas, not giving my Father the rise he obviously wanted from me. I need to know how to counteract the shit they have given you all, so his wolf can heal him because otherwiseHe will die! My best friend will lose her mate! There will be more death, and Knox will be blamed for it.I spewed, falling back against the desk to see three sets of seriously pissedoff eyes looking at me

Butwe will also have war with..I added, deciding if I was in for a penny, I may as well go in for the pound

The Royals!Liam finished my sentence with a sigh that had him almost as grey as Mike


Chapter 93 You Cant Prove It

Yes.I nodded. So, I need to find a way to fix this beforeit is too late.” 

And you’re sure it affected all of us? I feel no different?Chase asked with an 

arched brow

I am.I nodded, but before he could hear my words, he yanked the letter open. from Mike’s hand and used it to make a small cut on his wrist. We all observed with hopeful eyes for it to heal, and when it didn’t, I watched the three of them exchange a nod and knew it was because they had all failed to reach their wolves

Right. Leave these two to us; how long does Alpha Sebestain have?Liam questioned the sound of a scream forcing my eyes to fly open. Chase had already moved to Mike and was spinning the letter opener in his thigh to wake him up

Not long enough! He will be dead within the hour!My Father laughed bitterly. What do you think the pack will say, Charlotte, when they hear you tortured their beta?My Father asked, clutching at straws. They will overthrow you! And you bastard mates! What’s left of them anyway.” 

Maybe.I shrugged, kneeling before him, sensing a warm body behind me. I knew one of the males was ready to step in in case my Father tried anything. But even I could see he was broken and talking crap; he had no clue how long Sebastian 

had. No one did

Or maybe I let them kill you and pay them to take your body with themand I tell the pack the truth that you and Mike are the ones responsible for the death of their Alpha.” 

You can’t prove it!He snarled, his lips curling to show me his pearly whites

No? You running like a bitch to save your ass from fear of the pack finding out.. is proof enough!I replied, unaffected by his attempt to scare me

I will not run and hide.He seethed at me, his eyes locked on mine furiously

Of course not, because that would be hard to do when you’re dead!I winked. at him and stood. My eyes fell on Mike, who was beginning to stir


Chapter 93: You Can’t Prove It


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