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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Sorry Sweetcheeks

Lottie POV 

Thank you!I nodded to Selene

Charlotte.She called to me, her voice soft and angelic. I paused midway to pull the door open, turning to look at her sitting elegantly by the fountain. I made a mental note of how breathtakingly beautiful she was so I could tell the twins about her later. Her pink, rosy lips twitched at the sides, and I knew she was reading my mind, coursing a blush to dance across my cheeks

I know the offer I have given you might not seem fair right now, but it is better than the alternative.She warned, her image fading along with my question on what she meant because I got the distinct feeling she was not referring to Alpha Leigh or Sebastian dying

With the door swinging open, I was not sure what I expected but not to walk. straight through the door like I thought I would when I left the office earlier. Pushing the door open again only to be met with the panicked face of my father as Adam pulled him from the floor, just like he was seconds ago. Liam and Chase stared at me like they had when I left

Forget something?They asked, an amused look on their faces

I told you, Mike.. she was bluffing!My father laughed at Mike, who was staring at me with hopeful eyes

She is having second thoughts. She knows she loves me! Let me go!Mike demanded. I felt a laugh erupt from my throat, but I ignored him and looked at Liam 


How long was I gone for?I asked with a cocked brow

I dunno Lunamaybe 0.0001 of a second, and I am sorry, but I didn’t get much out of them in that time other than the fact that one!He stated, nodding to Mike


13.14 Mon, 18 Mar GB GO 

Chapter 96 Sorry Sweetcheeks

Screams like a bitch!As if to prove his point, he twisted the letter open in his leg, a scream so high I am sure I heard Sage howl leave his lips. But my mind was elsewhere; I rasped, relieved that I hadn’t been gone for as long as I thought

Time must be different there!I mused aloud, only for five sets of eyes to glance at me

What?They asked, confused. Dismissing them with a wave of my hand, I turned to leave again

She is insane! Are you actually going to take orders from that crazy bitch.My father roared, and I would have turned back to see what Adam had done to reward him for his manners, but truthfully, I didn’t care. Because, if Selene were right, I wouldn’t need them for much longer; the Alphas could follow through with my threat and kill them for all I cared. As long as they were not here to poison the minds or bodies of the people I cared for, I didn’t care what happened to them

Closing the door, I stepped from the room only to walk into a slab of pure muscle. Pushing the panic down quickly, I reminded myself that Chase had left hist men outside the door to keep watch, but when my eyes fluttered open, I saw the eyes staring down at me were, in fact, the 

cold grey eyes of the male who had confessed to seeing Alpha Leigh get killed before diapering into the crowd. I looked around briefly, expecting one of the Alpha’s men to have found him and brought him 

to me

Sorry, sweetcheeks, I returned to you all on my own.” He winked at me 


I don’t have time for this shit!I sighed, bending at the waist to catch my breath as the last hour caught up with me. I had so much I needed to do: find my mates, check on Laura and lay my eyes on Sebastian to make sure I wasn’t 

hallucinating what I think I had just experienced with Selene because they say that can happen when you experience trauma! And lord knows, seeing the man who had been a father to me lying dead was enough to traumatise anyone

You don’t have time to hear me tell you how to save your friends?He questioned with a dark chuckle that made the hairs on my neck stand on end. Glaring at him, I fought back the insult that was on the tip of my tongue and instead 



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