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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 14

After he hung up the phone, Ezra lazily proposed by his side, “Since you are worried about Emelia play hard to get to continue to pester you, then you might as well simply cut off her thoughts by marrying Yvonne, Emelia will be completely out of the picture and your mother will stop.”

Far from not being able to hear the teasing and ridicule in his words, Julian gave him a chilly look and then turned around and got in the driver´s car and left.

Ezra shrugged and then got into the car and left.

For matters of love, those involved cannot see as clearly as onlookers.

Emelia, who took a taxi and left, was not in a pleasant mood. She felt a little suffocated. It was not that she was uncomfortable because of seeing Julian and still thinking about him. She was a little bit irritated by his arrogance.

Did he think she still cared for him when he spoke to her in that tone?

How ridiculous.

She had indeed thought that she would be unable to live without Julian once, but later found out that her life was very fulfilling and happy during this year.

It turns out that anyone in this world can live without others.

Emelia´s work as a scriptwriter work does not require her to show up in the company every day. She only needs to attend some meetings or some occasions when she is required to elaborate as a scriptwriter. In other time, she can finish the scriptwriting at home.

The next morning Emelia took some time to get to the shopping mall, planning to buy birthday gifts for Grandpa Hughes.

She actually didn´t want to get involved with Grandpa Hughes after the divorce, but he had been in contact with her for the past year. He wanted to make sure that she was fine when she was alone abroad. Emelia didn't have the heart to completely block him from contact.

He had a bad cervical spine and he turned on the air conditioner all day in summer. Emelia was thinking about buying a scarf for him to protect his neck.

When she was visiting the men´s clothing store, she happened to run into Julian again.


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