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There He Is Again, My Ex-Husband (Julian and Amelia) novel Chapter 71

Emelia comforted Maisie softly. "There are many things that can't be changed in the original families. We can only change ourselves."

Her family was not much better than Maisie's.

Apart from her mother who had passed away loving and caring for her, Taylor and Oliver treated her even worse.

At first, she was also very sad. Later, she knew that there was reasonable, so she did not ask for anything more.

Maisie nodded and sighed. "Yes, we can only change ourselves."

"Every time I swear in my heart that if I have a child in the future, I'll never let them receive different treatment because of gender."

Unfortunately, she was destined to have no children in her life.

If it weren't for the man she loved deeply, why would a woman have to endure the pain of pregnancy? And the heart-wrenching pain when giving birth to?

As for the man she loved deeply, his would never find a wife like her.

After chatting for a while, Maisie got up and said, "I have to go back to the company. You can do whatever you want at home."

Emelia took the initiative to say, "In order to express my gratitude to you, I decided to make a table of delicious food for you at night."

"I remember that you like spicy food very much. We can make Hot Chicken, Potato Curry, Cajun Parmesan Salmonand so on."

Maisie didn't expect Emelia to know that she liked spicy food. She was very happy. "Great, it's been a long time since I last had a meal."

Although being the secretary of Julian pays really wwell, it was not an ordinary job. It was common for her to work overtime. Basically, she was working.

However, after Maisie finished speaking, she asked worriedly, "But, can you eat spicy food?"

Maisie knew that because of his poor stomach, he didn't eat any spicy food. Emelia had lived with him for three years, and perhaps he wasn't used to eating spicy food.

Unexpectedly, Emelia smiled and said, "Yes, my favorite is also spicy."

Maisie was a little surprised. "When you were with Mr. Hughes..."

Emelia spread out his hands in self-mockery. "When I eat or go out to eat with Nina, I will eat spicy food but I won't eat it at home."

Emelia then said, "For a man who doesn't love himself, you've wronged yourself so much. Do you think I was stupid at that time?"

Maisie didn't know what to say.

It was hard for her to answer.

Maisie then went to work. Emelia packed up his things and called Nina after settling down.

After hearing Taylor's hateful words, Nina gritted her teeth and scolded, "Shit, did he still want to be beaten up by me?"

Emelia's grades at university were excellent. Every semester, she would get the school's highest scholarship, and Taylor would threaten her to give him the money every time.

Once, Nina was so angry that she dragged Taylor to a remote corner and gave him a good beating.

Nina's martial arts were very good, and she was famous for being barbaric. She had beaten Taylor so hard that he couldn't get out of bed for several days. Since then, he had stopped.

Emelia knew that Nina's heart ached for her, but she still comforted Nina and said, "Force can't solve this problem."

Nina said, "You might as well stay at my place from now on. My place is safe, so Taylor won't be able to enter even if he wants to."

"Anyway, you've spent most of your time writing scripts at home. If he can't find you, he will naturally stop."

"I'll send you the key right away. Don't stay at Maisie's place, lest Julian has bad intentions." Nina was a person of action.


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