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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 276

On site, the press conference was still going on. The reporter continued to ask, “President Fuller, why did you say that Miss Gray is heartless? Did she do something? Can you explain in more detail?”

Reporters from the other media companies and the audience watching the live broadcast were all looking expectantly at Toby. For them, apart from the gossip of the entertainment industry, gossip about the wealthy was the next thing that interested them most. They were especially curious because such experiences were out of their reach.

Toby pursed his thin lips. “No. All you need to know is that this is the real reason I broke off the engagement. There’s no need to know anything more. Alright. This is the end of today’s press conference!” With that, he set down the microphone, placed his hands in his trouser pockets, and strode out of the conference room.

The main reason why he didn’t want to reveal Tina’s revolting deeds to the public was because he didn’t want to push Sonia into the limelight. Even if Sonia was the victim of Tina’s actions, some people with ulterior motives would wonder whether Sonia had done something that made Tina treat her like that.

Toby’s departure made things difficult for the audience watching the live broadcast and the media personnel at the press conference. He had aroused their curiosity by dropping a heavy bomb, but without showing them what was inside, he walked off instead. It simply wasn’t a reasonable thing to do. However, they dared not stop Toby, so they could only turn their hopeful gaze to his assistant, hoping that he could give them an answer.

When Tom saw the look in their eyes, the corners of his lips kept twitching. He could tell from a glance what these people were thinking. If he was being honest, he felt that his boss was being a little unreasonable too. He left during the climax of the situation and left Tom to handle the mess. Nevertheless, Toby was the boss!

After silently sighing, Tom picked up the microphone and started to deal with the media. Of course, the media wasn’t going to get any information out of him. In the end, they were left with no choice but to leave the Fuller Group and head to Triforce Enterprise in hopes of interviewing Titus to see if they could dig something up.

However, Titus didn’t agree to being interviewed; he simply posted a video on his official page. In the video, Titus’ eyes were red, and his expression was haggard, painting a proper image of the grief caused by the incident involving his daughter.

Looking at the camera, he said, “Hello everyone, I’m Titus Gray. In the past two days, the matter of my daughter being bullied has been widely discussed on the Internet. I’m sorry for occupying Internet resources. At the same time, I also hope that all the netizens would stop paying attention to this matter. My daughter is the victim. She’s still in the ICU ward and has not woken up yet. If she wakes up and sees so many people on the Internet talking about her tragedy, she would be devastated!”

At this point, he raised his hand, wiped the corner of his eye, then said, “As for what President Fuller said just now at the press conference about my daughter being heartless, that was completely slander. I admit that my daughter has some personality flaws, but she’s definitely not heartless. Did she harm someone? Isn’t everyone doing just fine? So, I urge everyone not to believe President Fuller’s statements and to stop posting those cold-hearted comments on the Internet. You should know that your comments may turn into a knife that could kill my daughter!”

Taking a deep breath, Titus stared into the camera, as if he was looking at someone through the lens. “President Fuller, I don’t know why you would say such things about Tina, but you’ve loved each other before. In some way, it’s unfair for you to say that about her. Of course, I know that Tina being bullied has brought you humiliation, so you were eager to break off the engagement. I understand and I accept it. From now on, the Fullers and the Grays are no longer acquainted. Okay, that’s all I want to say. Thank you everyone!”

With that, he gave a deep bow at the camera, and the video ended.

Regardless of whether they were originally disgusted with Tina’s behavior or were merely passers-by, netizens who watched the video changed their attitude toward the situation.

‘That’s right. Tina is the victim, and it’s not like she wanted to be bullied. Yet, those netizens are still scolding her for being shameless and saying disgusting remarks such as ‘it takes two to tango’. I really doubt whether they have any ethics. Aren’t they worried that the victim would commit suicide after seeing these comments as soon as she wakes up?’

‘These keyboard warriors aren’t scared. They just care about themselves. They don’t care about how the victim feels.’


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