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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 406

Chapter 406 Sonia’s Hair

Rina handed a strand of her own hair without any fuss; upon such a sight, Titus and Julia were greatly relieved whereas Toby and Sonia frowned.

As far as Titus and Julia were concerned, the fact that Rina voluntarily passed a strand of her hair for the DNA test without any hesitation was as good as proving that she was indeed their biological daughter. They were elated by this assurance, and at the same time, they grew excited at the idea of pressing charges against Sonia.

That being said, handing Sonia over to the police wouldn’t mean that she would be imprisoned at once, although she would at the very least be admonished and made to pay a fine. When that happened, he would call the media over, which would completely ruin her reputation.

It was a bonus that he could salvage his dignity and pride after what she had done to bring him down all this while.

Sonia sat stiffly in her wheelchair at one side, her fists clenching atop the armrests. Why did Taylor give up a strand of her hair so willingly? She’s not Titus’ daughter, so she ought to be more terrified of the DNA test than anyone else instead of giving them inculpatory proof!

With that in mind, she reached behind her and tugged on Toby’s sleeve. “President Fuller.”

Toby dipped his head and asked softly, “What is it?”

“Did Taylor actually pluck a strand of her hair and hand it over to Titus?” She bit on her lip nervously as she probed, her voice barely above a whisper.

He narrowed his eyes as he replied, “She really did so.” As he had also witnessed it for himself, he was equally in disbelief that Taylor had the audacity to do so.

“What?!” Sonia dug her nails into her palms. Taylor has actually plucked her hair out for the test. Could it be that she bribed the facility into fabricating the test results? Is that why she isn’t the slightest bit worried?

As though he read her mind, he shook his head. “No, there’s no way she would’ve bribed the facility, not while it’s owned by the Lancasters and nationally affiliated. Not even Titus could bribe them, let alone Taylor.”

“Then, why did she—”

“I don’t know, but let’s wait and find out,” Toby said in a low voice, his eyes fixed on Rina.

Upon sensing his gaze, Rina turned to give him a coy smile as she pointed at her hair, then at Sonia’s.

It was then that he instantly made the connection. No wonder she was bold enough to pull out a strand of her hair for the DNA test. It was never her own hair to begin with; it was Sonia’s!

Somehow through one way or another, Taylor had managed to get her hands on Sonia’s hair and implanted them into her scalp. All she had to do was yank a strand of Sonia’s hand when the time came for the DNA test. Even if she had to repeat the test, the results would still indicate that she was Titus’ biological daughter, regardless of the facility.

So, this was her secret weapon all along. This was probably why she turned me down when I offered to keep her true identity a secret. With Sonia’s hair, she really didn’t need to take me up on my offer at all!

At the thought of this, Toby’s face darkened considerably. As it turned out, he had underestimated Taylor, who was a lot smarter than he had imagined. Tina was intelligent enough, but she was nothing compared to Taylor. If Taylor was born into the high society and received fine education, he reckoned she would turn out to be a formidable character.

Meanwhile, Titus was oblivious to the discussion between Toby and Sonia as he slipped Rina’s strand of hair into a bag before handing the sample to his assistant. “Here, take this and run the DNA test right now. I want the results back within half an hour!”

“Yes, sir,” the assistant answered as he took the hair sample.

“Wait,” Sonia interjected after pursing her lips.

Titus clicked his tongue, his wizened face crinkling further with a displeased grimace as he barked, “What is it now?”

She pointed out flatly, “Who knows what dirty tricks your assistant might pull off if you ask him to send the sample over to the facility on his own? Wanda, could you go along with him and keep an eye on the sample?”


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