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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 413

Chapter 413 Double Standards

“I can’t believe this…” Sonia trailed off in a quivering voice as she gripped her phone even tighter while she tried to process how things had turned out.

She had been so eager to prove Taylor was a fraud and went to such great lengths only for reality to slap her hard on the face; in spite of all that she had done, Taylor turned out to be Titus’ biological daughter!

“Could something have gone wrong during the test?” Sonia chewed on her lower lip as she asked, although she knew well that there was a slim-to-none chance that a mistake had been made.

The argument might sustain if they had only gone to one facility for the DNA test, but to have several facilities produce the same results, there was hardly any room for the possibility of a mistake.

At the other end of the phone was Zane, who shook his head. “No, two out of these facilities are under the government. Titus couldn’t even interfere with the tests, much less Taylor.” Having said this, he drew in a breath and added, “Look, Sonia, maybe Taylor really is Rina. Maybe, by some twisted fate or whatever, we have ended up reuniting Titus with his long-lost daughter.”

A speechless Sonia looked down in disappointment as her mind scrambled to understand this shocking event.

After receiving no response from her, he continued to say, “Now that Titus has the results, he’s already probably on his way over to confront you. Don’t worry, though, I’ll keep him in check.”

He realized, of course, that Titus would have easily picked a fight with him too had he not been part of the Coleman Family. That alone was the reason why Titus had hesitated and decided to back off strategically, which left him with no choice but to vent all his anger on her.

Sonia pursed her lips in thought, looking grim. “It’s okay, I’ll figure something out.” Then, she hung up the phone.


Toby took her phone. When he saw that she had ended the call, a curious look glimmered in his eyes as he asked, “What did you tell Zane?”

She rubbed her cheek in exhaustion. “He told me that the results were out and that Taylor is, surprisingly, not Hal and Greta’s daughter, but Titus and Julia’s. As it turns out, Zane and I have somehow or another managed to locate and bring home the real Rina Gray.”

After that, she let out a hollow, self-deprecating laugh—one that made Toby’s heart twist with stabbing guilt.

However, he quickly clenched his fist and buried this sense of guilt before replying gravely, “Well, what do you know…”

“Yeah.” Sonia tipped her head back and sighed wearily. “I thought something as dramatic as this would never happen in the real world.”

He parted his lips as though to say something, but at that moment, a furious and demanding knock came from the lounge door. Whoever it was seemed to be impatient and irritable like a grizzly bear.

“Open the door, Sonia! Open the damn door right now!” Titus’ voice boomed from the other side of the door after a series of frantic knocks and he was clearly in a fit of rage.

It was just like what Zane had said—Titus was here to confront her. She dug her nails into her palms and said through gritted teeth, “Help me onto the wheelchair, President Fuller. I’ll open the door.”

“You don’t have to. I’ll get the door,” Toby offered, pressing her shoulder so that she would remain seated on the sofa. After that, he rose and walked toward the door before swinging it open.

Meanwhile, Titus had thought he would be greeted by Sonia right away. He was ready to slap the test results on her face when he saw Toby looking at him impassively instead. His rage died down before his brows furrowed as he asked begrudgingly, “I didn’t think you’d be getting the door, President Fuller.” What the hell is this guy still doing here?

Toby released the doorknob, and as he towered over Titus, he looked down at the man imperiously. Then, his gaze flickered over to the stack of documents in the man’s hand. Toby narrowed his eyes as he asked, “What do you want with Sonia?”

“What do I want with her?” Titus sneered. “What else? I want to give her what she deserves after she accused Rina of pretending to be my daughter! Now that I have the results in my hand, I’m going to slap the truth on her face! I hope you won’t interfere, President Fuller, seeing as this concerns the feud my family has with Sonia.”


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