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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 485

There were no thumbnails or labels on the disc, so Sonia had no idea what the content was. However, she didn’t give up. She took the disc with her to the study and inserted it into her laptop’s disk drive. Once she opened it, there was only a single folder in it. When she clicked into it, what she saw was a video file.

She played the video, and the first thing she saw on the screen was a young, pale woman.

Sonia was surprised to see that face, then she covered her mouth in disbelief as tears streamed down her cheek. “Mom…” Her voice was shaking with excitement.

The woman who appeared on the screen was none other than Henry’s wife—Lina Ferguson. She died of cancer when Sonia was only five years old. Now that she saw her again, Sonia tried to touch Lina’s face. Even though she knew it wasn’t real, she wouldn’t pull her hand back. She kept trying to touch Lina’s face, and her gaze never shifted.

Lina was in a ward. She was wearing a typical blue-and-white striped patient gown, and there was not a single strand of hair on her head.

Sonia knew that was her mother staying in the hospital after she was diagnosed with cancer. As she looked at Lina, Sonia burst into tears again. It had been twenty-one long years since she last saw her mother. Or, at least, her mother who was still alive and breathing. “I miss you, mom.” The cursor on the screen was shaking as Sonia’s hand trembled, and her voice broke.

Lina faced the screen and smiled gently, as if she felt Sonia’s longing. “Sonia, when you see this, I might already be long gone, but do not worry. I will always, always watch over you from the heavens above.”

“Mom…” Sonia finally couldn’t hold it in anymore, and she leaned over on the table to cry her heart out.

The video continued. Lina coughed a few times, and she got even paler, while her voice was little more than a whisper. “Sonia, I want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hiding the truth from you. Your father and I never told you about your real identity. Please, find it in your heart to forgive us.”

Sonia looked up tearfully and bit her lip in silence.

Lina coughed again, but this time, Sonia saw a hand reach out, and the owner of the hand was handing Lina a glass of water.

It was obvious that the hand belonged to a man, and there was a black mole on the thumb. That’s Dad’s hand! Dad’s here too? Sonia was buzzing with excitement. Will I see him too?

Just when she was thinking about her father, a gentle voice said, “Have some water, honey.” It wasn’t obvious, but there was pain and agony in that voice.

It really is dad! Sonia started trembling with delight.

Lina turned her head to the side and smiled. “Thank you, honey.” She took the glass of water and took a sip. Thanks to that, her coughing subsided ever so slightly. Then, she put her glass down and faced the screen. “Sonia, you must be upset after finding out that you aren’t our daughter. It’ll be unacceptable, and you might think that you’re just a replacement for our own daughter who had passed. Am I right?”


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