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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 512

Chapter 512 Exchanging Dance Partners

If we’re standing so close to each other, then she will see us, and… Sonia lowered her head. Her expression had obviously turned sour. Zane spotted the change in his partner, and he quickly understood the reason for her bad mood when he saw Toby and Emily near them. It made sense—how could one expect Sonia to be happy when she was watching her lower dancing with another woman in front of her? Furthermore, she had just realized that she had fallen for Toby again.

Zane sighed under his breath before he turned to greet Toby and Emily. “Hey, guys. Are you here to dance too?”

“Yeah. I’m here upon someone else’s request,” Emily uttered as she patted Toby’s shoulder. Toby shot her a look to tell her not to touch him wherever she pleased. Then, he turned to focus all of his attention on Sonia. Sonia sensed someone looking at her, but she couldn’t tell who it was. However, she didn’t lift her head to check—she didn’t want to do such a thing. She knew that her mood would worsen if she looked up to see Toby and Emily standing together.

When Toby noticed that Sonia was completely ignoring him, he pursed his lips. The atmosphere around him seemed to turn heavier than before. Upon realizing this, Emily looked around a few times before she curled her lips into a smile. “Who’s this dance partner of yours, Zane?” she asked with an ulterior motive.

“…” Zane didn’t know how to respond. If I say that she’s from the Reed Family, Emily will immediately realize that she’s Toby’s ex-wife. Things will seem weird if she finds out that Toby’s friend is dancing with Toby’s ex-wife. Sonia could sense that Zane was placed in a tough spot.

Well, Emily has already asked about me. It doesn’t matter whether I’m doing it out of courtesy or if I’m trying to help Zane out of his tough spot—I’ll have to speak up either way. I can’t pretend that I don’t see them anymore. Sonia took a deep breath before she looked up, and her gaze swept past Toby’s figure to land on Emily’s face. “Hello, my name is Sonia Reed.”

“Sonia Reed. Doesn’t that mean that you’re…” Emily acted surprised as she turned to stare at Toby.

Sonia nodded. “Yeah. I’m President Fuller’s ex-wife. However, you don’t need to worry about anything as we’re no longer involved in each other’s lives.”

Toby knitted his brows when he heard her words. What does she mean by that? Could she have misunderstood something?


Similarly, Emily froze for a moment, but she chuckled when she realized what was going on. “You’re a really interesting person, Miss Reed. Toby and I aren’t—”

“Emily.” Zane sensed his opportunities being threatened, so he hastily interrupted their conversation. “Emily, Toby, the song is about to start. We can talk later, alright? There are a lot of people here. Why don’t Sonia and I free up this space for you? We can dance on that side of the floor. We don’t want to bump into each other while dancing, right?” With that said, he dragged Sonia over to the other side.

Emily stroked her chin when she watched the other couple walking off. “Zane cut me off intentionally, Toby. It seems like he doesn’t want your ex-wife to know about our relationship.”

“I know.” Toby nodded. “He likes Sonia too.” Zane probably noticed that I have caught feelings for Sonia again, Toby thought. That’s why he wants Sonia to continue misunderstanding my relationship with Emily. That’s the only way she will stay away from me. I can’t believe Zane’s using these manipulative tactics now, Toby thought as he glared at Zane. Toby’s eyes narrowed as if he were keeping watch on a potential threat.

“What? He likes Sonia too?” Emily was too shocked to wrap her head around the situation. “B-But how could he like Sonia? He’s your friend; shouldn’t he…”

“It’s fine.” Toby parted his thin lips to speak in an icy tone. “I won’t let them get together even if he likes her.” Sonia can only belong to me!

“What are you going to do now?” Emily asked him curiously, but Toby didn’t give her a direct answer and changed the topic. “The music is playing, Emily.”


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