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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 518

Chapter 518 Toby the Fashion Critic

As the plaintiff in Tina’s case, Sonia had the right to know everything that was happening to Tina. That was why the police immediately called to let her know about it after they found out Tina killed herself. “Tina is dead?” Sonia mumbled in disbelief.

Tom’s jaw dropped. “What? She killed herself? That’s just…”

Toby took Sonia’s phone. “Why did she kill herself?”

Teddy recognized Toby’s voice, and he answered, “We’re still looking into it. It happened very suddenly, so nobody knows why. The only guess we have now is that she’s trying to avoid prison. Tomorrow’s her last day of house arrest, so that’s probably why. However…”

“This guess is probably wrong,” Toby finished his sentence.

Teddy nodded. “Yes. If she’s really trying to avoid prison, she wouldn’t have waited until now to kill herself. She would have done it as soon as she was placed under house arrest. But that’s what we can work with now. We’re still looking into this.”

“I see. We’ll be right there.” Toby hung up and handed the phone back to Sonia.

Sonia took the phone dumbly. “Tina killed herself?” Apparently, she was still in shock.

Toby patted her head. “Yes.”


Her lips trembled, but she said nothing. Her mind was raging and impossible to calm, for she could not believe Tina had died just like that. Sonia bit her lip.

Toby said nothing. To be honest, he never thought Tina would commit suicide. It caught everyone by surprise, and he had a feeling the suicide wasn’t as simple as it looked. First, the timing wasn’t right, and the reason was too outlandish. Couple that together, and that would be a recipe for a mystery. But I’ll have to take a look for myself to find out.

“Let’s go. This is no laughing matter. You’re the plaintiff, so you must know what’s going on as well.” Toby tipped her chin up gently.

Sonia looked at him. “Okay.”

Toby retracted his hand. “Drive,” he told Tom.

Tom nodded. “Yes, sir!”

They got into the car and went to First World Hospital. Nobody said anything on the way, and the atmosphere was depressingly somber. Tina’s suicide was too shocking for them, making it impossible for them to calm down.

Tom drove fast, so they reached the hospital in less than half an hour.

Before they got out of the car, Sonia realized that there were a few police cars outside the hospital. The police officers stood in a line and cordoned off the area, prohibiting all but the patients requiring immediate treatment from entering.

More than half of the people outside the cordoned-off area were reporters from Flashbang Media. They raised their mics and cameras as they tried to breach the area. They tried to push the police officers away so they could get exclusive news.

Sonia squinted. So the news has spread. It’s probably going viral on the Internet as we speak. Just then, she felt something covering her head, and she touched it. “A hat?”


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