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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 524

Chapter 524 Melody and Cynthia

“Do you know the identity of the corpse then?” Toby asked coldly. That was the most important question for the time being.

Tim adjusted his glasses. “Not sure. I’ve taken the corpse’s fingerprint sample and went through the database, but I found no match. You’ll have to look into this yourself.”

“It’s not going to be easy.” Sonia bit her lip. When she took a look at the corpse’s face earlier, it was nothing but a mangled mess. Now that Tim couldn’t even confirm the corpse’s identity through the fingerprint, it would definitely be an uphill battle for them to investigate the matter.

Just then, one officer rushed over with a stack of files in his hand. “Sir, we’ve compiled the visiting record for Tina Gray!”

Everyone looked at the files the officer was holding at once.

“Give them to me.” Toby went over and took the files from the officer.

Sonia followed him closely and stood beside him. She huddled closer so she could take a look as well.

The file was only two pages long. The first page detailed Julia’s visits, and occasionally Titus’. There was nothing there, so Toby flipped over to the second page. Most of the records were similar to the first page’s, but when they got to the final few records, Toby and Sonia frowned.

“Melody? Cynthia?” Sonia was surprised. “Why did they come to visit her? And in the last couple of days too?”


Toby narrowed his eyes. “Mr. Olsen, these are your prime suspects. It’s possible they helped Tina to escape.”

“I see, Mr. Fuller. I’ll get someone to take them here.” Teddy took the files from him.

Toby grunted and looked at the officer who brought the files over. “Do you have the surveillance footage of these two visiting Tina?”

“Yes.” The officer nodded.

Tim said, “Let’s watch it in my office. There’s a PC and projector there.”

Everyone agreed, and they went to Tim’s office. The officer inserted the USB drive into the PC and projected it onto the big screen.

Toby sat down on the couch and patted the spot beside him. “Sit right here. It’s a great spot.”

Sonia rolled her eyes. We’re not watching a movie right now. You don’t have to pick a good spot. In the end, she still went and sat beside him.

Toby smiled, happy that she did what he asked her to, and everyone around him could feel that he was in a great mood.

The video started playing. The first one was Melody and Cynthia’s first visit. Sonia noticed that they went into Tina’s ward and came out after half an hour, then they left. Nothing else happened during that period of time.

Toby frowned. “Why do you only have surveillance footage outside of the room? Don’t you have a CCTV camera inside?”

Teddy sighed. “Let me explain. She might be a criminal, but she’s still entitled to privacy. We can only record everything outside her room, but not the inside. That’s why we know nothing about what happened inside.”

Toby pursed his lips and said nothing more.

The second video started playing moments later. It was Melody and Cynthia’s last time visiting Tina. This time, Sonia noticed something wrong. Melody went into the room, but she didn’t look too happy. Cynthia was looking weird as well. She was wearing a cap and a mask, and she wouldn’t even look up for a second. More importantly, she looked fearful.


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