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Time Travel to Become Your Sweetheart novel Chapter 257

When it came to the RS virus, everyone was worried.

Robert said to Jane, "It's been a few days. William said that if you don't have red rashes, you would be fine."

Robert did not dare to check Jane's arm, but this time he brought the instrument with him and he was ready to do a blood draw test for her.

Now, the mentor was doing the test paper to detect the virus, which would take a few days.

However, if the patient was in the incubation period, the test paper would not be able to detect it. When it was detected, the red rashes had already appeared on the body.

"Jane, relax. I need to take a blood test."

William couldn't bear to let Jane go to the hospital, so he had to trouble Robert.

Pearl also wanted to ease Jane's anxiety, afraid that she would be worried about the child in her belly.

Pearl said, "Janie, I did a test for you. It turned out that you are safe. You will be fine."

Pearl pointed at Robert. If there was any danger of being infected by the virus, Robert would be the most likely one. As he was a doctor and wandered around the hospital all day. He had even come into contact with Kylie.

Robert, who was disinfecting, paused and said speechlessly, "Ms. Pearl, is that how you comfort people?"

With Pearl and Robert bantering with each other, Jane was much more relaxed.

After she was drawn by Robert, she sat at ease and waited for the results.

Half an hour later, Robert had no results.

Jane asked, "Could it be that I'm infected?"

She bit her lips. She thought that if she got infected, she did not know if she could save her child.

"You are not likely to be infected."

Robert frowned. He was not very sure, but when ordinary people's blood encountered liquid, it would appear to be yellow, and red represented negatively.

However, Jane's samples were blue.

Robert was confused and did not know if it was because Jane was pregnant. He decided to ask his mentor for help. It would be better to collect a few blood samples of pregnant women for comparison.

Chaos was only temporary, and people had to work and live.

After a few days, the order in City J was restored, but unlike before, everyone wore a mask and maintained a distance between people and they walk in a hurry.

Due to the RS virus, the trend of the Internet had changed greatly. No one paid attention to whether Kylie had died because of the accident on the stage. They only cared about how she was infected with the virus.

Three days after Jane's examination, she was still normal. There were no bleeding spots and she could eat and sleep. She called Pearl and learned that Kylie's assistant, Mary, had not survived. She died in three days due to not only organ failure, but her entire body was festering and emitting a foul smell.

Mary couldn't stand anymore, so she jumped down from the top floor of the hospital.

"Janie, don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Pearl pretended to be relaxed. She was already a little uncomfortable. After the fever last night, red dots appeared on her body.

However, she didn't tell Jane about it.

"Robert said that the incubation period was only seven days. I think we've made it through."


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