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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 63

These days, Charlie was running with Katherine in the morning. Their relationship was getting better and better. They had begun to talk about everything.

"Last night, the big shot I saved his life called me and said that Ewan took Mr. Charles and Tyler to find Oskar and wanted to get the so-called nude photos."

"They really tried their best to get me into the trouble."

"It has been resolved. No matter how Ewan targets you, you don't have to be afraid. Be tough. You need to gather prestige in the company. In this way, you will have a greater possibility to control the Hunt Group in the future!"

Katherine fell silent.

She felt that Charlie could see through everything. Thinking of everything that happened recently, she became more and more curious about this man who had been with her for three years.

But she was very witty and didn't ask much.

"I’m here. I will support you no matter what happens."

"Oh, man! You’re so slow. I want to speed up."

Katherine ran ahead. She didn’t want Charlie to see her red face.

In the mild sunlight in the morning, the two big fair legs shone brightly. Her slender waist! Her round butterfly buttocks, and the right goddess height!

Everything was so beautiful.

Charlie licked his lips, stared at her intently, swallowed, but happened to be seen by Katherine who turned around.

"Hey! Where are you looking at?"

Charlie blushed. He turned to look at Mingyue Lake, and said awkwardly, "Well, it's late. We have to go back."

The two returned home and found that the whole family was grooming.

"Dad, Mommy, are you going to hang out today?"

Isabella replied, "Sister, you and Charlie are also going to dress up. Uncle, aunts, and their families have all come to J City. There will be a big lunch."

"What? They all have come here? What are they going to do?"

Spencer snorted coldly, "Your eldest cousin, Issac, has been transferred here. He has joined the Procuratorate in J City as the section chief."

"Really? It's amazing. He is only 30! He is promising." Katherine smiled.

"You can still laugh!"

Spencer said with a sullen face, "You don’t know how his family treat our family? Every time I go back to my parents’ home, I am given a cold shoulder. They satirize and ridicule us. Now, they heard that our family is getting better. They said they wanted to hold a party to celebrate our housewarming and his transferring."

"Isn't that good?"

"Holy shit! Who wants to celebrate with them? A group of snobs." Spencer shouted. She hated them guts.

Back then, her family members envied her to marry a wealthy family, and flattered her. It was later that they knew that she was married to a wimp and didn’t live well at all.

Not only were they gloating, but they also used every possible way to laugh at her.

Except for a trip back during the Spring Festival, Spencer didn't want to contact those people at other times.

"Katherine, take a leave. Don’t go to the company today. As for Charlie..." Spencer asked meaningfully, "Are you going to that lunch?"

"Free meal! Why not go?"

"It's up to you, but talk less, so as not to make people laugh at us."

At nine o'clock, the family went out.

They arrived at a high-end hotel in the city center and enter a large room under the guidance of the waiter.

At this time, there were already many people in the room.

"Spencer, you are finally here."

It was Spencer's eldest sister. She didn’t manage her body shape well. Now, she had already gained a lot weight.

Charlie glanced secretly, guessing that the reason why Spencer was freezing out by her brothers and sisters might have something to do with her own conditions.

Compared to those aunts and cousins, Spencer and her two daughters were a bit too beautiful.

At the lunch, everyone was talking, but no one paid attention to Charlie.

Everyone knew that he was the useless son-in-law of the Hunt family.

"Spencer, congratulations! You finally reached your goal in life and bought a new house. Toast to you!"

"Sister, just a house! My goal in life is not only this." Spencer smiled.

Aunt Daisy put down the wine glass, and then she pretended to be suddenly enlightened. She clapped her hands and said, "I almost forgot. Katherine is taken highly of by Old Lady Hunt and is also responsible for big projects. Your family will be able to live a good life soon. Katherine is really promising."

"Yes, when I come to J City in the future, I hope Katherine can help me."

"Katherine is a successful person right now. Why are you still with a wimp? He doesn’t match you. How about I will introduce some good guys to you?"

A woman with heavy makeup said with a smile, her eyes full of mockery.

Now, the topic was transferred to Charlie.

"Charlie, why haven't you spoken all the time? Don't be afraid. We’re family."

Aunt Daisy said with a fake smile, "I heard that you have been staying at home, washing and cooking. It’s not good. Men should have their own business. How about I let my son introduce you a job?"

Today's protagonist, the section chief of the procuratorate, Issac waved his hand quickly, "Mom, don't embarrass me. I dare not introduce work to Charlie. If the salary is low, he won’t like it. But no one will pay for a useless person a high salary. It’s hard!"

"I think it's better to stay at home. There is nothing wrong with being a househusband."

"It's a pity. Katherine, you are so beautiful, but… By the way, you two have been married for three years. Why do you still have no children?"

A mean woman hurriedly said, with a weird smile on her face, "Is it possible that he is very useless in that aspect? Katherine, you must be upset, right?"

"Enough! Be serious! What are you talking about?" Uucle Thomas pretended to be serious and said.

The cousins closed their mouths, but the contempt on their faces still made Katherine uncomfortable.

At this time, Aunt Elena said with a sharp voice, "Isn't the Hunt family doing construction? You can go to the construction site to be a worker. There are several thousand dollars in a month. You are a man, but look like so sissy. It’s so useless."

"Who says he is useless? Who says my brother-in-law doesn't have a job? He is preparing to start a business."

Isabella was really furious, yelling to fight back.

Start a business?

Everyone laughed, especially those cousins. They laughed from ear to ear.

"Do you want to open a laundry to help others wash clothes?"


Suddenly, the laughter grew louder.

Katherine flushed with anger. If it weren't for Charlie secretly pulling her, she would have lost her temper violently. Spencer was also so furious. But she couldn't vent it.

Because Charlie could only do laundry and cooking.

She was irritated and glared at Charlie, as if she was saying, “Why do you insist on coming over? Now, our family is embarrassed because of you. I’ll get even with you after we come back.”

At this time, outside the room.

"What do you mean? Isn't this luxurious private room reserved by us? This is your style of doing things." A man in a suit shouted lowly.

The hotel manager was full of bitter smile and said, "Noel, so sorry! It’s our staffs’ mistakes. They didn't know that the reservation has been made. Please forgive us.”

"Don't talk nonsense. Let them go away quickly."

"Noel, the room over there is also very luxurious. The person who is having lunch here is Issacof the Procuratorate."

The hotel manager was very helpless. He couldn't offend either side.

Chapter 63 Spencer’s Relatives 1


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