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Too Much to Bear, My Love novel Chapter 904

Chapter 904 Finding Out The Truth

The moment Amelia stepped out of the hospital, she received a call from Benjamin. She stared at the phone screen in a daze. If it wasn’t for this call, I might have forgotten the existence of the Hutton family. I haven’t been in contact with them for a year or two. It feels kind of strange to talk to them.

Snapping out of the trance, she eventually answered the phone. “Hello.” Hearing Benjamin’s reply from the other end of the line, Amelia hesitated and nodded.

After hanging up the phone, she got into the car and asked Jolin to drop her off at a nearby café. When they arrived at the destination, Amelia unbuckled her seatbelt and said, “I’m going to meet with the Hutton family. Wait for me outside.”

Jolin immediately became wary and grabbed Amelia’s hand. “Mrs. Clinton, I’ll go with you.” Seeing the grim expression on Jolin’s face, Amelia knew that the former would feel upset if she wasn’t allowed to go inside, so she agreed to it. Nevertheless, she told Jolin to sit in a hidden spot to avoid awkwardness in case the Hutton family discovered her.

After entering the café, Amelia Winters immediately saw Benjamin and Amelia Hutton. The latter had become more feminine over the years. Compared to her previous innocent appearance, she looked foxier and more attractive with her wavy hair.

For some reason, Amelia Winters felt the way Amelia Hutton had dressed up looked familiar. Standing up from the chair, Benjamin called out, “Lia, over here.”

Amelia Winters walked toward them before sitting down. “Mr. Hutton, Ms. Hutton, it’s been a while. It looks like you have been doing well,” she greeted them politely. Amelia Hutton merely responded with a smile.

On the other hand, Benjamin looked at Amelia Winters with an unreadable expression, a hint of indescribable yearning flashing in his eyes.

“Amy, we’re all family. Even though we haven’t been in contact for more than a year, it doesn’t change the fact that we’re related by blood. You don’t have to be so courteous. Mom isn’t here anymore, but the two of us are still your dad and sister, right?” Amelia Hutton pushed the cup of coffee in front of her to Amelia Winters and added, “Amy, this is the coffee I ordered for you. Try it. The coffee here is quite good.”

Amelia Winters glanced at the coffee with no intention of touching the cup.

“Take a sip, Amy. Are you turning down the drink I ordered for you?” asked Amelia Hutton.

Instead of drinking the coffee, Amelia Winters eyed her warily.

Realizing that she was being too eager, Amelia Hutton primped her hair and smiled charmingly. “Amy, I didn’t mean anything by that. I simply want to mend our relationship. Also, I’m here to give you an invitation to my wedding. I’m engaged to the eldest son of the Jefferson family from Saspiuburg. We’re getting married in three months.”

A hint of surprise flashed across Amelia Winters’ eyes.

“Amy, don’t tell me you thought I’m still pining for Oscar, do you?” Amelia Hutton asked with a smile and continued, “Yes, I used to harbor feelings for him. But there’s always a limit when it comes to crushes. I met my true love a year ago. Now, I want you to attend my wedding as my sister.”

Amelia Winters smiled at her explanation. “Congratulations, I will be there.”

“Thank you, Amy. Since there’s no wine here, let’s have a toast to my wedding with a cup of coffee instead.” With that, Amelia Hutton raised her cup.

Amelia Winters hesitated before picking up the cup and clinking it with her sister. After taking a sip, she sat down and wiped her mouth with a clean napkin. She discreetly wiped off all traces of the drink.

I can’t afford to let my guard down. I don’t know whether Amelia is telling the truth or not. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

It was unclear whether Amelia Hutton saw Amelia Winters’ movement as the former merely smiled in response.

Then, she took out a wedding invitation from her bag and pushed it in front of Amelia Winters.

Still wearing a smile, Amelia Hutton uttered, “Amy, this is my wedding invitation. Remember to come to Saspiuburg with Oscar for the ceremony.”

Picking up the invitation, Amelia Winters saw the picture of Amelia Hutton leaning intimately against a handsome-looking man. Upon closer inspection, the man seemed to resemble Oscar.

“You two look like a perfect match for each other,” remarked Amelia Winters.

At her comment, Amelia Hutton beamed like a happy bride-to-be.

The two sisters chatted for nearly half an hour before Amelia Hutton said that she and Benjamin were planning to meet with other friends. Therefore, they had to cut their conversation short.

Standing up, Amelia Winters took a glance at Benjamin, who remained silent throughout the conversation. After contemplating for a while, she could not help but remind him, “Mr. Hutton, please take care of yourself lest your children worry about you.”

Benjamin glanced at Amelia Winters as if he wanted to see through her. However, he probably realized by then that no matter how much Amelia resembled that woman, they could not be the same person. Besides, a year and a half had passed. Even if he missed her dearly, his feelings were bound to die down a little. He eventually nodded calmly at her reminder.

After leaving the café, Amelia Hutton and Benjamin waved Amelia Winters goodbye before getting into their car.

While driving, Amelia spoke up. “Dad, you can rest assured now that she’s doing well. That crazy rumor about her divorce from Oscar might have been fake news. Although Amy looks a lot like Mom, she is not her. You should give up on trying to get her back. It’s pointless, anyway. Besides, I’ll have a baby soon after getting married. You can just focus on being a granddad.”

Benjamin leaned against the car seat with his eyes shut. He eventually nodded after a while.

Only then did Amelia heave a sigh of relief.

Amelia Hutton had changed a lot in the past year and a half. Meeting the man of her life was the major turning point. For him, she had stopped being a materialistic person. She also worked hard to learn how to be a good wife. Hence, her temperament changed drastically. Maybe due to her future husband’s preference for beautiful women, she began to dress more maturely and look sexy. As a result, her appearance looked even more similar to Amelia Winters.

That day, Amelia Hutton deliberately asked Amelia Winters out to tell her that she had found the man she could spend the rest of her life with. Therefore, the two of them could be sisters without any hard feelings. Furthermore, she indirectly wanted to be on good terms with a prestigious family like the Clintons. Firstly, she intended to provide her future husband’s family with more resources. Secondly, she wanted to make it clear to the Jefferson family that not only did she have the support of the Hutton family but also the Clintons so that they would think twice before bullying her.

It was a win-win situation for Amelia Hutton to make that trip.

Meanwhile, Amelia Winters frowned while standing in front of the café.

“Jolin, help me find out if Amelia Hutton is truly getting married or not. And send someone to keep an eye on the two of them. Just let them be if they leave without causing any trouble. If they try to pull any tricks, you can deal with them as you see fit,” instructed Amelia Winters.

I’m not being paranoid. It’s just that I can’t afford to let my guard down after suffering so much in the past. Otherwise, if my so-called family betrays me in the future, I will have no place to cry.

Jolin nodded in response.

After sending Amelia Winters home, Jolin sent someone to follow the father and daughter from the Hutton family. Then, she used her contacts in Saspiuburg to find out about their lives over the past eighteen months. Indeed, Amelia Hutton was engaged to the eldest son of the Jefferson family and would get married in a few months. As for Benjamin, he had been visiting Eleanor’s grave for the past year and a half. Other than that, he stayed at home and isolated himself from the rest of the world. He did not seem to pose any threat at all.

Afterward, Jolin informed Amelia about the findings of her investigation.

Amelia mulled over it and felt relieved that none of them seemed suspicious.

Amelia Hutton is about to get married soon. That means I have one less enemy to deal with. It’s better to have one more friend than an enemy. Since she extended the olive branch, I should accept her kindness.

Jolin went out to answer a call. Soon, she came back and said that the Hutton family’s father-daughter duo had arrived at the airport and would depart in half an hour.

Nodding, Amelia instructed, “Ask your people to watch get on the plane before coming back.”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Clinton. Xavier also booked the same flight as them. He will personally send them to Saspiuburg before coming back,” Jolin said reassuringly.

Amelia was amused by Jolin’s words. Nevertheless, she felt touched by their dedication to their duties. I gave them the orders casually. But I didn’t expect Jolin and the others to understand me so well and take care of everything I was concerned about.

“Jolin, when Xavier is back, please ask him out on my behalf. Let him know that I’m treating him to a meal. He should be rewarded for being such a responsible bodyguard. I’m going to speak to Oscar and ask him to raise his salary,” Amelia said.

“Mrs. Clinton, he will be so delighted to hear that. He has been telling me non-stop about how amazing you are, and that Boss always listens to you.” Jolin could not resist but tell Amelia.

The latter was amused by Xavier’s impression of her.

At that moment, her phone rang.

It was a call from Amelia Hutton.

Chapter 904 1

Chapter 904 2

Chapter 904 3


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