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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 113

I don’t look behind me as I spin her and give her a rough shove forward. Even without my lycan, I can run and fast. It’s rare I am one to retreat. Shit, it’s hardly happened more than once or twice that I can recall, but now is as good a time as ever.

“Move,” I growl at her as she glances over her shoulder at me before her eyes grow wide and she sprints.

My legs move in stride with hers, catching up in a few steps, looking back to see creatures creeping on the forest floor toward us with unnatural speed. My heart pounds as I press my hand to her back, spurring her on faster.

“Move faster, Letty,” I rush out. I feel her muscles move at my command. Her stride lengthens and her arms pump harder.

The growling grows louder and the sounds of branches snapping above us send a shiver through my body as I prepare for whatever made up beast Lily has drafted up using her dark magic this time around. I reach out to my lycan, searching for that connection, the one just out of reach.

“What the fuck is that sound, Merikh?” she hisses as she slows and ducks under a low hanging tree branch.

“Focus on moving.” I mutter, rallying against the wall in my mind, keeping me from being able to turn around and just annihilate the beasts behind us.

I leap over a root, landing just ahead of her as I grab her hand and begin to pull her faster. If I remember correctly, there is a small ledge ahead, one that has a roaring stream at the bottom of it.

If we can just make it to it, make it over it, then it should buy us some time. Especially with Colette’s abilities with water. She could erase the magic with a simple rain shower, but that would drain her and to do that this early would be a waste of her energy.

“Merikh…” she says in a small warning. She is tired of being told what to do, but I know looking back would only make her freak out.

“Just do not look back,” I urge her as she groans and follows me. Her hand squeezes mine and I look at her as her body seems to vibrate.

“There is a powerful body of water close.” She mutters, “I can stop them if you would just let—”

“No.” I snap. “No, it is a good idea, but you need to save your strength. The last thing we need is to drain your water abilities before we absolutely must.”

“Merikh, we might not have a choice.” She says firmly, her gait slowing as I tug on her a little harder.

“I need you to trust me.” I say, and I can feel her inner conflict before she releases and agrees.

“I do.”

“Then get your ass moving and get ready to jump when I say jump.” I rush out, looking back to see a lizard type beast at my heels.

“What the fuck is that?” Colette screeches

“Oh fuck,” I grunt, kicking a foot back and colliding with its scaley nose. It hisses in pain, a warbling noise emitting from it before I finally see the telltale stone ahead.

“Just focus on running.” I yell at her and she whimpers, her legs kicking as hard as possible as we close in on the ledge. It’s only five steps away, now four, three…

“Merikh–” She gasps in surprise as I throw her forward and scream at her all at once.

“JUMP!” Colette flies across, as I leap slightly behind her.

She grunts as she rolls to the dirt covered ground and I land on my feet, barely over the edge, before my legs fly out from under me and I am falling.

“No!” she squeals, her hand catching hold of my wrist as she thuds to the ground with lung crush force. She wheezes as she uses both hands to hold me tight.

My right leg feels incredibly heavy as a sticky, wet substance clings to me. Without looking, I know what it is. It’s the fucked up weird lizard creature that is probably truly just a wolf, just bewitched. But right now, it feels real magic or not.

I look down, kicking at him with my free leg, trying to get the prickly slimy tongue to unwrap from my ankle. My anger rises as the others come to a stop, hissing and growling as they pass back and forth.

At least my plan worked for the most part. The magic washes away with water, so for them to jump and miss, they would be easier to kill, nothing more than a zombie wolf with no actual skills or fighting abilities.

I swing my leg back, slamming it hard into the jagged rocks, the creature making a pained sound as it tries to cling to me. Over and over again I grunt, the sway of my movements propelling it harder and faster until finally it releases me and falls into the water below.


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