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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 119

Merikh’s thumb rubs up and down my hand as he holds it tight. The air is thick with tension, as if nature knows what to expect. There has not been a single tweet or chittering of forest animals since we set foot here. All life has run from their homes in their desperate bid for survival. And yet here we are, readily marching into what they run from.

“Are you both sure about this?” Hayes asks, walking up behind us with a grim look on his face. “Really, truly sure this is the best course of action?”

“Best course of action? No. Only course of action? Yes.” Merikh says with a solemn look. “There is no surviving a war against the dragons. We may be able to hold out for a time, but in the end, we will end in ash, like all their foes before them. Giselle needs to die. Today. Or we will all die tomorrow.”

My skin prickles at his words. There is no room for failure here, even with what feels like a crackpot plan. Hayes rubs his temple and closes his eyes, breathing heavily before he meets his older brother’s gaze.

“Let me go instead.” He says, his words soft and pleading. “They need you more than they need me. And if this plan fails...it is you. They would follow into the fire, not me.”

I step closer to him, touching his hand gently as he turns his sorrowful face toward me.

“I promise to put out any fires I can and keep our Alpha alive.” I give him an encouraging squeeze on his hand.

“He is not the only one I worry about, Luna.” He frowns.

“Be ready for when we reach out in the mind link. When we are ready, that is when we will call for everyone to attack. Can you keep the mate bond block up long enough to block out Leandra’s pain?”

He nods and takes his hand back, shoving it in his pocket.

“Yes, Luna.” Then Hayes takes a step back, giving us a nod. “Be safe brother, you are the only family I have left.”

We watch as he leaves, and I glance at the clock anxiously waiting for my parents to arrive, along with Ezrah. The moon is high, a sign the heavens are with us, both as a siren and a werewolf. The water in my veins is stronger, more rampant than what it would be during the day.

“Colette,” I hear my mother say, rushing toward me. She takes my hands, tugging me into a hug. “Promise me you will be safe.”

“Of course I will be. Truth be told, I am more concerned about you,” I tell her and she sighs, a smirk on her lips.

“I am the daughter of an Alpha, mother of the only hybrid in the world. There is no need to worry about me. I want revenge just as much as you do, sweetheart.” She tells me.

“So you two will sneak up on her from the west. We will hit the east. Ezrah has claimed the south and Johannes is already there.” Caspian says, moving toward us out of the dark. “What is it you want us to do when we get there? Shall we taunt her with insults?”

I can hear the doubt in his voice, the way he thinks this plan is bullshit. But it is the only way to end it all here and now. I sigh and shake my head, having no time to try to explain it all over again to him.

“All we can do is hope that Lily’s death affects her.” I tell him.

“Hayes is standing by and ready to draw forces away when we need it.” Merikh reminds him. “If it comes down to it, we will fight and take out as many as we can before we get to her.”

“And what about the dragon king?” Caspian reminds us.

“I can only hope his son has kept him home and safe.” I admit, biting my lip. “We don’t have time to sit and wait anymore.”

“Colette,” Caspian frowns and I shake my head.

“Dad,” I say firmly, “This is it. We have to do this. Now is the only time.”

He reluctantly nods before he clears his throat and moves over next to my mom. I don’t miss the way his arm hangs at his side and her fingers seem to reach out to find his, even if it is for a mere moment.


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