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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 


Blood drains from my face, my hands instantly going cold as I lick my lips and try to form any coherent words possible, but nothing comes out. I shake my head, fighting the tears as they beg for release

This can’t be happening. Not now, not after I just gave him every part of me. Merikh is lying to me or he is lying to Capsian and I can’t see well enough through my blurry eyes to tell which is it

Is this a Joke?I hear Caspian ask, anger and pain lacing his voice as it breaks

clear an 

No.Merikh’s voice is clear and resolute.. 

My knees go weak, my hand flying to my chest, clutching at my shirt, looking for reprieve, hoping it will let oxygen in as I try to suck in air in huge gulps. Warm hands cup my cheeks, smoothing hair from my face as his voice echoes in the background and I slump to my knees

Letty, I need you to focus,his voice is firm and full of concern. Focus on my voice.” 

My hands fly up, finding his wrists, yanking them away from my face as I turn away from him

I don’t want to hear your voice.I hiss at him

I needed to protect you,He tries to tell me as some sort of excuse, but if he had trusted me, if he had given me the fucking time of day he would have known he could have told me anything. Including this, I force myself up on shaky legs, wiping at the tears that seem to escape despite me telling them to stay

There is no slowing down my heart rate as I glare into Merikh’s eyes. Guilt and remorse swim in his perfect green orbs and I know there is no lie there. It feels like a one thousand pound weight is crushing my chest as I try to gasp for air. Never have I ever felt so helpless, so lost in my entire life

She is my daughter? You are sure? Caspian whispers, hopeful. I turn to look at him, the tears flowing free when I see the glimmer of tears in his own eyes. My hurt morphs into rage. What asshole leaves his daughter, lets his mate die

You are not my father.” I hiss, taking a step away from him as well

He is.” Merikh says softly. I shoot him a glare, my chest heaving

I don’t believe you..It feels like I am being pulled between two forces, my body being torn into two, my heart rivaling my soul and there is no stopping this agony

We will talk about this later, Colette. Right now I need a healer in our room to take care of my gamma who needs immediate care. Brent is currently there taking care of him, and I am not comfortable with this situation

Yes, of course.Caspian says, not saying anything else as he lifts his hand and snaps. Someone shuffles to him and he whispers in their ear, receiving a bow and the man rushes off. Motioning for others to follow him

We should go see him,Merikh says, reaching out for my hand. I slap it away, taking a step back from him, Wech 

I don’t want to be near you.I growl, and he frowns, but seems to accept my choice

Then I will leave you with your fatherm, I mean with Caspian.” he looks at the King of Sirens and then back at me, a solemn look on his face. I know you have no desire to forgive me, I understand that, but you are still my luna.” 

I watch as he disappears, both needing his arms around me and simultaneously hating the idea of him ever touching me again. If what he is saying is true, if Caspian is my real father, he has taken a potentially beautiful reunion and shattered it with deceit and trickery. Does Merikh truly care about me, or was I his pawn all along

Even last night, our beautiful moment I couldn’t wait to share with him is called into question. Was he hoping that by screwing me, I would cling to him and not be angry? Or did he care about my feelings in all of this at all? I want to think 


Chapter 33 

about Percy, to be with him, but being near Merikh makes me feel physically ill

Caspian’s face appears before mine and I blink away the tears as he reaches out, looking for me to take his hand. I scowl at him, crossing my arms over my chest instead, and he frowns before he nods in understanding. A frown tugs at the corner of his lips. Then he sighs heavily, striding away from me before turning back around. 

Do you remember me?He asks hopefully, and I shake my head now, my brows pulling together as I try to recall anything 

about him

No.I tell him honestly. Truthfully, all I have of my mother are dreams I thought were nightmares. Always her leaving me as I chase her through a marsh area, only to be abandoned and never see her again.” 

She left you?he asks, his brows rising like the action surprises him

YesI say before sighing heavily. At least I think she did. I don’t remember much past being new in the pack where I grew up since I was ten 

He looks away in thought

Uh, what pack did you grow up in?he asks, like he may know it. Strange coming from a siren who should know nothing about the werewolf world other than he knocked up a shewolf and created me, supposedly

Black Mountain Pack.” I mutter, and his eyes snap to mine. He seems to stand a little straighter as he licks his lips and swallows hard

Black Mountain pack.” He whispers. With Alpha Bentley,” 

Uh yes.I murmur, surprised that he knows his name. How did you know?” 


He clears his throat, looking away for a minute, before looking back, a tear slipping down his cheek

He is your uncle.He says, looking me in the eye. A bubble of laughter burst from my lips, my chest loosening with the action as I laugh at the absurdity

No, Alpha Bentley was my alpha. I served his daughter as a maid and they treated me like absolute garbage. He is not my uncle.” 

His face falls, anger creeping back into his demeanor as he shuffles to his other foot

He treated you like a maid?He grits out and I watch him like he is a little unhinged

Yes. But I mean, I am a maid, well, was.I tell him and he looks away, his jaw muscles rippling with effort as he clenches his 


You are a Princess.He growls. And an alpha blood werewolf. You are no maid, even if he forced you to do maidly things. You are royalty.” 

I am not.I scoff. You don’t even know you have the right person. You are just going to take his word for it?” 

I can see so much of her in you.He whispers. Reaching out to touch my face, I lean away. And my family as well. Do you have any powers?He asks

Powers?I scoff. Until recently, I hardly had a wolf that would show up because I was so weak.” 

He nods. That makes sense. Your pack is nowhere near water. When you were little, you were so sick, just a tiny little thing your mother had to be near water for you to thrive. How you must have suffered being so far from water for so long.” 

I blink at him. His words striking something in me, something that feels like truth. A part of me that doesn’t understand how he could know that innermost thought

HowI squeak out the question, not sure how to form the full sentence


Chapter 25 

You said it yourself, Colette. Water feels like home.” 

That could all just be coincidence.” I whisper, too afraid to hope for anything good in my life. The last thing amazing I had blew up in my face mere minutes ago. Lots of people think water is relaxing and calm.” 


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