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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64

“I should get back to Merikh,” I mutter. Confliction stirring in my head and chest.

I know Caspian is right. My powers, whatever they may be, could very much come in handy and, as someone who can’t offer much in the way of my werewolf abilities, this would be a huge advantage for us.

What I did in the woods with the fake giants was something I had no idea I could do. Heck, I’m not sure I could even do it

if I tried. But if the ocean makes me stronger than the fresh–water lake in my pack, should I not try to see what it can do

again for me?

“Promise me you will consider it?” He asks. The sincerity in his voice is enough to make me see he wants this not to just keep me safe where he lives, but he wants me to learn, to grow.

“I will think about it.” I tell him with a tight smile as I back away and turn, heading toward the mansion that once was so grand.

As I enter, I see Hayes storming out of a room, his fist flying into the adjacent wall as he screams in anger. I stop, watching as he drags his hands through his hair and then leans forward, resting his forehead above where he punched a hole.

“Hayes,” I call out to him, walking in his direction as he straightens himself up and turns, shock written on his face. He tries to hide the hole in the wall, leaning against it with his back and clearing his throat.

“Luna,” He says, bowing his head in respect, which only makes me raise a brow. Hayes has been respectful to me, but he is my brother through my mate, not just a beta or a pack member. It is so obvious that he is hurting and it’s not just Merikh being injured.

“Leandra still not speaking?” I ask him and he looks down

“How am I supposed to reject her if she can’t respond?” he growls, though his anger is not directed toward me.

“Why would you reject her?” I ask him and he looks at me like I’ve lost all ability to speak coherently.

“She is a traitor. I can’t take her as my mate now.”

I frown at the man I know to be wise beyond his years. One whose opinion is highly valued not only by Merikh but everyone who knows him. But maybe that is why he is so great at advice. Because he can see things from the outside perspective and with this situation, he is in the thick of it. Making terrible mistakes without asking anyone for their external thoughts or opinions. When it comes to his own life, he is lost.

“Being a traitor is a conscious choice.” I say softly, “I doubt she asked to be bewitched and used against her own kind. Seems to me she was used, not asked.”

Hayes presses his head back into the wall, lifting it and slamming it back. He does it again, hammering it against it twice, now three times, before I step closer and place my hand where the back of his head is repeatedly hitting. He stops and tilts his head to look at me, sadness in his eyes.

“What the hell am I supposed to do? I prize loyalty above everything, Colette,” He whispers, sounding broken. “Seeing her out there, fighting us..I can’t erase it. The colors of her eyes didn’t matter. She was going to kill my alpha, her alpha. How do I just forget that?”

“I don’t know.” I tell him honestly, my shoulders popping up in a shrug. “But I think it’s worth trying

“It’s like…everything went to hell when those damn zombie wolves arrived and now…now we are stuck there. Burning for the sins of our ancestors and tearing everyone else down with us,” He scoffs.

“That’s an interesting way of putting it, 1 admit. “Not quite how I see it, though.”

“Yeah, well, how the hell would you describe it?” He scoffs, his frustration seeping through his words. “We’ve been attacked so many damn times I can’t count anymore. We make no headway, these assholes just take win after win and we just lose everything.”

“It’s just life.” I shrug. “For so damn long, I was living in hell. Stagnant. Nothing to do or live for, losing everything, including

Chapter 64

who I was every day. I lived longer. Sometimes one person’s hell is another person’s salvation. All of this? These fights, these losses? That’s proof we are still fighting. Proof these assholes can’t beat us.”

“So what you are saying is if we fight long enough, eventually we will win one?” He scoffs, and I chuckle.

“I don’t know.” I admit. “But giving up on the things that can make what you call hell feel a little less awful won’t guarantee you any wins, either.”

He snaps his mouth shut, looking at the door across from us. Then he sighs.

“Brent is with Percy, trying to break the hold they have on him. Then he will be here, working on Leandra next.”

should be there with her. I can only imagine how hard it will be for her to understand what happened, what is

“And happening

“I have to reject her once she is free…” He whispers. “I just don’t know that I can do it. She is my mate, who I have waited for. But what if she is my Lauren…?”


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