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Trap me in your love novel Chapter 22

Jessie paused for a while and said, "Let me tell you a story. It's about me. Do you want to know?"

When she saw Mark nodded, Jessie sighed deeply, and looked at the entrance of the cave meaningfully.

"My mother was born in a literary family. The rules of the family were very strict, especially marriage. It was generally decided by the parents. However, in order to refuse the arranged marriage, my mother chose to run away from home. And then she met my father during this period of time. In consideration of her family background, my mother resolutely chose my father and decided to break off with my grandfather...My mother was a very simple person. She always thought that my father would love her all his life. She didn't expect that my father had an affair not long after she was pregnant.

Before I was ten years old, I felt very happy. Although my father had another woman outside, at least we could feel that he still cared about our family, cared about me and my mother. However, as time went by, my father was getting more and more impatient to us. In the end, he even took his mistress home and they gave birth to a child, my half-sister.

Nevertheless, Mom still had a glimmer of hope for Dad. She always felt that Dad would change his mind one day. However, the birth of my younger brother made the whole family completely fragmented."

Jessie was very reluctant to think of that memory, because all her happiness came to an abrupt end.

Darren was born and brought up in a rural place, so he was conservative in his thoughts and mind. Although he never mentioned about having a son, he incisively and vividly spoke and behaved in a way that he preferred sons to daughters.

When Irene got pregnant for the second time, she always hoped to have a boy. She did this in order to win Darren's love. She still remembered the joy on Darren's face as if he had obtained the most precious treasure when the baby was brought out and claimed to be a boy.

Actually, when her younger brother was born, she was also very happy.

She felt that their father would come back to them if she had a little brother. If she had a little brother, their family would be a complete family.

However, this joy only lasted for one day. When the doctor announced that her younger brother was a child with cerebral palsy, the hope of the whole family collapsed in an instant.

After that, her younger brother was sent away. Irene became mentally ill. She beat and scolded her, cried and screamed. She often tried to kill her with a knife.

Seeing her mother suffer like this, Jessie felt pain in her heart like being needled.

She once asked her mother why she was still here, why she didn't leave Darren to live a new life. However, there were only one word that Irene replied to her: willingness!

It's true that one should learn to take the result calmly no matter what he or she does. That's her choice.

It was said that I would keep walking on my way I have chosen, even on my knees... What Irene did was the truest reflection of it.

She loved Darren desperately. But as their daughter, she suffered the most.

Looking at Jessie, Mark had mixed feelings. He was touched by Jessie's honesty in the bottom of his heart.

At least, he could see her sincerity.

"Why did you agree to marry Mr. Mark? For money?" Mark asked.

Jessie smiled helplessly and said, "I did that not only for money, but also for the power of the Lan family. I used to hope that Mark could help me getting my brother back home, and let Mom leave Darren... But now it seems that..."


What Mark did kept Jessie in a cold and hopeless situation.

They chatted for a long time. Jessie talked the most. Mark was listening all the time.

Not knowing how long they had chatted, finally, Jessie couldn't resist the sleepiness. After asking 'I didn't know your name yet', Jessie leaned her head to Mark's shoulder and fell asleep.

With a faint smile, Mark looked at the little woman who fell asleep on his shoulder. A touch of warmth gradually appeared in his deep cold eyes.

His hand gently ran over the wet hair on her face.

Jessie, which one was the real you?

The restrained one? The smart one? The simple one? The kind one? Or...

These are all not you!


When Jessie woke up again, she had left the cave and lay on a comfortable big bed.

Outside the window, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was cloudless. The storm that had happened last night was nowhere to be seen.

Sunlight fell on her body through the window. Jessie stretched lazily. She didn't remember how long she had not slept well like this.

"You woke up?" Hearing a deep voice of a man, Jessie quickly drew back her arms that had just stretched out, looking at the man in front of her in horror.

"You! Why! Why are you here?"

"Why not? This is my room."



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