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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 14

(Kaden POV)

A sigh slips past my lips. My hand shuts the door behind me as I step

into the house, returning to the familiar and pleasing ambience that

lines a smile across my face. My body spots a simple, fitted black

business suit, and my hands are more than ready to tear it off in the

comfort of my own home. I take a breath, and just before my

fingers undo my tie, I'm immediately greeted by the love of my life. Annabel.

My pulse quickens. Her body is covered with very little fabric,

wearing only a white lace bra and matching panties. My cock and I

appreciate the sight very much, even though she could've chosen

to be naked for me, but I won't complain, at least not tonight due

to my exhaustion.

My body is hauled close to hers by her arms, and she holds me

tightly in her satiating embrace. Her lips waste no time as they

instantly latch onto mine with affection and passion, her tongue

already parting my lips to play with mine. I groan softly in her

mouth, and my hand sneaks down to squeeze a marvelous handful

of her beautiful ass that I'm glad to claim. Her whimpers drift into

my mouth. My hand heads north, smoothing over her back.

Her lips release mine, and she looks up to me, her eyes dark and

sparkling with lust, signaling a twitch to my manhood. "Hi, Daddy.

How did the business meeting go?" she asks. Her lips find my

neck to plant kisses on.

I sigh in pleasure and smile. "The meeting went well, baby. Thank

you for asking." Her lips appreciate my jawline as she makes sure

to kiss every inch of it. "Mmm, and how did your day go,


"My day went well."

I chuckle and lick her lips. "I love you so much, kitten."

"I love you, too." She pecks my lips with hers and kisses the corners

of my mouth. "You make me extra wet when you wear a suit," she

reveals in a low voice.

"I'm glad to hear that, baby. But I'm sorry I didn't ask you earlier if

my crotch looked okay in the suit." My fingers run through her

luscious and lengthy hair.

Her eyes shift to my crotch and return to mine. "Your crotch always

looks great." She tugs on my lower lip with her own lips. Her teeth

digs into her lower lip after.

I can't help but smile. However, the smile doesn't last for long as I

noticed she committed an arousing act. "Baby," I whisper, and the

pad of my thumb presses against her lips. She kisses my thumb. I

lick my lips. "Don't bite your lip at me, you know how that makes

me want to fuck the shit out of you," I remind her.

She slides my thumb between her lips and starts sucking. I inhale

sharply. She liberates my thumb from her mouth. "You always

want to fuck the shit out of me no matter what, Daddy."

"I know, baby." My lips lower to her neck to place kisses, and then

I bite and suck on her skin, in hopes of leaving a mark as a

reminder to her of who she belongs to.

A sigh escapes her mouth. "I made you dinner," she whispers.

My lips depart from her neck, and my eyes meet hers again.

"You're too sweet. Thank you, angel." I peck her lips with mine.

"Mmm, Daddy's definitely fucking you extra hard tonight. But I

actually wanted to make you dinner."

"You can make us dinner tomorrow night." She chuckles.

My lips capture hers again, and she murmurs something

unintelligible against my lips. I pull back. "Mmm, baby girl, what is


Before uttering, she decides to undo my tie, removing it, and sets it

over her shoulder. "Get on your knees for me."

Holy shit. "Whoa, baby. I thought Daddy was going to be in charge

tonight." I lean in close to her ear. "I want to be in charge tonight,

baby. I missed you."

"I missed you more, so let me be in charge." She kisses me, and

her hands bring my wrists together to fasten them with my own


"I'm left with no choice, huh?"

She nods. "On your knees for me, Daddy."

I obey, kneeling for her, as her authoritative tone resonates

between my legs. My eyes connect with hers, waiting for further


Her hand sits behind my head. "You're so hot."

"Mmm, baby, how should Daddy please his gorgeous girl tonight?"


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