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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 29

"That's it, fuck."

I choke on his length, as my gag reflex is awakened, forcing myself to bear it and to continue to allow him to fuck my throat.

"Daddy loves seeing his baby girl choke on his cock, fuck."

I moan, delivering the vibrations across his cock. My hand squeezes and tugs his balls gently, and my lips pop off his length to give his balls the well-deserved attention from my tongue. I lick them and take one of them between my lips, sucking on it.

After, I spit on his cock and my lips are back to enfolding his cock, sucking him, pleasing him. My hand finds his to interlock my fingers with, as I slide his cock deeper in my mouth to feel it throbbing and a film of his precum is left on my throat.

"Shit, baby girl, I'm going to come," he admonishes and my lips are liberated from his cock. His hand appears at his cock to stroke himself, edging to the climax.

"Mmm, come for me, Daddy. Your cum belongs in my mouth." My mouth is open, ready and waiting for his cum to be caught.

After my words, he moans, jerking himself quicker and he erupts, shooting his hot load in my mouth for my tongue to taste the saline flavor.

"Fuck, yes. Swallow every last drop, kitten."

I obey, making sure to clean off his seed from his cock for me to consume. His reproductive fluid courses down my throat, burning the surface slightly. "There, all nice and clean, ready for another good fucking."

He smirks and pulls me up to lock me in his hot kiss, his arms hooking over my back to secure me in his sating warmth. I tug on his lower lip with my lips, obtaining a sexy smile on his perfectly chiseled face.

"God, Daddy loves you so much, kitten. You have no idea," he says breathlessly, "I actually planned on jerking off, but I figured that you'd take care of my morning wood much better. And you did."

"Well, your cum doesn't belong on your body, the sheets, or wherever else when you come. It either belongs in my ass, pussy, or mouth."

"Damn, that's right, baby. But I prefer that my cum belongs in all three of those places."

I smirk and whisper in his ear, "Thanks for filling all my holes with your cum, Daddy."

"Mmm, it was my pleasure babe" Kol smirks then we headed for the bathroom.


(Annabel POV)

My eyes open to the radiant morning sunlight and I'm blinded by it momentarily, causing me to blink a few times to adjust to it. I notice that Kaden is not in bed, as my eyes glance to my side only seeing the ruffled sheets of where he should be.

I climb out of bed, acquiring my bra and panties from the floor to slip on.

After almost checking every room in the house, I finally find him and my inner deity jumps in excitement like a five-year-old who just received ice-cream on a hot day.

I sneak inside the room in hopes for him not to detect me. He's in his sanctuary, lifting weights in the home gym.

His appearance is exhibited through the reflection of the mirror wall and his body is sheathed with sweat, making his skin glisten, as his veins protrude from his arms. The black tank top and shorts fit perfectly on his body, as he sports the look so flawlessly.

Holy shit.

The steamy sight of him flourishes my desire and heightens my thirst for him that my hand can't resist to touch myself. I close my eyes, as my fingers work into my wet and warm folds, swirling sensual circles, which elicit faint moans from me.

Fuck, he's so hot. I can come for him right here, right now.

The intensity of the stimulation on my sex organ is increased and more pleasure is produced, overwhelming me. I moan louder, forgetting his existence in the room, and my eyes open to the sweat-coated man, watching me intently and lifting the weights.

His tongue grazes his lips. "Fuck, baby. Good morning to you." He chuckles softly and sets the weights aside.

I feel my cheeks changing to a tint of pink, as the embarrassment is etched on my face.

My fingers halt their sensual pleasing. The butterflies awaken from their rest and they flutter at the breathtaking sight of him.

"What are you doing up so early, angel?" He approaches me and pulls out my hand from my panties to replace it with his. My sex organ is cupped by his hand, then his fingers revolve on my clitoris, creating a perfect O on my mouth for a moan to escape.

"Mmm, nice and wet for me, fuck." He slips a finger inside me, thrusting and curving to hit my exceptional spot.

"Answer me."

I moan, grabbing his wrist, as he continues to thrust his finger inside my entrance divinely. "I missed you," I coo.

"You missed me touching you like this?"

I nod.

His lips press on mine, parting my lips with his tongue to enter my mouth. I kiss him back, as the interior of my mouth is claimed by his tongue, exploring every inch of it expertly, making sure to hit all my special sites to trigger my moans. I feel his smile against my lips and his other hand snakes to my ass to grab and squeeze, earning a whimper from me.

He shifts his lips to kiss the corner of my mouth and then goes to plant kisses along my jawline, heading to my earlobe, where his tongue gives a lick and his teeth applies a gentle tug.

His hand finds mine to get a hold of and he brings it to his crotch.

My palm feels his hard on growing beneath the fabric of his workout shorts.

He softly moans from the touch.

"Hope you're not too tired to fuck me."

He smirks. "I don't mind the extra cardio. Besides, how can I say no to fucking that pretty pussy of yours?"

I kiss him, as I walk backwards, leading the two of us toward the wall. My back is pressed against the mirror wall and he deepens the kiss, consuming my mouth. I pull away to catch my breath. "You're so sexy, Kaden," I breathe.

He chuckles. "You are very damned fine for me to fuck, baby girl."

His hands sneak to my back, unhooking my bra, freeing my breasts, as the material falls to the ground. He kisses my neck and throat, cupping and squeezing my breasts beautifully.

His lips reach for one of them and he takes a nipple between them, sucking on it. He swirls his tongue on the small projection, tugging on it with his teeth after to extend it.

I whimper. "Fuck, Kaden."

His smile is felt against my chest and he repeats the sensual routine on my other nipple. He abandons my breasts and shifts his lips lower, arriving at my navel, where he dips his tongue in. Then, he continues on his journey leisurely, heading south of my umbilicus and waistline.

He presses his lips against the fabric that covers my soaking heat. The sensation of the fabric rubbing my entrance heats my blood, adding the fuel to my lust and pleasure, as it lances through my bloodstream.

He inhales sharply, drinking in my scent. "Fuck, baby".

I can't wait to have his daily supplement. His hands tear off my panties, ripping it to shreds, and the remnants of the material drift to the floor. He dives into my folds for a swim, licking every crevice in his path.

My hand finds his hair to fist in, as he's between my legs, pleasing me with excellence. I moan and tip my head back against the wall. "Kaden, you're so good, oh God."

"Mmm, I'm glad you are enjoying me tasting you. Cum in my mouth. I need you to squirt for me." He inserts two of his fingers inside me, thrusting them, while he licks me up.

Closer and closer, I'm pulled to the edge from all of the sensations. I can no longer hold back anymore, as the barrier weakens and breaks, and I surge my release into his mouth, on his tongue. I'm nothing but a sensation as I fall and splash into the pool of bliss, my body relishing the feeling.


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