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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 44

(Katerina's POV)

In the past, I had always kept myself neatly trimmed. However, while conducting my research, I learned that in most BDSM circles it was submissives who trimmed or kept a bare pubic area. I did break with convention somewhat by getting the area around my vaginal lips and asshole waxed. I discovered that it felt much cleaner and it was also more pleasurable when Kol went down on me or 'worshiped' me, as I now liked to call it.

I reached back into the closet and retrieved my black strapless leather corset. Even though I hadn't worn it in a month, I felt much more comfortable wearing it now. Inexplicably, it felt like a natural extension of my body and personality.

It just feels right.

I giggled when I observed that each of the buckles could be laced up about two inches tighter. As I gave myself one final examination, I noticed that I had an even more pronounced hourglass figure, much more evident than it was a month ago.

I ran my middle finger between the lips of my vagina. My pussy felt like a humid, hot, wet rainforest. The anticipation of dominating Kol was almost more than I could stand. He had been acting like a Dom in the past months, even though he wasn't naturally one. But now we have decided to try things out in the other way round.

It's time.

I walked into our master bedroom and looked into our bathroom. He was sitting naked on the toilet with his blindfold on. When my boots met the ceramic tiles on our bathroom floor, they produced a loud clicking noise that he heard, and he immediately rose to his feet. I couldn't help but notice his erection protruding proudly from his body.

"You're quite worked up, aren't you, worm?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he said in a voice barely above a whisper.

"You haven't been touching yourself, have you?"

"No, Ma'am, of course not."

"We have a problem, though, that needs to be addressed."

I witnessed the questioning look on his face, even though his eyes were covered with the blindfold. I paused for a few moments to create a dramatic effect before I continued speaking.

"You've spent a lot of time on the internet looking at BDSM sites. During your ... let's call it ... inquiries, did any of the submissives have pubic hair?"

He thought for a moment. "No Ma'am, they didn't."

"What do you think you should be doing, then?"

"Removing my pubic hair, Ma'am," he said sheepishly.

"Get to it!" I hissed.

He quickly removed the blindfold from his eyes, reached into one of the bathroom drawers, and pulled out his beard trimmer. After powering the device on, he carefully ran it over his pubic region and his reddish-brown pubes begin to fall on the floor. Within a few seconds, the jungle above his penis was reduced to mere stubble. Next, he grabbed his can of shaving cream and rubbed a generous amount over the bristles. Then, he reached for his razor and prepared to finish the job, until I interrupted him.

"You're my property now, don't you think that should be my honor?"

Our eyes met. "Yes, Ma'am," he said before handing me the razor.

His cock looked almost painfully erect. The head was deep purple in color and his shaft was twitching in time to the beat of his heart. He was incredibly aroused even though his cock hadn't been touched yet.

"You had better settle yourself down and hold still. We don't want a trip to the emergency room tonight, do we?"

He took a deep breath. "No, Ma'am."

I took his razor in my hand and slowly moved it upwards, shaving the stubble. I could hear low moans from above me. I wasn't sure why this was turning him on so much, but obviously it was. He didn't have hair on his testicles, yet there was another area that required my attention.

"Turn around, bend over, spread your legs, and pull your ass cheeks apart."

His mouth dropped open and he gave me a bewildered look. Seconds later, he quickly complied with my command.

I gave his ass a little smack and he emitted a low moan. Gently, I ran my index finger over the puckered little hole and I could feel him shiver.

"This should be hair-free as well, wouldn't you agree?"

"Y-y-y-yes, Ma'am," he stammered.

I squirted some shaving cream over his asshole and gently rubbed it over the delicate skin. Next, I grabbed his razor and carefully removed the hair. Finally, I reached for a washcloth and wiped off the excess shaving cream so I could inspect my work.

"M-m-m-m ... nice and smooth, just like I want it."

I looked between his legs and there was a long string of pre-cum dangling from his cock. I couldn't help but smile.

He let out a low moan as I ran my index finger up and down his asshole several times, teasing him before I continued speaking.

"If we're going to use this tonight, it should be clean, don't you think?"

His entire body was shaking in excitement, but after a few seconds he was finally able to settle himself down enough to speak.

"Yes, Ma'am."

I waited a few moments, which gave the effect of a dramatic pause.

"Turn around."

He turned and faced me. I reached underneath the bathroom sink and retrieved the item that I hid underneath the folded bathroom towels.


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