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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 6

I was currently in my room searching for a bathing suit. I wasn't chubby anymore, I had absolutely no fat. I was pure skin and muscle, and yet I was still self-concious.

After years of being called a cow, a waste of space, a fatass, well it shouldn't surprise me how insecure I get. But there's even time's when I try not to eat, thinking that it would help me lose weight like it had before out in the woods.

Each and everytime I try, I get caught and growled at by either Elijah, Joel or Cliff. My weight is my blind spot according to them. I find myself shaking my head dismissively at the thought. "Aha." I say suddenly, reaching for the smooth fabric of my navy blue bikini. I wiggle my hips in victory, a smile printed on my face. I close the bathroom door behind me as I step onto the cool tiles of the floor. I slip the T-shirt over my head and slip on the bikini top. There was no design on it, just like the bikini bottoms I slipped on. I bundled my previous clothes in my hand and walk back into my room, throwing them on the bed and grabbing a towel. "You guys ready to go?" I ask, meeting them in the living room. There was loud wolf whistles and I blush, sitting beside Elijah.

"Don't get too comfortable, we're about to head out. As soon as Rebekah gets here!" Joel yells the last part. I roll my eyes. "Nice. Who is she?" "She's just a friend of ours too. We all grew up together, attended the same pack school. She's nice too" Joel says. I had a feeling everyone from their pack would also be as nice as themselves. "Although I don't like her. She gets on my nerves too often." Joel added.

"Could you be any nicer to the girl? You're just mad because she beat your ass on her first try right?" I scowl at him. He scoffs. "She's a girl, of course I should be mad. I'm that childish." He says and it was his turn to roll his eyes. "I won't hesitate to hurt you if you're at all mean to her today." I smile at him . "Hey, be nice. He'll behave I'm sure." Cliff tells me, glaring at Joel and then grinning at me. I laugh shaking my head. Rebekah came downstairs in a bright red two piece bikini, and a black towel hanging from her arm. "Ready to go?" She smiled. The boys introduced me to her and she accepted my friendship at that instant. I ran up to her and linked arms. "Let's." I said and glared at Joel as they all stood up and followed us.

"No no no! Put me down!" I scream. And then the cold water splashes up and over my skin. I stood up gasping for air and smearing my eyes free of water. "Jerks." I shout and climbed up the muddy side of the lake and to the surface again. Cliff was laughing with Joel leaning on his shoulder, and Rebekah was laughing as well. I glared at the three of them.

I watched as Elijah swung on the long tight rope dangling from the tree and plundged into the water. As Cliff grabs Rebekah, her screaming away at him to let her go, I start to laugh. He throws her into the water, one of her arms tucked around her knees, the other was holding her nose as her blonde hair flies straight up in the air and she crashes into the water. I slowly step back and hide, creeping up behind them because using all my strength to chuck both Joel and Cliff in the water. It's a lot Hardee's using only one hand on each of them.


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