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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 75

(Annabel POV)

Something was pressing at my ass hole. It felt oily, lubricated perhaps, and not especially large. I tried to cooperate, to relax and permit Its entrance, again as if I had a choice. I was also fervently praying that it wasn't an enema. That was just really not my cup of tea, or coffee, as the case may be. As it made its way deeper and deeper, I realized it was also gaining in girth, stretching me, uncomfortably, at first, and then painfully. I realized I was gasping and then grunting. Kaden's hand pressed down on the small of my back, so maybe I was squirming, too. When I didn't think I could possibly take any more, the stretching suddenly stopped, the girth of what I now presumed to be a butt plug eased. Although still stretched and filled impossibly full, the smaller circumference at my sphincter it seemed like such a reprieve as to suddenly feel pleasurable. I gasped in relief. The relief was short-lived though as the cord that had been left to dangle between my legs was suddenly drawn up between my legs. He ran it between my pussy lips and it seemed like there were small knots in the vicinity of my clit and one large knot perfectly positioned to fill my entryway. The cord then made some sort of connection to the butt plug which required that it be wiggled around to my consternation. Then the cord was being fastened to the belt thingy at my back. Once again, my bound arms were raised to get them out of the way. I moaned quietly as pain shot through my shoulders. The cord was pulled tight, spreading my pussy lips wide and pushing the butt plug even deeper inside.

I was abruptly drug away from the table and pushed to my knees. Then his cock was slapping against my face, demanding entry. I opened my mouth, trying to find him with my tongue. He laced his fingers in my hair, gripping tightly, then pushed as deep as my throat would allow. I struggled to pleasure him with my tongue. I didn't like not being able to use my hands, but I was determined to do the best I could, maybe even make him forget about punishing me. He pumped in and out, setting a rhythm even as I was finding a rhythm with my tongue, when suddenly the, Whatever-they-were, he had put in my vagina came to life, vibrating ferociously, moving and bumping about. It's not easy to gasp when a cock is filling your mouth. And quite frankly, I think he was taking a pretty damn big chance that I could control my reactions and not bite down, because it was one of the most intense sensations I have ever had.

As if he could feel the vibrations all the way up through my mouth, he started pumping faster, and just a moment later, he was shooting cum down my throat. The vibrations in my vagina stopped as suddenly as they had started. I was left with the peculiar feeling that, regardless of the intensity of the vibrations, they would not suffice to bring me to orgasm, almost as if the device was designed to keep me on edge, maybe forever. In the same way, the butt plug was giving me a pleasurable sense of fullness, but nothing that could be called orgasmic. I began to have a really bad feeling about what my punishment might turn out to be.

Again, I was left alone, in silence, blindfolded, kneeling on the carpet. I was trying to catch my breath; as if I was the one privileged enough to cum. Shortly, I heard the snick of the deadbolt, then the door opening. I hissed in the general direction of where I thought he might be, based on the firm grip on my arm.

The damn foreign objects in my body were tormenting me with a passive/aggressive version of pleasure/over-stimulation.

I was utterly owned by the cord rubbing on my clit, the butt plug in my ass and the things in my vagina rolling about humming to themselves. My whole existence had been narrowed down to ass, belly and clit. And of course, he knew that. The vibrations stopped. We paused and I heard a key in a door. The door opened, then closed. A moment later, I heard another key in another door. It, too, opened and closed. I was dumped rather unceremoniously onto a floor that felt to be carpeted with a shag rug. I was trying to roll over off of my back, because, well, laying on your back while your hands are tied behind is extremely uncomfortable.

One of my knees was pulled aside and a slap was applied to my pussy lips. "This is mine," he growled. "Keep your hands off it." He shoved my knee back down so that I was lying on my side, then I felt him untying my clothes from my wrists. The blood rushed back in a most painful fashion. Despite the protest of my shoulders, and not being sure if I was allowed to move, I pulled my hands in front of me and tried to rub life back into them. I desperately wanted to pull the blindfold off and see where I was, but even I wasn't stupid enough to push him that far. What I wanted even more desperately, though, was to come. And I was terrified that I just might be stupid enough to help myself along, since he seemed to have disappeared again. That was, if I could ever get any feeling back in my hands. I had the distinct impression that he was watching and waiting for me to do just that. I curled up into a ball to relieve some of the tension on the cord looping its way through my slit and I hugged my knees to keep my hands busy and out of trouble. Then I waited.

It's an odd fact that your sense of time gets really messed up when you are blindfolded. I really had no idea how long it had been when the whatever they were inside me roared back to life. But it couldn't have been more than a minute later that the butt plug took to vibrating, too. In fact, pretty much all of me was vibrating when his voice came softly to my ear. "Don't come, baby. I haven't given you permission." I'm pretty sure I sobbed, because now that the butt plug was vibrating, those wonderful pulsations were travelling right down the length of that cord to my clit.

I hugged my knees tighter and rolled back and forth on the floor. Then I begged.

"Please, sir. Please, may I come?"

"What was that, kitten?"

"Pleeeaaase," I wailed. "Please let me come."

"No, I don't think so," he said, and suddenly the vibrations ceased.

I was sobbing softly. Now I no longer felt like I was in imminent danger of climaxing, but neither had I received any relief. The aching in both my pussy and my ass was intense beyond belief. How long would he keep this up? It felt like he was waiting for something, but what? Then a light went on.

"I'm sorry, daddy." I said, trying to speak between sobs. I had rolled onto my side, still hugging my knees.

There was a long pause, then from somewhere behind me, he said, "Sorry for what?"

I tried to gather my scattered thoughts. My first impulse was to say sorry for disobeying, but he'd made it clear that he actually liked it when I disobeyed or resisted his will. He liked having an excuse for punishing me. And frankly, I was beginning to suspect that some perverse part of my psyche liked being punished, or the eventual earth-shattering sex that it lead to, anyway.

"I'm sorry that I used what was yours," I whispered. A smack landed on my rear, though not as hard as he was capable of by any means. "Daddy," I added with a squeak.

"And will you do it again?"

"No, daddy." I shook my head for emphasis.

"And will you talk when you have not been given permission?"

I cringed. "Probably, daddy."

There was a long pause, but no more blows fell on my throbbing behind. "And will you move when I have told you to be still?"

I shuddered. "Probably, daddy."

"And will you come before I give you permission?"

I was trembling now. "Probably, daddy." I said it so softly I could hardly even hear myself.

I felt his hands on me, pulling my arms from where they still hugged my knees to my chest. He was sitting cross-legged behind me. He rolled me up into his lap and kissed my forehead, then he sighed. "Thank you for your honesty, baby. You are not a very good sub, you know?"


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