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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 80

My jaw starts aching and my face feels tense, my lips swollen and red from being stretched around his hard cock.

The sounds I am making are muffled by the cock filling my mouth. Tears rise in my eyes as he uses me as his little cocksucking toy, forcing total submission from me. I try to blink them away and focus on pleasing him. I feel him reach down and wipe them off with a gentle thumb.

I can't keep myself from rubbing my thighs against each other. The blood is pumping fast in my body and the pleasure of serving him and the feel of his taste is almost consuming me. Eager to make him cum I suck harder and he seems glad to see the devotion on my face.

Then he stops, with his whole cock in my mouth so my nose is being pressed against his pubic hair. Impatiently, I try to play with my tongue, hungry for what's to come. He knows his cum slut well, and pulls back to make a final deep thrust before he starts filling my throat and mouth with his load. His fingers hold my chin up, and he orders me to not let anything get wasted.

Sucking greedily, milking his cock, I nod.

A growl comes from him as he is cumming in my mouth and he locks his eyes on mine. For a little while he lets his cock rest on my tongue and as it begins to soften. When he pulls out, he rubs the sticky head over my face to cover it with cum and spit. I quietly smile up at him and he pushes it back in my mouth and I suck it clean.

When I get the chance to catch my breath and my heart stops beating so hard, I can feel my jaw aching in protest. But just thinking of him in my mouth makes the blood pulse faster and ache in other places longing for him.

To make me come back to his world, he leans forward to kiss me deeply. He can taste himself in my mouth, and his kiss gets more demanding while one hand moves down to roughly squeeze my tits.

I gasp for air when his hand moves further down and rubs my belly, hips, and finally ending on my thigh. With circulating moves, his hand reaches the spot where he can easily discover how dripping wet my cunt, inner thighs and ass are. He quickly pushes my knees even wider apart and looks at the chair covered with my juices. Then he looks up at me and I can't help blushing a little when I look into his eyes.

He gives my nose a fast kiss before reaching over to take up his knife. Mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness fill me when I see the knife coming closer.

He lifts my chin and forces me to look at him for a long time, convincing me that he would never want to do anything to ruin my trust or love.

I stretch my arms slightly, which causes intense pain to go down my back as they have been hold in the same position behind my back for so long. But when the knife gently touches my skin, my entire focus is on the cold steel. I look at it while it lifts up a nipple, with the nipple clamp on the blade. Holding my breath I can see the nipple growing even harder as a response.

He reaches forward to lick the nipple, and then blows on it. Then the knife moves down over my belly and reaches my cunt. I stare at the knife with open mouth as he, sitting between my knees, let the steel tease over my thighs.

Carefully, he cuts my panties off, and lifts them to his face to breathe in the scent. Then he holds them in my face before putting them in my mouth. Pleased with this, he spreads my cunt lips with his fingers and slowly moves the knife from my thigh to my cunt.

I am sitting on the chair relaxed and trusting him to do whatever he wishes. I am so excited it is almost physically painful.

The knife strokes my wet cunt lips, making me feel vulnerable and helpless. When he reaches his goal, and lifts my clit carefully with the knife, I bite hard on my panties to avoid screaming. Blinking rapidly, I see him lean down to lick my clitoris and the sensation is so intense I feel like I'm about to faint.

Knowing exactly how to touch me, he lets his tongue play over my clit as an erotic contrast to the sharp knife. He can see I'm getting closer to the edge, but he is not ready to push me over yet, so he backs off.

I can see myself through his eyes, his slut tied up and perfectly exposed.

Then he points with an accusing finger at the big spot with cunt juices on the chair. Harshly, he grabs my hair and pulls my head down so I see what he is pointing at. He asks me what it is, but since my mouth is full with my panties, he doesn't wait for an answer. Instead he unlocks my ankles and turns me around so I face the chair.

I look up at him with dark eyes of lust as he takes my panties out of my mouth. Then I lean down to lick up my own sweet juices, which only results in more of what is running down my thighs.

When it all is gone, he gives his approval and says I did well. But, he says I still needed to be disciplined. He sinks down behind me and grabs me from behind, moving his firm hands over my body and groping me.

The touch is making me weak and I lean back against his strong body.

He kisses my neck and makes me whimper like a puppy, but then he unlocks my hands and orders me to stay on all fours to take my punishment.


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