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Trapped In Tasty Lips novel Chapter 26

But when Wendy brushed past Leo and went downstairs to the kitchen, Leo didn't leave her room immediately. Instead, he sat on the sofa and looked around her room.

As it was the guest room of the Jiang Family, it was delicate and luxurious, but the room was a little empty and desolate. At the first glance, Leo saw a book on the desk. Frowning, he walked in and saw a book about painting, with some manuscript beside it.

They were all about wedding dresses! The brushwork seemed to be very professional, but Leo didn't know much about it, so he didn't know the meaning of it, he just thought that Wendy seemed to be quite talented.

He didn't expect her to have such a hobby. He had always thought that she was just a little smart. Looking at the delicate sketch in his hand, he couldn't help smiling, but his eyes were still cold. It seemed that he didn't know her well enough, he had underestimated this woman.

Hearing the footsteps, Leo put down the documents in his hands and returned to the sofa. When Wendy came in, she saw that his slender legs were casually placed on the tea table in her room.

It looked like he was in his own room, but this was indeed his home. Wendy couldn't help feeling cold and bitter in her heart.

"The noodles are ready. Aren't you hungry?" Wendy said lazily.

"Have you eaten? You can eat with me. "

Wendy was surprised at Leo's kindness. It would be good if he didn't torture her, but she still looked at her toes and said, "I only cooked for one person!"

"Then you can watch me eat..." Leo said indifferently.

Wendy was speechless. How could she think he was good today? Wendy rolled her eyes at the back of Leo, but she had no choice but to follow him downstairs and go to the kitchen.

Wendy stood at the table in the kitchen, frowning and lowering her head slightly to hide her emotions. But she seemed to be very tired.

Leo pulled out a part of the noodles and put it aside. "Eat together!"

It was not an inquiry, but an order.

Wendy frowned and looked at Leo, seeming to be sure whether he was making fun of her or not. But there was a rare expression in his face, which was not as cold and arrogant as before.

"Didn't you hear me? If you could be more obedient, I might treat you better! " Leo had walked to Wendy and looked down at her.

Obviously, he wanted to pull Wendy to the table, but she was in a trance, the sudden force made her more emotional. Almost subconsciously, she pushed away Leo's hand.

Leo stumbled, and his deep eyes became colder, he strode forward, and Wendy was pressed on her waist like a weak willow, leaning against his arms and the table, unable to move.

He pinched Wendy's chin, full of provocation, "How dare you push me away? Where was your initiative at that time? Now you look like a virgin. Who are you pretending to be? " Leo said coldly.

Wendy didn't expect that Leo would say such harsh words, her eyes widened in disbelief.

However, Leo appreciated Wendy's reaction, he continued, "Or did you hook up with other men, such as Ellis? So you don't like the old one now? I didn't know you are... You are such a wanton woman! "

Leo pinched Wendy's chin. Perhaps it was because of his great strength that she felt that her chin was too painful to have an intuition. The pain had spread to her heart.

What was Leo talking about?

How did he know Ellis? What did he mean?

Wendy's heart raced, but her eyes were filled with panic and pain.

It seemed that Leo was enjoy the scene.

Wendy couldn't stand the ridicule in Leo's eyes, as if an arrow was stabbed into her chest.

"You... What do you mean? "

"Well, I have seen everything, including... What you did in Ellis's apartment! " Wendy seemed to be struck by a thunder, and her whole body was stiff. "You are quite bold. You even hooked up with my best friend. What kind of ambition do you have? "

What Leo said in her ear was aggressive, Wendy felt that there was only coldness behind her.

Her mind was running fast, it turned out that last time, Shelly said someone told her? It was not until Leo revealed all these things to Shelly that Shelly found that she was in the apartment with Ellis.


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