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Triplets for the Billionaire novel (Oliver Gusto) novel Chapter 13

Oliver could recognize that voice anytime and any day so even without looking back, he knew who it was already.

“What the hell, Ollie?” It’s not even up to 24 hours and you’ve brought some whores to the house already. Don’t you have any shame?”

Ollie frowned, turning around to face her. He was starting to regret not locking the door or informing the security not to let her in.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He glared at her.

“Are you being serious right now?”

“Get the fuck out of here if you’ve got nothing sensible to say. As you can see, I’m in the midst of something very important.”

“I know you hardly give two fucks about people but are you this heartless? Don’t you love me at all? Was all your affection towards me fake? You couldn’t even give some respect as your woman. Just a little misunderstanding that we had, you’re here about to fuck some rotten pussy. Don’t you have any shame left?”

At this point, Oliver was already getting angry because she was putting him off the mood already.

“What do you women really want?”

“You asked me for marriage and I made it clear that there’s no way I’m ever getting married. You got angry and then stormed out of my office. What do you expect me to do? Run after you? And apologize? Or beg you to come back to me?”

“Yes!!! Because that’s what any reasonable man would do.”

“Never! I don’t run after women.”

“Shut the fuck up, you bastard! I’m not just any woman you twart. I’m your fucking woman for crying out loud. I’m your baby so yes, you owe me a duty to run after me. Two years of relationship is not a fucking joke” Andrea yelled at him, trying so hard not to let those tears roll down her cheeks. Especially in front of those bimbos.

“To hell with you and that duty. Count me out.”

“You’re really insane, Oliver. You expect me to walk out of a two-year relationship. Just like that?!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Drea. Two years is nothing. People date for seven years and they still break up. Haven’t you heard about divorce between long-time married couples?”

“You’re nothing but an arrogant bastard! Do you think I don’t have other options? Do you think I don’t have men that are dying to make me theirs?”

“Then go fucking meet them and leave me the hell alone!”

“You fool, don’t you get it?”

“I’m in love with you. How do you expect me to be with other men when my heart is here? With you.”

“Well, I don’t love you so get the fuck out of my house.”

“Fucking liar!!” Andrea yelled. She took off her left hell and threw it at Ollie who missed the shot by a breadths air

“Are you insane?”

“Oh, you’ve seen nothing yet.”

“And what the fuck are you bitches still doing here?” She yelled at the bimbos who glared back at her for ruining their moment with the most eligible bachelor.

They directed their gaze at Oliver who was fuming in anger, hoping he was going to come to their rescue.

“You ladies think I joke with my man?” Andrea’s eyes scanned through the house, looking for the first item She could lay her hands on.

She hurried to the table where an empty flower vase was, picked it up as if it weighed nothing, and then approached the bimbos who eventually found themselves behind Oliver’s naked back, seeking protection.

“What has come over you? Andrea.”

“Allow me to deal with these bitches. They had the guts to follow you here. Who the fuck in this country doesn’t know that you fucking belong to me.”

Their craziness was probably the only reason they’ve managed to be in a relationship for two years. Oliver could be blunt, nasty, rude and crazy and Andrea’s personality sort of matches him too. He knew there are times she could be temperamental and at that moment she could do anything without thinking twice about it.


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