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Triplets for the Billionaire novel (Oliver Gusto) novel Chapter 22

“What?” Kathie finally said when She found her voice.

Beatrice rolled her eyes at her daughter. “Come on babe, do we have to do this every time?”

“He called to tell me that he’s almost at the house. I told him we stepped out shortly but will soon be back but Magda will be there to receive him and show him around.”

“Why do you look like you just saw some ghost? Oh no, you can’t blame me for anything now because I clearly informed you that he would be attending the wedding and would be staying with us.”

Katherine ran a hand through her hair. “Yes, you said so. But isn’t the wedding tomorrow? What the hell is he doing in California now?”

“Stop being childish darling. We only have just a couple of hours before tomorrow comes. He probably didn’t want to miss anything. Besides, I’m happy that he’s here. I can’t wait to catch up with him just like old times and I cannot wait to see the gift his father sent.”

“God, mom, is that only what you care about? Dick and material items?!!”

“Don’t start, Kathie. You know the time difference between California and Australia. Ollie said he miscalculated. He thought he would be here by morning but here he is. In fact, I love that he’s here already.”

“See, tomorrow’s my wedding and the last thing I want is for us to fight or argue over anything. Just be polite to Ollie when you see him.”

“Fuck, why am I even here having silly conversations with you?” Kathie said with anxiety, reaching for her purse on the sofa.

“Find your way home.” She said, making her way out of the changing room.

“Where the hell are you going?” Beatrice said, walking behind her daughter, trying to meet up with her fast-paced steps.

Katherine ignored. All that was on her mind was how she was going to get home miraculously in two minutes.

“Don’t you dare ditch me, Kathie, We aren’t done here. We have to wait for them to pack the white dress and I’m yet to try the second dress. Besides, we still have to go to the restaurant for the final food tasting. You can’t leave me here!” Beatrice whisper-yelled, trying to catch up with her daughter, confused as to where She was going and why She was suddenly ditching her.

“You are a grown-ass adult, mom. Sort your own shit!” She said before exiting the bridal shop.

Katherine hurried to the driver's side of the car, got in and started the car almost immediately. Having a feeling that Ollie would definitely get to the mansion before her and not wanting to risk it, She reached for her phone in her purse, Connected it to the car speaker, and then started driving.

“Pick up, Magda....” She groaned when the phone continued to ring, trying not to go beyond the required speed limit.

Kathie heaved a frustrated sigh when the call eventually went to voicemail. But that didn’t stop her from dialing Magda’s number again.

Thankfully, she picked up the call after a couple of rings this time around.

“Thank goodness, Magda, where were you?”

“Sorry honey, I had to go supervise the kitchen. Your mom said she’s having people over so I was making sure everything was in place.”

Katherine cursed internally. She could swear that her mother knew Oliver was going to arrive this afternoon and yet the old woman saw it necessary to keep her in the dark.

“What’s wrong? You sound distressed. Did you get into a fight with Beatrice again?”

“Let’s leave Beatrice out of this for now. Please where are my babies?”

“They just got back from school not quite long. They are having snacks in the living room.”

“No one is at the house yet right? I mean a stranger, a visitor.”

“No. Beatrice called some minutes ago that someone will soon be here though.”

“Good. I need a favor from you, Magda.”

Before Magda could ask what the favor was or even give a reply if she could do it or not, Katherine went ahead to tell her what it was.

“Please take Sophie, Sebastian and Sammy to their playroom upstairs. Alice should watch over them. She should have finished packing their luggage for the weekend. I’ll be at the house shortly to take them to Michelle’s place.”

‘Wait...oh my...Is it Oliver that is coming soon?”

“Yeah. He should be at the house anytime from now.”

“Honey, Are you sure you want to keep pushing this?”

“Please, Magda, I don’t want to have this conversation.” Kathie shut her ex-nanny and housekeeper up politely.

“Oliver is nothing but a gold digger. He’s not worth seeing the triplets.”

“But I thought you said he’s rich and he’s from a rich family too?”

“A gold digger doesn’t refer to someone that is after mere material items only. You can’t understand Magda. Ollie is just a shitty person. Please do as I’ve said.”

“Sure, I’ll take them to the playroom now.”

“Thank you. I remember taking down some of their portraits but you can still help me check if there’s anyone I forgot to take down. And if you end up showing him around, please let him stay clear of my wing. I’ll be home shortly.”

“No problem, my dear, I’ll do as you’ve said.”

“Yeah, I’ll probably come through the backdoor to avoid any form of confrontation.”

“Okay darling, Please drive safely. I’ll do just as you’ve said. Be rest assured that I’ve got everything under control.”

“Thank you so much, Magda. Thank you.” She said, after which she ended the call.


Making her way out of the dining room, Magda proceeded to the main living room where the triplets were.

“Hey loves,” She said, approaching them.

Sophie was lying on the long couch with a plate of popcorn, while Sebastian and Samuel were on the carpet rug, sharing a packet of cookies and some fruit juice with all their attention on the big screen before them.

“Hi, nana,” Sophie mumbled, chewing her snack, not tearing her eyes away from the TV.

“Hi, Magda.” Sammie said, sipping some fruit juice from his cup while Sebby rose to his feet and ran to hug her.

Magda smiled, returning the little boy’s hug.

“You want some cookies?” He offered.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“Someone is coming to clean the living room now. So you guys will have to go to the playroom upstairs.”

Sammie frowned, turning around to look at her. “I thought they’ve cleaned here today. We can always go to the other living room instead of going upstairs.”

Magda internally rolled her eyes at the little smart pants.

“Grandma’s wedding is tomorrow so we need to clean as many times as possible since we would be having guests over.”


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