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Triplets on Secret Mission novel Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735

Sean also guessed that Alkaid was in dire straits, but it was too late to ask people to rescue her.

Sean pondered for a moment and ordered, "Alkaid, kill that person. Otherwise, all of us can't leave."

Alkaid was tired from fighting against the person in front of her.

She was injured severely when protecting Selon to leave. After falling into the sea, she was caught by the people from the base.

She thought she was going to die. Unexpectedly, the people did not kill her but locked her in the underground cell of the base.

When waking up, she considered at once how to escape.

But she overheard the people discussing how to retreat.

Afraid of unexpected changes, she planned to stay in the base.

And she really discovered the base’s conspiracy.

The person in front of her was Ward's trump card.

Alkaid executed Sean's order to kill him. However, as they fought against each other, Alkaid became more and more tired.

With the injuries, Alkaid grew weaker, and her face was pale.

Her blood nearly stained all her tattered clothes.

"Master... I might disappoint you," Alkaid uttered via the walkie-talkie that had dropped not far away while panting heavily.

Sean's heart lurched, and he said seriously, "Alkaid, Selon is still waiting for you!

"When our people were being evacuated, he refused to leave with them, saying he wanted to wait for you. If you can't go back, he is going to die with you!

"You won't let him down, will you?"

At his words, Alkaid was stunned, with Selon's face popping up in her mind.

Chapter 1735 1

Chapter 1735 2


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