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True Love Waits novel Chapter 458

Stephanie's face turned dark purple in rage when she heard what Carlos said to Debbie.

Meanwhile, an ominous feeling began to settle in Debbie's heart. 'I don't like the way he looks. Something's not right.' In a shaky voice, she asked, "What do you mean?"

Carlos went berserk. "What do I mean? I tell you. Now. You need to divorce Ivan right now! How many times have I told you that, huh? Come back to me. No more fooling around!"

The atmosphere was no less tense, but it had changed somewhat. 'Wow, he's bossy, ' they thought.

With Miranda's words ringing in the back of her mind, Debbie mustered the courage to reply, "Why? Why should I do that? Because you told me to? Why should I even listen to you?"

Her attitude irked Carlos to no end. He wrapped his other arm tightly around her waist and declared between clenched teeth, "Because no one else can be your husband! Anyone who gets between me and you will end up in one place—hell!"

Debbie's heart pounded faster with each word he spat. 'Does he have his memory back?' she guessed excitedly. That was the only way she could explain his strange behavior.

Seeing the excited and bewildered expressions on her face, Carlos flashed a mysterious smile. "Here's the deal. Make me wait any longer, and I'll immediately purchase the Wen Group, ruin Ivan Wen's career, and tell his mother that he's gay. I'll let the whole world know that he stole my wife while I was suffering from amnesia. And I won't stop there. I'll tie him up and lash him with a whip drenched in acid. Clear enough? For the last time, divorce Ivan now!" Carlos blasted out the threatening words in a single breath.

At this point, he was already plotting revenge on those responsible for his plight. They messed up his life. They took advantage of his memory loss to ruin his marriage, steal everything that belonged to him, force Debbie to marry another man and even make his daughter call another man "Daddy." He wouldn't let anyone involved in this off the hook! Including Debbie. Why did she give up on him so easily? He had to teach her a lesson—keep her on a short leash. She'd be at his side every day until she learned.

Defeated, Ivan touched his sweaty forehead and cut in, "Hey, cut me some slack. I didn't do anything to you."

Niles and Damon couldn't help but burst out laughing loudly. The latter moved to Ivan's side and teased in a low voice, "You had the balls to steal his wife, so it's time to pay the piper. He meant what he said."

A wave of excitement coursed through Debbie's body. She stared straight into Carlos' eyes, trying to detect any clue to support her wild guess. But his deep eyes and calm face betrayed nothing.

Left with no choice, she suppressed her excitement and asked expectantly, "Carlos, did you get your memory back? You...remember me?"

Her question silenced everyone, including the laughing Niles and Damon. They all fixed their eyes on Carlos in shock.

Carlos loosened his forceful grip on Debbie's wrist and let go of her. "Get my memory back? I hope so." He grinned and looked at the corner where his birthday presents had been set. "So...wanna see me open presents? What did you get me?"

'No? Did I guess wrong?' Debbie let out a deep sigh.

But she had no time to think more about Carlos' strange behavior. When she saw Carlos unwrapping the gift box brought to him by her and Ivan, she quickly tried to stop him. "Mr. Huo, wait! You might want to wait till you're alone."

Her words fell on his deaf ears. He untied the blue ribbons and tore the wrapping paper from the box.

It was then that Stephanie finally found her chance to cut in. "This has gone far enough, Carlos Huo!"

Reminded of her presence, Carlos slightly tilted his head and cast her a cold stare. "Newsflash: we're done. You were just a pawn I used to get back at Debbie."

All the other people were dumbfounded. They gave Carlos a thumbs-up in their mind. 'That's some serious chutzpah. Way to go, Mr. Huo!'

Humiliated, Stephanie blushed in anger. She pointed at Carlos, yelling in a trembling voice, "Carlos Huo... You... You asshole!"

As he went on to unwrap the present, he questioned casually without looking at her, "You jumped at the chance to become my girlfriend right when I emerged from my coma. James Huo even arranged it for you, ruining my life to do so. Who's the asshole again?"

Feeling a little guilty, Stephanie couldn't find the words to form a retort. He wasn't wrong. Meanwhile, she sensed something was very wrong with Carlos. She didn't belabor the point—all she'd do was humiliate herself. This was not the right time. So she grabbed her handbag and stormed out of the private room without another word.


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