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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 199

True Luna by Tessa Lilly (The Unknown Magic)

The White Wolf Series Book 4 – CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN – I Missed You

(Sophia’s POV)

I ran downstairs as soon as I heard the front door open.

I could smell my mate’s scent and a shiver went down my spine. “He is alive, Sophia, slow down,” I heard Lex sigh even before he saw me.

I heard my mate chuckle and my heart raced. I finally reached the end of the stairs and saw him.

He was perfect. I would never get tired of looking at his beautiful face. My breath got caught in my throat and I couldn’t look away from him. I wanted to jump into his arms and k*iss him. I wanted to feel his body close to mine. I wanted to feel his soft l*ips on mine.

“Close your mouth, Sophia,” Lex mumbled, making me blink and look away from my mate.

Was he angry at me?

“Why are you calling me Sophia?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. “Is everything okay?”

He only called me Sophia when he was angry at me. I was always Fia and he was always Lex.

Lex blinked and shook his head. “Everything is fine, Fia. Don’t worry.” Of course I would worry. Something wasn’t right.

Hunter took my hand in his, making me look away from my brother. Tingles spread all over my body.

“Can I talk to you outside for a second?” Hunter asked, giving me a small smile.

I could do anything else but nod. He always managed to take my breath away.

Hunter gave me a small smile and started pulling me out of the house. “Five minutes, Hunter,” my brother said, making Hunter look back at him and nod.

Hunter closed the front door and pulled me into a tight hug immediately. “Goddess, I missed you,” he mumbled as he ran his f*ingers down my spine. I had to grab onto him to keep myself standing up. My knees buckled and a tingling feeling spread around my stomach.

I took a deep breath, letting his scent cloud my brain.

“I missed you too,” I mumbled as I ran my f*ingers through his hair.

I felt his hand under my b*utt, and my heart raced. He picked me up with one hand and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“I waited to do this ever since we left the house,” Hunter mumbled as he k*issed my n*eck.

I had to hold back a m*oan. My family was inside the house.

His l*ips were warm and soft. He placed soft k*isses all over my n*eck and

jaw. He reached my mouth and I was sure that I was going to explode with need.

I cupped his cheeks and pressed my l*ips against his. He squeezed my b*utt, making me shiver. I bit his lower l*ip gently.

“F*uck, Sophia, f*uck,” he mumbled as he ran his tongue over mine.

My heart was racing. My whole body was tingling. All I could feel was him and I was in heaven.

I lowered my l*ips to his n*eck and s*ucked on his marking spot. He growled and pressed me closer to him.

“F*uck,” he mumbled as he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back.

He was panting hard. I was having trouble taking a deep breath. The l*ust I saw in his eyes made my lower belly ache with need. It was an unfamiliar feeling, but I liked it and I wanted more of it.

“We need to stop, or I am going to f*uck you right here and right now,” Hunter growled, tightening his grip on my hair.

My breath got caught in my throat. I would complain a lot if he did that.

He brought my l*ips back to his as I almost melted into a puddle under his feet.

I k*issed him hard, grabbing the back of this hoodie and pressing my body closer to his. I still couldn’t believe that he wanted me. I still couldn’t believe that he didn’t reject me after finding out all the things that were wrong with me.

I stopped k*issing him and leaned my forehead against his. We really needed to stop k*issing like that. My family was inside, and I was only one k*iss away from letting him have his way with me right on my front porch. “What did I do to deserve you?” I mumbled, making him pull back so he could look at me.

“What the hell are you talking about?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

I took a deep breath and bit my lower l*ip.

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