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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules (Winnie and Suzan) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

Winnie’s tweet sent a shiver down the spines of her followers the moment it hit the digital waves. And for good reason, the last person she’d publicly accused of having blood on their hands was Naylor, and he had the lives of five souls weighing on his conscience

Now, she was calling out the perp who’d gone after a child with a blade, saying he was steeped in blood debts, and not just a few

My God, could this be the work of a serial killer?” 

Panic swept through the online community at the speed of light. Within minutes, the tweet had been shared over ten million times, and Winnie’s words were trending

Then came the call from Newman, his voice urgent and breath short

What did you mean in your tweet? What’s this about a blood debt? How many has he” 

Winnie cut him off, It’s not human lives.” 

That one line easedNewman’s panic, but his breathing was still labored

What then?he asked

Animals. Small ones.Winnie replied, her voice colder than usual, tinged with disgust, Even cats and dogs have spirits, especially those brutalized to death. Their souls cling to their tormentor.” 

Newman felt no relief. He wasn’t particularly fond of pets, but he despised animal cruelty all the same

Years on the force had shown him that many violent offenders had histories of torturing animals. Cat abusers were rampant, and their twisted psyches were often laid bare in their actions

It wasn’t an overstatement to say that those who found joy in hurting animals were potential murderers

With no animal welfare laws in place, these monsters roamed free, and their actions were oft by likeminded individuals online

The department is prioritizing this case. I’ll make sure we look into what you’ve said.” 


ed on 

After hanging up with Newman, Winnie faced the storm she’d stirred up with her revelation. She retweeted her original post, adding a clarifying note. A cat’s life, a dog’s life, they’re all lives.” 

The internet exploded again

OMG. Don’t leave us hanging like that. I thought we had another psycho on the loose.” 

Can you tweet it out once and for all?” 

Look at you guys, all shocked. I knew it wasn’t a person. If it was, Winnie would have tagged the Emerald Bay PD straight away.” 

Speaking of which, I think everyone else already tagged them a billion times.” 

Doesn’t the life of a pet matter to anyone?” 

To be honest, I’m not surprised that someone who’d attack a child in cold blood would enjoy torturing animals in his past.” 



Chapter 216 

yone who abuses animals is sick in the head.” 

I’m so angry, and why are there so many cattorturing maniacs out there?” 

There was that 17yearold who tortured cats, and his family not only didn’t stop him but also brought home animals under the guise of adoption for him to kill. A whole family of psychos.” 

saw that too. That family is beyond evil. I can’t even bear to look at what happened to that poor cat.” 

The conversation around animal cruelty was raging, yet nobody doubted Winnie’s words, not after the revelations from the kindergarten field trip

As the internet called for justice, the Emerald Bay PD issued a detailed statement

It outlined the suspect’s basic info and his twisted rationale for the crime

Lyndon claimed he lashed out in pain after his girlfriend dumped him, missed her flight at the airport due to traffic, and, seeing a bunch of kids happily disembarking from a bus, acted on impulse

The internet almost laughed

Did Lyndon take us for fools? A knife to win back his girlfriend? More like to force her to stay, right?” 

Don’t say that. What if he was planning a premeditated murder?” 

He couldn’t get through security with a knife, so he stayed outside, right?” 

OMG. Those kids were just happy to be on a field trip. What did they ever do to him?” 

Definitely a psycho.” 

This guy needs to be locked away.” 

This is attempted murder, right? Can any legal eagles tell me how many years that gets?” 

The debate was raging when another long tweet caught everyone’s attention

*Just landed and saw the news. After a lot of thought, I decided to speak up. Hi everyone, I’m the exgirlfriend Lyndon mentioned, but I broke up with him because I discovered he was adopting cats only to torture them.” 

The exgirlfriend revealed that she had stumbled upon hundreds of videos on Lyndon’s computer showing 

his sadistic acts

Just as Winnie had said, he was a sadist who reveled in cruelty


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