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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 

The atmosphere at the entrance to the operating theater was tense. Everyone present was uneasy and nervous as if waiting for someone important to show up, 

The director of Athana Hospital got out of bed after receiving a call from Frank Roberts 15 minutes ago. He headed straight for the hospital to prepare for surgery 

In addition, specialist doctors from the cerebral surgery department were summoned. All of them gathered at the operating theater’s entrance, awaiting the arrival of the VIP patient. 

The director initially planned to summon Natalie but gave up the idea, knowing she had a child to care for. Instead, he summoned other doctors to the hospital. 


Jim’s face was pale as a sheet when he walked in with Trevon on his back. Frank helped him place Trevon onto the bed the nurse had prepared. The director then personally pushed him into the operating theater with care, feeling uneasy all the way. 

Jim was as anxious as a cat on a hot tin roof. He kept pacing back and forth, not knowing if he should call Theo. He rubbed. his hands nervously, and his palms were covered in cold sweat. 

Frank leaned against the door of the operating theater and lifted his chin to glance at Jim. “Can’t you sit still for a moment, dude?” 

Jim was too anxious to sit still. “Mr. Roberts, why did you strike him?” It was meant to be a sparring session, but somehow Trevon landed in hospital. 

Frank did not seem too worried. He reviewed the sparring session and became a little suspicious. “Don’t worry. He’ll regain consciousness soon enough. Just sit tight and wait.” 

As expected, the lights in the operating theater went out half an hour later. The director walked out with a smile. “Mr. Wilson suffered a heavy blow and has a concussion. He is still unconscious, but it’s not a big problem. He’ll probably wake up at night. Don’t worry too much” 

Jim was relieved but still worried about Trevon not waking up. He planned to watch over him the entire time. 

Frank did not utter a word or respond to the director’s remarks. He just swayed along unhurriedly to the VIP ward with the 


After Trevon was transferred to the bed in the ward. Frank stood at the door and took a quick peek. The corners of his lips instantly curled up, and he smiled without saying anything. 

Jim said after the hospital director left. “Mr. Roberts, you don’t have to wait around. I’ll stay behind to take care of Mr. Wilson tonight.” 

“Okay, take good care of him. I’ll go next door to check on Hackett Blackwell,” Frank said. When he passed by carlier, he saw the patient’s name in the next-door ward. 

Jim was surprised. ‘Is Mr. Blackwell also hospitalized?” 

“Yes, he has a concussion too, Frank said, ignoring Jim’s puzzled look and left the ward. 

“Is concussion a trend nowadays? Why are both the men hospitalized for concussión?” Jim wondered. 

Frank Roberts impolitely knocked on the next ward’s door and went straight in. “Oh, you are here too!” 

Hackett momentarily looked up from his cell phone before submerging back in the video game. ‘Fuck! I’ve been fucking staying here for the last few days. What took you so long to come to see me? You didn’t even buy any food! How dare you show up empty-handed?” 

Frank did not bother with Hackett’s nonsense. He looked around the room and said, “Not bad, bro. Are you going to stay here for long?” 

Hackett, head lowered with bloodshot eyes, continued to indulge in the video game on his cell phone. “Push the tower, you useless creep!” he yelled before replying to Frank. “I’m not terminally ill. No point staying here for long.” 

Frank looked at his watch; it was almost two in the morning. He realized Hackett had tormented himself past midnight on his cell phone game. “Hey, bro. The game isn’t suitable for you. It burns your brain. Go next door and visit when you have some time.” 

Hackett threw away his cell phone moments after Frank left. The tower defense game was a failure, and he had been bored staying in the hospital for the past few days. Natalie did not bother to return after the ward round. As for Sherri, she did not show up after the two quarreled last time. On the other hand, his mother delivered creamy potato soup daily. Hackett drank so much he could not take it anymore. It was no different from going through confinement as far as he was concerned. Hackett’s only entertainment was the occasional bickering with the front desk nurse. 

Out of curiosity, Hackett put on his jacket and slippers and dragged himself out of the ward. When the nurse saw him, she asked enthusiastically, “Mr. Blackwell, do you need help? Are you feeling unwell?” 


Hackett smiled like a playboy and glanced at the tightly shut door in the next ward. “No worries. I’ll take a walk. Is there a newcomer next door?” 

The nurse smiled sweetly. “Yes, he just came in. He also has a concussion.” 

Hackett stood at the door and looked at the wall. The patient’s name card was missing. “How come there’s no name on the wall?” he asked curiously. 

The nurse maintained her sweet smile. “The director instructed not to put any.” 

Hackett became even more curious because Frank told him to visit the ward. “Remove my name too.” 

“Okay,” the nurse replied. 

Hackett was about to open the door when the nurse quickly stopped him. The hospital director instructed us that the patient can’t be disturbed. Mr. Blackwell. ” 

Curiosity began to kill the bored Hackett. “I know him. Don’t worry. I’ll take full responsibility.” 

The nurse was skeptical. In the end, she was mesmerized by Hackett’s handsome face. 

Hackett stood at the door and knocked. Jim got up and opened the door. “Mr. Blackwell,” he was surprised to see the latter at the door. 

Hackett was equally shocked. “Jim, why are you here?” He rushed into the room. When he saw the person on the bed, he said anxiously, “Fuck, why is Trevon hospitalized? What’s going on?” 

Jim told him about the boxing incident between Trevon and Frank last night. Hackett felt something was amiss but could not figure out what was wrong. 

He stayed in Trevon’s ward until three in the morning Jim could not take it anymore and left to buy something. Trevon was still unconscious, so Hackett went back to sleep next door. 

Natalie did not wake Jasper up in the morning, Jasper got used to Ruby not being at home and played alone most of the time. Moreover, she listened to the servant and was well-behaved, which eased Natalie’s mind tremendously. 

Natalie went to get the car after breakfast. While sitting in the car, she felt reluctant to drive because the traffic was too heavy. The weather in February was not as bone-chilling as it was in January. 

Natalie opened the car door and got out of the car. She returned home decisively to get her motorbike key. 

The servant was surprised to see Natalie turning back. “Didn’t you leave already, Miss Natalie? Did you forget something?” 

Natalie headed straight to the master bedroom to get her key and helmet. “I’m going to take the motorbike instead. The road is too congested for cars, and I’m a little anxious to drive. I’m leaving now. 

Lena and Jenny were worried. “Miss Natalie, drive slowly and be careful.” 

“Got it.” 


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