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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 

The early morning sunlight painted a picturesque scene, casting a warm golden hue over the bustling city of Athana Hackett, long absent from the public eye, once again became the talk of the town, dominating the trending topics and capturing the collective attention with hashtags, Mr. Blackwell’s secret daughter,Captivating moments of Mr. Blackwell bonding with his daughter at the amusement parkand Unveiling the mystery of who holds the key to Mr. Blackwell’s heart?” 

The news sent shockwaves through the online community, igniting a frenzy of discussion and intrigue. Comment sections. overflowed with many responses, surpassing tens of thousands in mere moments. The viral sensation spread like wildfire, with comment after comment pouring in, creating a captivating whirlwind of opinions, speculations, and anticipation

Gossip, the kind that spread like wildfire, was when the whole world mistakenly believed something to be the ultimate truth

This sensational trending topic weighed heavily on the hearts of countless girls in Athana, each harboring different motives. Some longed to climb the social ladder, others were secretly fascinated, and many were simply in awe. The allure stemmed from Hackett’s undeniable charm, a trait that radiated through Ruby’s enchanting beauty, a testament to their exceptional genes

Among the countless comments, one read, This little girl is undeniably beautiful. I can only imagine her mother must also be a stunning woman.” 

Yet, a tinge of jealousy crept in with another comment, Obviously, only someone attractive could capture Mr. Blackwell’s attention. Looks are all that matter to him.” 

Let’s not jump to conclusions so hastily. She may be a wealthy heiress or come from a distinguished background. We should refrain from making sweeping assumptions.” 

Do you believe that? If she were from a prestigious family, Mr. Blackwell would have proudly announced it. Keeping her hidden implies she lacks the status to be publicly acknowledged, just an ordinary person yearning for recognition.” 

This statement garnered numerous likes from commenters who shared the same sentiment. After all, the Blackwell family held prominent status in Athana, and if it were a union between affluent families, there would be no need for such secrecy. This action only fueled suspicions about the woman’s background, suggesting she might not meet societal expectations. Clad in sterile attire, Natalie emerged from the operating theater and made her way to the handwashing station. Nearby, a group of doctors engaged in lively conversation

Have you all heard the news? Mr. Blackwell has a secret daughter who is adorable. It shows that one’s appearance plays a significant role when choosing a husband. After all, we must ensure a worthy legacy for the next generation.” 

I witnessed it as well! Mr. Blackwell’s patience and devotion to his daughter are truly heartwarming. The sight of them together creates a poignant scene that resonates deeply. The little girl’s infectious laughter has a way of touching one’s soul. I can’t help but feel a twinge of envy for whoever is blessed with such happiness. Not only is his daughter beautiful and endearing, but Mr. Blackwell exudes an irresistible charm.” 

Well, we can only marvel and be envious. Men like him, who possess both looks and wealth, are rare and seem unattainable to us mere mortals.” 

Initially, Natalie diligently washed her hands, paying little attention to the buzz surrounding the trending topics. She had never been one to meddle in otherspersonal lives, knowing well that such trends often held little truth. Only the individuals involved truly knew the reality of their circumstances

However, upon catching snippets of sensitive keywords like Mr. Blackwelland daughter,” she couldn’t resist a tinge of curiosity and an inkling of apprehension

She reached for a tissue, gently dried her hands, and casually initiated a conversation, Which Mr. Blackwell are you referring to in these trending topics?” 

The doctors engaged in gossip regarded Natalie with an almost incredulous gaze as if questioning her awareness of the world. Yet, they kindly explained, Dr. Foster, are you unfamiliar with Hackett, the esteemed Mr. Blackwell of Athana? He’s the fantasy of many young ladies.” 

Natalie’s immediate thought went to Sherri…. 

The female doctor continued her chatter, Although Mr. Wilson and Mr. Roberts are quite dashing in their own right, they exude an air of aloofness, making it hard to connect with them. In contrast, Mr. Blackwell carries a warm presence and appears much more approachable” 

Natalie didn’t feel like continuing the conversation with her colleagues. She discarded her gown into the recycling bin and hurriedly returned to her office in the inpatient department

Before reaching her office, she took out her phone and opened the trending topics website. She was immediately greeted with multiple photos capturing the interaction between Ruby and Hackett. The photographer skillfully framed their faces together, showcasing their identical smiles and features. Even at a glance, Natalie could quickly tell that Ruby was Hackett’s daughter, and she was sure others would recognize it too


Chapter 147 

Countless suspicions raced through her mind. Why would Hackett spend time with Ruby? Could he have discovered the truth

Her suspicions grew stronger with each passing moment. Hackett wasn’t the type to casually spend a whole day playing with an unrelated little girl. There had to be a reason for his actions

Lost in her thoughts, her pondering was abruptly interrupted by her phone buzzing. Without a second thought, she answered the call, knowing it was Sherri on the other end. Hello, have you seen the trending topics?” 

Sherri was seething with anger on the other end of the line. Do you think he deliberately exposed Ruby as his daughter just to mess with me? Is he out of his mind, putting Ruby in the public eye on the internet?” 

Natalie shared a different sentiment. Protecting their children should always be a priority regardless of how adults behave. The online world was filled with irrational fans, and it was better to err on caution

Natalie suggested, Why don’t you call Juana first and ask why Ruby was with Hackett? It’s possible that the situation isn’t what we initially thought.” 

Sherri realized her anger had clouded her judgment and agreed, You’re right. I’ll make the call now.” 

After ending the call, Sherri immediately dialed Juana’s number. Mom, did you take Ruby to meet Joy yesterday?Sherri spoke politely, attempting to be more composed after their previous disagreement

Juana’s voice was filled with excitement on the other end, saying, Yes, Joy adores little Ruby. We went shopping together yesterday. Let me tell you, Hackett is incredible with kids. While we were out, he cared for Ruby alone, and they had a wonderful time.” 

Sherri pressed her temples, feeling the pounding headache intensify. Could things get any worse? The entire online world praised that man, and Juana irresponsibly thrust Ruby into the spotlight. She berated herself for not leaving Ruby with Natalie the first time Juana introduced her to Joy

It was a hasty decision

Without a doubt, Hackett knew the truth. Why else would he willingly involve himself in caring for Ruby? It was evident that he was aware of their connection

Sherri let out a weary sigh, her voice tinged with frustration. Alright. Mom, I have to go. I still have work to do.” 

Juana was left bewildered by the abrupt end of the call, shaking her head at her phone’s blank screen. Sherri’s constant distractions and restless demeanor perplexed her

After hanging up, Sherri didn’t reach out to Natalie. Instead, fueled by anger, she removed Hackett from her neglected. blocklist. She dialed his number with fiery determination, hoping for a response. But the phone continued to ring unanswered, intensifying her frustration to the point where she contemplated hurling her phone across the room

At that moment, Sherri had only one thought in her mind. Just pick up, damn it

Despite making multiple attempts, each call went unanswered. Evidently, he was sound asleep, leading Sherri to retrieve her blocked contacts on WhatsApp and launch a barrage of voice messages, one after another

Meanwhile, Hackett lay undisturbed in a deep slumber, oblivious to the constant ringing of his phone. Eventually, the persistent stream of voice messages roused him from his sleep. Annoyed and disoriented, he fumbled for his phone under his pillow and checked the caller ID. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Wasn’t this the woman who had recently blocked him

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he answered the call in a casual yet groggy tone, his voice carrying a trace of sleepiness. Are you calling to express gratitude for the flowers I sent you this morning?” 

Sherri’s gaze fell upon the fresh bouquet in the corner, fueling her anger. She marched over and delivered two swift kicks to the flowers, her frustration boiling. Hackett, you better remove that trending topic immediately!” 

Hackett, caught off guard by her outburst, responded with confusion, What trending topic are you referring to?” 

Sherri was convinced he was feigning ignorance, deliberately provoking her to seek his attention. Don’t play dumb with me! You know exactly what I’m referring to! Did you have to exploit Ruby in the public eye? Our matters should be dealt with privately, without involving an innocent child.” 

Hackett awakened early in the morning and, now facing her wrath, felt a surge of bewilderment and frustration. His thoughts became muddled as he retaliated, Sherri, I haven’t even had the chance to settle the score with you. How dare you take Ruby and flee to another country? How am I supposed to resolve this matter?” 

Sherri was taken aback, realizing that Hackett indeed knew the truth Without a doubt, he was responsible for this whole situation. Hackett, you’re completely out of your mind! That is my daughter, not yours!” 

Hackett fired back, his tone filled with anger. Without my contribution, you couldn’t have created such a remarkable child. What are you even thinking?” 

Sherri, overwhelmed with anger, abruptly ended the call. Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. She felt a sense of panic, unsure of what to do next. Would Hackett fight for custody of their child? Should she prepare for a legal battle


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