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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 

As noon approached. Sherri descended the stairs in her loose pajamas, rubbing her tired eyes. Surprisingly, she spotted Natalie waiting downstairs and wondered if she was hallucinating 

Quickening her pare, she bounced over to join Natalie’s side “When did you get here? Why didn’t you wake me up?” Meanwhile, Juana went to the kitchen for Ruby’s meals. Natalie had already heard the rough details of Sherri’s scolding in the morning from Ruby Though Ruby’s storytelling skills were not the clearest, Natalie managed to grasp the gist of it 

With a smile, she playfully remarked. “Didn’t want to disrupt your beauty sleep, did 11⁄2” 

Quickly catching on to Natalie’s teasing. Sherri fired back. “Ah. you’re savoring every bit of this, aren’t you? Sister, I barely made it out alive this morning It felt like a never-ending marathon race” 

Natalie grinned, a mixture of amusement and envy evident on her face 

After their early departure from the Landor family’s residence, she returned to Evergreen Gardens with Jasper. Perhaps due to her intense fever from the previous night, she appeared a bit weary after a long day. 

By the time they arrived at Evergreen Gardens, it was already 7:00 PM. She tended to the usual evening routines of bathing her son and soothing him to sleep and before she knew it, it was nearly 8:00 PM Time seemed to slip away unnoticed. 

She was taking a moment to admire Jasper’s peaceful slumber, and a faint glow of contentment washed over her. If Trevon ever reconsidered and attempted to challenge her for custody of Jasper, she would fight him fiercely with every ounce of her being 

However, her tranquility was abruptly interrupted by an ill-timed phone call Glancing at the caller ID. she recognized it to be Harry scall. Opting to ignore she dismissively declined the call, convinced he had nothing to discuss. But to her 

ion, the relentless ringing perusted 

Her mood soured, and due donned her i 

“ith a gentle push, she opened the balcony door and closed it behind her 

dy answered the call. “What’s the matter? No pleasantries were exchanged, nger across the w teen she relucta 

be bothered even to utter Harry’s name 

Harry’s voice on the other end seethed with anger, has volume rising. You come back and don’t bother to give me a heads up” The implication behind ! ords made Natalie feel she needed has permi on to return 

She let out a mocking laugh, unable cleared up. How big is your ego the establish dominance engage in 

to contain her amusement “Mr. Foster, its been two years, and your mind still hasn’t I have to inform you? Do you think you can dictate my actions? If you desire to 

aling mani with a tiger at the zoo” 

Engaging in conversation with such a per voi him. There was no point in t ng further It 

utterly frunless. At this moment, she regretted not immediately blocking umply a waste of her time and energy 

Harry stone softened slightly on the other end, no longer engaging point, saying. Transfer one mullion dollars to me 

outing match with Natalie. He got straight to the 

Hearing his demand, Natalie burst into laughter, her voice filled with frustration She wished she could perform a cramotomy on him right then and there “Mr. Foster are you sure you dialed the right number! I am Natalie, not your beloved Emily Instead of seeking out your flesh and blood daughter, you come to me, your abandoned child” 

Harry had caught wind of the news a few days back hearing about Natalie’s return and her residence at Evergreen Gardens. He was well aware that the houses had a hefty price tag and believed that Natalie had struck it rich With his recent string of bad luck and mounting losses in gambling he saw an opportunity to ask her for some money. After all, what was one mulhon dollars to someone who could afford such a lavish property? 

However, now that an unknown entity had taken over his company, he held only a meager ten percent stake. If he couldn’t secure the funds and settle lus gambling debts, he feared losing even that tiny percentage, leaving him utterly destitute. 

Upon sensing Natalie’s reluctance to comply with his request. Harry’s voice grew louder, abandoning the previous softness veneer “Natalie, handing over the money would be in your best interest. I know you have a daughter and a son If you care about their well-being you better figure out a way 

But Natalie drew the line at her children. While Harry could try to intimidate her, using her children as pawns only fueled her anger Giving hun money was out of the question. 

She refused to show an ounce of fear in front of Harry. “Well, let’s see who meets their demise first. My bet is on you, as you’re the one playing a dangerous game.” 

The words barely escaped Natalie’s lips before she abruptly ended the call. A tinge of frustration lingered, but pretending not to worry would be disingenuous. After all, Harry was the kind of person capable of anything Just to be safe, she decided to send a message to Sherri. “Sherri, please tell Juana not to take Ruby out lately Harry asked me for a sum of money, but 1 refused. I fear he might lose control and exploit the children.” 

Upon receiving the message, Sherri angrily exploded and swiftly replied, “la he insane? He won’t spare even the children- How much money did he demand from you?” 

Natalie responded. “One million dollars. He discovered my whereabouts and assumed I could afford such an expensive house” 

Sherri’s reply came swiftly. “Don’t give him a cent. He’s an endless pit. Once you give in, there will be no end to his demands. Rest assured. I’ll make sure Juana keeps a close eye on Ruby” 

Natalie replied. “Alright, sorry for dragging you into this mess agam” 

Sherri shot back an annoyed expression with a caption that read, “Can’t we have a pleasant chat anymore! Are you intent on sabotaging our friendship?” 

Natalie responded with a surrendering emoji, followed by an “Im sorry emoji, finally appeasing Sherri. 

As she turned to retreat to her room, she caught sight of a familiar silhouette on the neighboring balcony. Dressed in a deep blur pajamas, casually leaning against the railing, putting on a cigarette, the wispy smoke blurred their distinct features. However, the balcony lights illuminated the scene, forcing her to acknowledge that it was Trevon. 

Since when did he move in next door’ She had been entirely unaware, which explained the several encounters in the neighborhood and his playtime with Jasper today 

Trevon lingered on the balcony throughout the evening, keenly observing her every move. His gaze momentarily grew colder, but when their eyes met, he gave a subtle nod, maintaining his trademark aloofness. It seemed Natalie had let her 


Natalie needed to be more knowledgeable about Trevon’s intentions, but considering the Wilson Group’s extensive property holdings in every neighborhood, it wasn’t entirely surprising or unfathomable Without nodding or acknowledging him, she pushed open the balcony door and retreated into her room. 

As he watched her retreating form, her unce gentle countenance turned somber instantly. Stepping into the room, he reached for a cigarette, lighting at while unlocking his phone’s screen. Determined, he dialed Jim’s number and commanded. Find out Harry’s recent whereabouts” 

On the other end of the line. Jim promptly responded, “Understood. Mr. Wilson. I’ve heard rumors of Harry’s gambling addiction Ell dig deeper to gather more information” 


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