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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 204


Chapter 204 

Jasper and Ruby were brought to their rooms by Emma. Emma had always had the habit of taking an afternoon nap. She also understood that the girls had not seen each other in a long time and needed to have deep conversations. 

So, she took the two children away Joseph carried Jasper and began to coax him to sleep. Emma carried Ruby, while Daniel went to the study of the presidential suite to work. 

A rich person’s money didn’t fall from the sky. The public only saw their glorious sides, but they actually worked very hard in private. 

In the room, Ava followed Natalie like a shadow. She remembered what Natalie had told her at the dining table. “Natalie, tell me which company’s firewall is more powerful.” 

Sherri was half-lying on the sofa. She watched the changes on her best friend’s face with a faint smile. She looked like she was watching a good show. 

She wanted to see who Natalie would betray first. Would it be the Wilson Group, the Blackwell Group, or the Roberts. Group? Anyway, it definitely wouldn’t be the Landor Group. 

Natalie was at her wit’s end when it came to her little sister who was obsessed with computers. She tried to distract Ava by putting her arm around the little girl’s shoulders and leading her to the bed. “Ava, Athana is different from Sapphire City. If it’s Sapphire City, you guys hack the computers of other companies to show who is a better hacker, but it’s illegal in Athana.” Ava pouted doubtfully Was it really so different from Sapphire Caty? Computer experts in Sapphire City all had hacking competitions, such as seeing who could take down a company’s system in the shortest time. 

Her cheeks puffed up, and her frown seemed to reach the ground. It was obvious that she was disappointed. Natalie really couldn’t stand this girl. She still preferred the lively Ava. Natalie coughed dryly and made a face. “How about we attack an individual instead of a company” 

When she said this. Ava’s small eyes instantly lit up. Her eyes were as bright as the sea of stars. ‘Of course! This is much more interesting than attacking the company Natalie, tell me quickly,” 

Natalie had a hard time deciding, so she negotiated with Ava. “You can’t delete the information on someone’s computer.” 

Ava was originally pushing against Natalie and giving her puppy eyes. Now, she sat up properly and promised repeatedly, “Natalie, don’t worry I never do that I’m just going to visit their computer, leave a mark and leave.” 

Natalie was surprised Shouldn’t this thing be kept a secret? Why did she leave evidence behind “Wouldn’t you be exposed if you leave evidence behind” she asked. 

Natalie wasn’t familiar with programming and she was confused. This was actually a challenge between Ava and the computer expert on the other side. It was like a provocation. If the other party could find her, she would be even more exciteil 

Ava explained, “I’m actually doing this for their own good. It’s also to let them know that their computer defense is very 


It seemed to make sense, but it also felt wrong. 

This was like someone secretly taking your things and deliberately leaving their name behind. The action seemed to say, *Come and get me if you can 

She was more or less showing off and being cocky. 

Natalie battled herself internally. After a moment of silence, Ava fluttered her lashes and looked at her expectantly. 

Seeing this, Natalie felt even more conflicted. However, he could not bear to reject this competitive sister of hers. Just as she was about to speak, Sherri said lazily, “Ava, I’m telling you, it’s going to be tomorrow morning by the time Natalie tells you a name.” 

Upon hearing this, Ava quickly shifted her gaze from Natalie’s face to Sherri’s face. She also shook her arm excitedly. “Then, my dear Sherri, tell me quickly. I’m so anxious. I’ve been too bored recently.” 

Ava was now focused on finding a new opponent to compete with 

Natalie also wanted to know who Sherri was talking about. The next second, Sherri said, “Lithern Club.” 

Natalie looked at Sherri in shock. She asked with her eyes, “Is this okay?” Mr. Roberts didn’t seem to have offended any of them before. 

Sherri interpreted her best friend’s worry from her eyes and replied with an expression that said, ‘Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing” 

Natalie didn’t say anything out loud, but inside, she thought, “You know what you’re doing, but Ava might not.” 

Ava felt that this name was quite pretty. She repeated in a few times. “What is this place? Is it a company or a neighbort 


Unexpectedly, Ava stood up the next second and jumped a few times on the bed. Her excitement had already been transmitted from the bed to the two people sitting by the bed. They bounced in the air with Ava 

Natalie sighed silently in her heart “Mr Roberts, Im sorry, she thought 

After bouncing around for a while. Ava pumped out of bed barefoot and went to get her beloved computer. Then, Sherri and Natalie sat on both sides and looked at Ava’s computer seriously 

She quickly typed a series of codes on the computer. To the two medical students, this was like some mythological scripture. They could not understand a single thing. They could see that the words on the screen were made up of the alphabet, but they couldn’t understand them 

Despite their confusion, the two of them still sat quietly at the side and watched the little girl operate without saying a word. In just two minutes, Ava’s pure little face smiled. She couldn’t hade her excitement. “Natalie, what time are they opening for business?” 

Natalie really didn’t know the exact opening time of the bar, but it seemed that 10:30 was the beginning of the night life for young people in Athana. 

Sherri seemed to have guessed Ava’s thoughts. “About 10 o’clock. The later it is, the more people there will be. This is Athana’s largest night scene 

Ava had been to the bar before, but every time she went out, she would be followed by many bodyguards in disguise. She was not very brave and she was happy to have the people that Joseph arranged for her to follow her 

The three of them stopped discussing the Lathern Club after that Instead they listened to Ava talk about what had happened to Sapphire City recently and interesting things from her university. 

As the thare of them were chatting the doorbell rang Ava jumped out of bed to open the door “Joseph” 

It was indeed Joseph outside the door. He had already showered and changed his clothes He looked at has barefoot sister and could not help but reprimand “Put on your shors Aren’t you afraid of catching a cold 

Ava tilted her head and smiled. “There’s ground heating. It’s not cold at all” She even stepped on the ground show it was trally 

times to 

Joseph patted her head. He didn’t enter the room, because even though he was close to them all, it was impolite to enter the 

He stood outude the door and called 

Natalie was already. 

shoes when Joseph called her. No she was 

door Joseph, what’s wrot 

Joseph sand gently. Tm going out for a while. You don’t have to wait for me for dinner. Also, your uncle said to let Jasper and Ruby sleep with them tonight. You girl do whatever you Don’t worry about them” 

Natalie knew that Emma and Daniel missed the two children After all, they had been helping to take care of the children since they were born. It was inevitable that they would want to stick together, so Natalie decided not to disturb them. “Alright, what about dinner What do they want to eat?” 

“Your uncle said that you don’t have to eat dinner with them” Joseph said, revealing Daniel i thoughts. 

Natalie was surprised. “Hub” Why” 

“It’s probably because they haven’t seen the two kids for so long.” Joseph guessed. They’re afraid that the kids will want to sleep with you instead of them. That’s why they don’t want to eat with you” 

So in order to sleep with the two kids, Emma and Daniel wanted to isolate Jasper and Ruby from Natalie? 

She laughed at that Her aunt and uncle really put in so much effort and their calculations were really obvious, haha 

“Got it. Then we won’t disturb them” Natalie said. “Tll instruct the hotel to send them dinner * 

“They’ve already ordered” Joseph said. “You guys can continue playing I’m leaving now. Oh, Ava” 

Ava, who was called, unmediately stood up straight. “Here” 

Joseph pinched his sister’s face and instructed, “Don’t randomly attack other people’s computers. This is Athana, not Sapphire City, understand?” 

Ava looked away guiltily after being exposed Afraid that she would be seen through, she closed her eyes and nodded. “I know, I know, I know,” she kept repeating. 

Joseph gave a few more instructions before leaving Ethan followed closely behind. 

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The manager found a lamp and placed it on the coffee table. He bent down and lowered his head. “Boss, I’ve checked the circuit and the network. They’re all normal. We can’t find any reason. The customers downstairs are already in a mess 

The manager was also extremely anxious. If it weren’t for the fact that he really couldn’t think of a solution, he definitely wouldn’t have come to look for Mr Roberts. 

Jun drank while listening to the howls. Coupled with the black and white lights, it was indeed a little scary. 

He shivered and quickly took a sip of hot water to warm himself up. 

The manager’s words overturned Hackett’s imagination. “Fuck, you didn’t do this on purpose?” he cried. “Did you get 


Frank automatically blocked out Hackett’s nonsense. He wasn’t bored enough to ruin his own business for fun. 

Trevon put out the cigarette that he had only taken two pulls of He tossed a piece of lemon-flavored gum into his mouth and chewed slowly. “Looks like you’ve met a strong opponent,” he said calmly. 


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