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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

At the same time. Jim drove back to Phoenix Manor, his mind filled with unanswered questions. When the car stopped. steadily, he wanted to remind Trevon, only to find that Trevon had fallen asleep in the back seat. From the rearview mirror. Jim could see Trevon’s black-ringed eves Coupled with the wound on his hand. Trevon looked a little pitiful. 

He looked like an injured kitten, and Jim could not help but feel pity for him. 

Facing the pititul Trevon, Jim couldn’t bear to disturb him. He thought, “Mr. Trevon must be tired. He rarely fell asleep in 

the car 

“He probably didn’t sleep last night. According to the surveillance footage, he had been in Mr. Max’s room for a long time. Just let him rest for a while 

At the thought of that. Jim decided to look through the posts on WhatsApp. 

Just as he took out his phone, something suddenly struck his mind. He said to himself. “Mr. Trevon did not look pitiful like now often I have to take a photo and leave a memento” Jim quietly turned around and carefully adjusted the camera to aim 


After taking a photo of Trevon, Jim was envious and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. “Mr. Trevon is indeed born to be handsome. The photo doesn’t need to be processed at all.” 

Then, he began to flip through the posts seriously. 

As soon as Jim clicked on the page, he saw Hackett’s update post. 

He was surprised, thinking, “What? Did Mr. Blackwell abandon Mr. Wilson and befriend Mrs. Wilson alone?” 

Jim enlarged every photo Hackett had posted and saved all the photos where there was Natalie. 

About half an hour later. Trevon in the backseat slowly woke up. He was sleepy, and his tone was filled with fatigue. He narrowed his eyes and asked Jim in the driver’s seat. “Why didn’t you wake me up when we arrived?” 

Jim put away his phone and turned his head. “I saw that you were asleep, so I didn’t disturb you” 

Trevon was sleeping with his head tilted, and his neck was a little sore. He massaged his neck with his left hand and tried his best to open his eyes. He said to Jim. “You can get off work now” 

As he finished his words, he was about to open the door and get out of the car. However, Jim hurriedly stopped him. “Mr. 


Trevon’s left hand had opened the car door. When he heard Jim’s voice, he stopped his left foot which was about to step out. “Anything else?” 

Jim told Trevon truthfully what he had just seen. “Mr. Blackwell went to the amusement park with Mrs Wilson and the others today. They’re having a lot of fun 

Hearing that. Trevon did not react at all. 

Jim could not figure out what Trevon was thinking. Seeing that Trevon did not say a word, Jim sent all the photos he had just 

saved to Trevon 

In just a few seconds, the photo was sent to Trevon’s phone. He frowned as he looked at the smug Hackett and then at the happy Natalie in the photo. He felt a little upset as he looked down at his bandaged arm. 

He said in a deep voice, “You can go back now. I’ll pay you 200 dollars for each photo.” 

Jim was overjoyed. He thought. “Am I going to be rich? I can make money just by saving Mrs. Wilson’s photos?” Although he had earned 1.200 dollars in one go. Jim was still a little resentful of Hackett. He complained inwardly. “Why didn’t Mr. Blackwell post more photos of Mrs. Wilson! Even her back is okay. Each photo is worth 200 dollars! What a pity 

that I can’t earn more! 

“I have to pay attention to others’ posts and save Mrs. Wilson’s photos in the future. Mrs. Wilson will bring me good luck.” When Trevon returned to the villa, the first thing he did was check Hackett’s posts. He stared at each photo for a while and then sent a message to Hackett in the cluatting group. Have a competition with me tonight | 

At that moment, Hackett was accompanying his daughter and girlfriend in the amusement park. The phone in his pocket kept ringing He picked it up without looking at the caller ID. 

“Did you get my permission to take my sister out?” 

It was a call from Edward. 

Hackett wanted to say, “I didn’t take your sister out. I just followed her out.” 

He smiled and said ingratiatingly, “Edward, you actually called me today. Is there any good news?” 

Sherri touched Hackett’s arm and mouthed, “My brother? 


Hackett nodded while holding his phone. 

Edward did not waste his breath and had no intention of arguing with Hackett. He said straightforwardly. “I’ll be back in a few days. Fight with me when the time comes.” 

Hackett still wanted to say more, but the phone had been mercilessly hung up. Edward did not give him a chance to refuse. 

Sherri was anxious. “What did my brother say? How did he know that I was with you? Did you do anything to expose yourself?” 

Hackett regretted that he did not block Edward on WhatsApp. “I just posted several photos. I want to share my happiness at the moment.” 

Sherri was speechless and cursed inwardly. “Are you courting death? Are you afraid that no one will beat you up? If my brother wasn’t annoyed by your post, it would have been strange!” 

Hackett was about to open his WhatsApp to block Edward when Trevon’s challenge popped up. 

He thought. I only posted several photos. And I should not have offended anyone. 

“But why do they want to beat me up? Are they crazy? They hated me that much?” 

Just as Hackett was thinking about it, another message could be seen in the chat group. [I’ll join.] 

It was Frank 

Hackett gave up suppressing his emotions and replied indignantly, [What has it got to do with you? Why are you joining in all the fun? Are you fucking crazy?] 

Frank texted, [Don’t you know that the more the merrier? It doesn’t matter even if I’m there.] 

Hackett typed with annoyance. [Get lost! I don’t want to talk to you!] He felt that he was about to die from anger. 

Frank replied, [But I want to talk to you, my best friend. 

Hackett didn’t want to reply anymore, still sulking. 

His good mood from the morning was completely ruined by the three jealous men who proposed to challenge him. He had to think of a way to get rid of the three challenges. Hackett turned around and asked Sherri who was gloating at his misfortune, “What does Ava like?” 

Sherri was dumbfounded. “What do you mean? Make it clearer.” 

“What are you guys talking about? Are you showing off your love again? Be more low-key, or others will be jealous of you.” 

Natalie teased with a smile. 

Hackett hurriedly asked, “Natalie, what are you going to do tomorrow? Can I join you?” 

Natalie could not help but laugh. She looked at Sherri and said, “You have to ask for Sherri’s opinions. I will have no objections if she agrees. Tomorrow, we plan to have a barbecue. Do you know any suitable places for it?” 

It was a good chance to bury the hatchet. Hackett thought for a moment and said, “Since that’s the case, I’ll book a satisfying place for you. Can I call a few friends over? The more the merrier.” 

Natalie certainly knew who Hackett was going to invite. Joseph would also be there tomorrow, and Natalie was not sure if Joseph and the others would be willing to see Hackett and his friends. While she was hesitating. Ava made a generous decision. “Sure. Hackett, how many of your friends will come tomorrow?” 

Hackett went with the flow. “Miss Ava, you agree? Then I’ll call a few more people over tomorrow” 


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