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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 234

Chapter 234 

It was about noon. 

Sherry and Ava still showed no signs of getting up Natalie had already prepared her luggage 

Trevon watched as she was busy in the room He 

nod mood. So, this the feeling of having a home. Now, he hard the woman he loved and a kid. He pressed his hand on the bed to support his body and said with a smile, “Maybe you should 

unge Sherri 

At this moment, the room was very harmonious. The warm sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows and reflected into the room, addin 

Trevon felt waTTT À 

Life was peaceful. He 

leisure day! 

ould stay by her side forever 

After more than ten minutes, she finally brought everything she needed. Natalie sat quietly on the recliner and read a book Trevon watched her every move tirelessly Jasper sat on the plush carpet and flipped through the paintings 

The family of three had their own the 

odo, but Trevon kept disturbing Natalie. 

Seeing that she didn’t say anything, he teased. “Afraid of interrupting them?” 

In the end, Natalie stopped reading and glared at him “Do you thank everyone is like you? You think about sex all day? 

He simply shifted his hips and moved to the side of the bed Leaning against the of the bed, he placed one hand on the back of his head and looked at her steadily “That’s what I should think Do you think Hackett is better than me! It’s normal for me to be like this when faced with the woman I like You can ask Sherr later when she wakes up if she only chatted with Hackett yesterday”: 

Natalie didn’t need to ask. She knew that it was impossible. Even if Hackett agreed to chat only. Sherri wouldn’t agree 

Natalie had been the best friend of Sherri for years. How could Natalie not understand Sherri’ 

Trevon leaned against the headboard and laughed out loud. “Look, even you don’t believe that This is a normal way for a couple to commu cate with each other Only by doing this will we become closer 

“Shut up Just stop talking about sex” 

As she spoke, Trevon’s phone rang on the bed. When he saw the caller ID, he picked up the phone and waved his phone at her Frank I’ll take this call” 

“Yes” She nodded. Although they were a coupe, they should have their own spaces. Just like now When Frank and Trevon had something to talk about, Natalie wouldn’t ask Trevon to report everything to her 

Trevon left the room and packed up the phone. He stood in the corridor and gently closed the door “Speak” 

On the other end, Frank had lost his patience. “Is there anything wrong with your Why don’t you answer my call? 

How mean he was! Trevon ignored Frank’s mockery. “What did you find?” 

Frank got interested. “I did find out something. Your ex-wife’s stepmother has connections overseas. They’ve always been in contact with each other. They’ve transferred a lot of money over there over the years and buy a batch of perfume every few days. That guy is a perfume expert” 

Trevon did not like Frank keeping her in suspense. “Get to the point. Cut the crap 

It was rare for Frank to be so talkative, but he was stopped. “Damn it! I’m afraid that you can’t understand That perfume is used to confuse others. Not only did your ex-wife’s stepmother buy it, but Hackett’s cousin also bought it years ago 

Frank steered and said, “Did Mia use it on you?” 

It was understandable that Elena bought this. As a mistress, she wanted to stabilize her status. What about Mia’ ‘Do you know why she bought that?” 

“She really didn’t use it on you?” 

After waiting for a long time, there was no reply from Trevon Trevon remained silent. 

Without getting a reply from Trevon, Frank consciously continued to say the rest. “Every time she receives the perfume, she will immediately go to the Blackwell’s place.” 

Trevon was a little suspicious. “The Mackwell’s residence! Her target is Henry?” 

Frank smiled playfully. “I thought you became stupid after falling in love. Looks like you didn’t. She isn’t that capable. Why should Henry help beg you to protect her before he died? Three times! Theo begged you to save her.” 

Trevon mocked himself. He didn’t notice anything wrong, but he felt unworthy for Henry “Did it have some side effects?” Frank replied in a low voice, “Yes. Your ex-wife’s stepmother used perfume. Mia used aromatherapy Ordinary people can’t 

see or smell it They will only feel very comfortable Using it for a long time will shorten people’s lifespan. In the end, they 

will have dementia.” 

Upon hearing thus, Devon felt his heart skip a heat. This was a slow-acting murder Who would have thought that Mia would use such a method to bewitch Henry for her own sake? “I won’t tell Hackett about this for the time being in case he goes crazy’ 

Hackett and his parents were dissatished when Henry took Mia as his god-granddaughter. And he was forced to help the Sullivan family. It turned out that Mia was a murderer. 

If that was really the case, then it could be explained why Henry did not remember Hackett and his parents in the end. At that time, the doctor of the Blackwell family diagnosed Henry as dementia. A moment before Henry died, he became conscious and begged to protect Mia. 

Joy helped someone with bad intentions. She indirectly harmed Henry 

Mia grew up in a single-parent family Joy was kind-hearted and helped her in all aspects. When Michael was busy, Joy offered to help Mia. Joy took Mia over to take care of her Joy did not expect such an outcome. 

The best way to deal with someone like Mia was an eye for an eye. 

Of course, Frank knew the severity of the matter Although Hackett was usually happy, he was not easy to deal with when he was crazy. “I’m better at keeping a secret than you” 

Trevon said. “Have you investigated the foreign doctor?” 

Frank said. “The documents are in my office. I don’t want to be interviewed. Come and take a look yourself when you’re free. It seems like you’re not in a hurry. I’ll lock the safe and come and take a look when you’re not crazy in love” 

These words inexplicably made Trevon think of Ava. He smiled and teased, “Don’t treat Ava like this, okay? A young girl like her can’t take your mean words. If you don’t want to stay single for the rest of your life, restrain yourself” 

After he said this, Frank cut the call directly. As soon as the call ended, Trevor’s eyes turned cold and deep. 

At this moment, the door opened. The moment Natalie opened the door, a smile immediately appeared on his face. “What took you so long? Is something the matter with the company? If you have something to do, you can return to the e company. first. You don’t have to accompany me every day” 

He put his phone in his pocket nonchalantly and reached out to hold the back of her head. “Do you think I can go back to the company now? I can’t sign any documents at this moment. I’m not left-handed. My father is in the company. Don’t worry. Forget it. Let’s inform them ourselves. Send Sherri a message” 

“Alright, I’ll send it now. Have you told Frank? Is he going?” 

Trevon pushed Natalie through the door and closed the door behind him. He knew why she asked that question. “Yes” 

He kept using Frank’s power and resources, so he had to use the money to comfort Frank. Otherwise, what if Frank stopped 


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